Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:49 AM

Chapter 478: Know your true olors

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Su Chen returned to the room, and when he lay in bed, Yan Bingxue woke up in a daze, hugging his waist softly and asked: "Husband, where did you go tonight?"

Su Chen hugged her, warmly said: "Go to see a scene."

"What's the show?" Yan Bingxue opened her sleepy eyes and looked at him.

Su Chen gently pressed a kiss on her eyelashes, "It's nothing, it's just a not-so-exciting scene, wife, go to sleep."

Yan Bingxue was slightly confused, but she trusted her husband very much.

"Okay, then you go to sleep, good night, husband~" She kissed Su Chen's mouth, closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Yuli brought her daughter and daughter to visit early in the morning. She brought dessert cakes. She went out and bought it specially, not the breakfast prepared by the hotel.

"Mrs. Su, didn't you bother you to rest, right?"

"This child woke up early in the morning. We went out to buy breakfast together. When we came back, she stood at the door of your room and couldn't leave. I had no choice but to knock on the door."

"We bought delicious cakes, did Tuan Tuan enjoy it? Can we let the three children eat together?"

Yan Bingxue let them in. The three children were sitting on a small table in the living room to eat dessert. Yuli was sitting on the sofa, looking at her daughter tenderly.

Yan Bingxue glanced twice before returning to the bedroom.

Su Chen was getting dressed, Yan Bingxue went over to help him arrange his collar, "Husband, why does this Yuli come to us every day?"

"Should you go out with us again later, right?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Don't you feel sorry for your daughter?"

"The nuns are pitiful, but I think when we meet together, Yuli's performance is too enthusiastic."

"Although it is difficult for children to meet good children who can play with Tuan Tuan Yue Le, but Yuli is an adult, no matter how you should understand, it is very inappropriate to come to us early in the morning."

Seeing her like this, Su Chen no longer hides his inner thoughts.

"Wife, you don't have to worry about these things, things are just what you think."

Yan Bingxue raised her head and looked at her husband in surprise.

She lowered her voice and said, "So, are Yuli and Nun Nun also someone Ike sent?"

"It's not Ike, it was sent by another mecha group, it should be from Luxi."

"Luxi? Bao S Group? Husband, how do you know?" Yan Bingxue asked curiously.

"The people Ike sent have already met with us. As for the last one, I also met last night. Since he has prepared a trump card, it is naturally impossible to find these two people to act. "

"As for Govey, I talked to him very clearly at the last summit. After the summit, there has been no news about them in the world. I must have listened to my words and seriously improved my technology. Govey It is clear that this kind of trick cannot move me."

"Other small groups, even if they want to flatter me, they cannot get past them and do anything to me."

Su Chen analyzed with his wife, but when he lowered his head, he saw Yan Bingxue, looking straight at him.

This look is different from what he thought.

"Husband, you just said that Aite sent the last trump card. You saw it last night? Why don't I know about this?"

"Is it the moment you left last night?"

Su Chenyuan didn't even think about hiding this from her. He didn't talk about it last night, just because she was too sleepy.

Now that it was said, Su Chen told Yan Bingxue what had happened last night.

"Wife, I stood by your side firmly last night, and didn't put that Rika in my eyes at all, so you don't have to be jealous."

Yan Bingxue's originally serious face suddenly became a little bit of a smile.

After finishing her husband’s clothes, she wrapped her hands around her husband’s neck and said with a smile, “I’m not jealous~”

"I believe my husband, Ike sent so many people before, which one is not a beauty? And when I was in the imperial capital, my husband didn't put them in his eyes at all~ There is a Rika, I naturally don't worry."

"Really? So my wife believes in me so?" Seeing Yan Bingxue so generous, Su Chen said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue nodded firmly, "Of course, and there is no point in being jealous. If my husband is so good, he will stand taller and farther, and there will be more women who can see you every time. If you are all jealous, won't you have to be jealous every day from now on?"

"I think, instead of being jealous here, I should try to make myself stronger, strong enough to stand next to my husband, so that all women understand that I am good enough for you~"

Su Chen heard Yan Bingxue's words and kissed her on the cheek.

"Then I look forward to seeing my wife become stronger and stronger!"

"Don't worry, husband, with a good example like you, I will definitely get better and better~ Our family will also get better and better!"


The knock on the door interrupted the conversation between the husband and wife. Yan Bingxue walked over to open the door and found Yuli standing at the door.

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, do you have any plans for play today? Yesterday, I was really happy to go out with you, but yesterday it was Mr. Su who chartered the boat, and I have been feeling bad in my heart. If you don’t have any other plans today , I want to invite you to go to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain together."

Yan Bingxue looked back at her husband and asked his opinion with her eyes.

Su Chen said: "Okay."

Seeing her husband’s attitude, Yan Bingxue turned her head and said to Yuli: “Let’s go together But since we are going to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, we may need to change clothes and we have to give our children. We prepare thicker clothes, you should also need to go back and prepare them?"

Yuli nodded and smiled: "Well, then I will take my daughter back to the room to change clothes. I have already rented the car for going out. Let's set off together later~"

After they returned to the next room, Yan Bingxue asked her husband while packing their things: "Husband, since you already know that they are from Luxi, why should we go to play with them?"

"Who said we are going to play with them? Our destination today is high mountain drifting." Su Chen said.

Yan Bingxue was puzzled, "Since you didn't plan to go with them, why didn't you refuse her when Yuli just said it?"

"Even if we refuse her, she will still go with us. This time our family will come out to play together. I was disturbed by those people a few days ago. Today I want to take you to have a good time."

Yan Bingxue suddenly realized, smiled at her husband and said: "Husband, you are too bad, then you trick them to the snow mountain, Yuli won't see us, so you can't be angry?"

"What does it matter to us? Wife, you should hurry up and get things ready, we should set off later!"


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