Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:52 AM

Chapter 476: Huo Xinzhi of the Huo Family

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Chapter 476

Su Chen chuckled softly when he heard the words: "You really don't give up if you like to see Mr., the conditions you can drive are better than the conditions he used to drive?"

Rika knew that the conditions set by the chairman when he chatted with Su Chen at the mecha exchange meeting were already full of sincerity.

With his own rights, he had no conditions at all, and promised Su Chen more.


"Mr. Su Chen, I really don't have the power of the chairman. I came to you this time, on the one hand because of the tasks issued by the chairman, on the other hand, it was also my own wishes."

"From the first time I saw you, I admired you very much. At the auction, you played Lucas round and round. For what you want, you are decisive. If we don’t meet as opponents, I Think, I should become good friends with Mr. Su."

Rika looked at Su Chen sincerely, and gently rubbed the glass with her fingers.

She is not a woman who is good at lyricism, and what she said to Su Chen is sincere from the heart.

Rika felt that her words should be able to move Su Chen, and she felt that there was a kind of sympathy between the strong.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Rika in front of him playfully.

Rika was slightly shy when he saw him, and took a sip and said: "Mr. Su Chen, the scenes where the two of us met before were not ideal, but I never regarded you as my opponent in my heart, on the contrary. Yes, I admire you very much. Your talent in mecha is unmatched, but what impresses me more is your ability."

"Whether it’s Lucas’s game or your performance at the summit, I am impressed. A hero like you should have a more brilliant future. The background of the Dragon Kingdom is really good. The Long Science Academy is also very friendly to Mr. It is important, but pushing T Group is a capital operation after all. If Mr. Su is willing to push T Group, he will definitely get more, glory, wealth, or even the highest rights. Only we can do these things!"

"Heh! You really know T Group, but unfortunately, you still don't know much about me! I am not interested in the things you said at all. What Su Chen wants to get can be easily done with my own hands. If you get it, it's not your turn to push T Group." Su Chen said confidently.

Rika felt that such Su Chen was too dazzling.

Rika feels very proud and grateful in her heart that the chairman can entrust such an important task to her.

To have an honest reason and identity to approach Su Chen, and to confide all the love in her heart, she must firmly seize this opportunity!

"Mr. Su Chen, I know these conditions given by the T Group. You don't like it at all. I asked you to come out today. I originally didn't intend to use these conditions to impress you."

"The chairman entrusted this task to me. To be honest, I am very grateful, because when I saw Mr. Su Chen for the first time, I knew that you are the type I like and admire. With different positions, I can only look at you from a distance. If I can have this opportunity this time, I will say all the words in my heart. No matter whether it is successful or not, I feel it is worth it."

Su Chen chuckled softly when he heard these words: "This is Ike's trump card? You?"

The doubt in his words caused Rika's eyes to flicker involuntarily.

"Mr. Su Chen, this is the third time we have met. You may not know me well yet, I..."

"I didn't intend to get to know you." Su Chen said.

Rika licked her lips in embarrassment, "Mr. Su Chen, do you think I am inferior to Miss Yan Bingxue? I have also asked about Miss Yan Bingxue's deeds. She is indeed a rare woman who took over the Chaofan Group in her twenties. Strong man, but on this point, I don't think I'm worse than Miss Yan Bingxue!"

"I was in the Great Eagle Nation, and I became famous when I was young. I joined the Push T Group at the age of fifteen. Now I am considered a veteran. Although I am not good at mecha research, I have superb military strength. By the side of Master Su Chen, A person like me is needed, and Miss Yan Bingxue’s business skills will not be of great help to Master Su Chen in the future. Master Su Chen is destined to do research, and she will stand at the top of the world in the future. Looking up, at that time, a small extraordinary group was not worthy of your posture!"

Su Chen's eyes instantly cooled down when he heard this, turning his head to look at Rika, staring at her sharply, "Rika, where is your self-confidence, comparable to my wife?"

"Your so-called talent skills can only be replaced by a bodyguard. You don't even deserve to lift shoes for my wife!"

Su Chen got up and left indifferently.

Rika frowned, not knowing why his words touched Su Chen's mildew.

She was just clarifying her own point of view, could it be so important among Yan Bingxue in Su Chen's heart?

If so...

"Mr. Su Chen stay!"

Rika hurried to catch up, but Su Chen's footsteps did not stop for a while, she could only trot to follow, and said anxiously: "Mr. Su Chen, I didn't mean that, I just think of a good man like you. There shouldn’t be only one woman by your side, you need..."

Su Chen's footsteps stopped, and Rika's words got stuck in his throat.

Because the two of them had just come out of the bar, a group of fierce scarred men walked up in the corridor, one by one wearing black long-sleeved jackets with bulging sleeves, which was very contrary to the weather.

They obviously came at Su Chen, and after seeing Su Chen, their eyes were full of green light.

"You're Su Chen?" The leading man looks a little over one meter or ninety-eight meters tall. He is burly in shape and his face is full of flesh. There are two old scars, one diagonally across the corner of his eye, you can see from this scar. Come out of the danger at the time. UU Reading

At first glance, these two places are stab wounds. All of these people are practicing knives, and they are hidden in their sleeves. It is estimated that they are the long swords they are used to.

Su Chen did not see any fear, the other party frowned very dissatisfied, and said with a tilted mouth: "Su Chen, be acquainted, hand over the mecha data by yourself, otherwise you will have to suffer a bit when our brothers do something. Up!"

Su Chen sneered and ignored them. He was about to leave. The Scarlet Man reached out and blocked his way. "Did you not hear what I said? Hand it over! Otherwise today, you don't want to follow this one. Go out in the corridor!"

"Su Chen, I warn you, don't toast or eat fine wine! Brothers came today, all with knives!"

The man standing behind him brightened up the contents of his sleeves, and the sharp and clean knife edge reflected a terrifying light under the crystal lamp.

Su Chen looked at the hand that was blocking him, then looked back at Rika who was following him.

"Did she teach you to say that?"

(End of this chapter)

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