Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:42 AM

Chapter 483: Evening banquet

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Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The strongest dad: Signed 100 million at the start! The main text volume Chapter 483 The evening banquet was the Su family banquet on the second day.

The Xu family was ready early, with carefully selected gifts, and the whole family was dispatched.

While in the car, the old man from the Xu family said to everyone: "Tonight's banquet is very important. It is related to the relationship between our family and the Su family in the future. You will cheer me up later!"

"The first two times when our family met with Su Chen, we were not very happy. I guess the Su family would already have a grudge. Otherwise, our family would not even accept invitations for the children’s party that day. Nothing."

"And these days, I called the second master of the Su family. I originally wanted to come to visit him. He shied away for various reasons. Tonight is the only chance for us to see Su Chen. You give me all the money. With the spirit of twelve points, you must not make any more mistakes! Especially Ru Hui."

Suddenly, Xu Ruhui was named by her grandfather, pursing her lips and lowering her head, her face a little unsightly.

She didn't want to come to today's party. Grandpa insisted on coming. She was so embarrassed in front of Young Master Su Chen last time and was ignored by the other party. Now, what face does she have to see Young Master Su Chen?

Xu Yongsheng could not see that his daughter was so wronged. He frowned and said, "Dad, I think the Su family is really getting too much now! We Xu family is one of the three imperial capital families, right? We have not cooperated with the Su family for so many years. How can they treat us this way for a few of them?"

"There is also the matter of Ruhui. Our family Ruhui is also considered a famous lady in the imperial capital. She favors Su Chen. Even if Su Chen doesn't like Ruhui, she shouldn't be ignored like in the bidding meeting. , This makes Ru Huiduo lose face!"

"Enough! Do you know what it means to be prudent in words and deeds? I just asked you to be twelve points in spirit. You will drop me the chain now. If you have this attitude, you don't need to follow me to participate in today's event. The dinner is over, get me home and think about it!"

Xu Yongsheng closed his mouth immediately when he saw that the old man was angry.

The old man sighed and said: "The Su family's current strength should not be underestimated. With the cooperation project of the military region, their status in the imperial capital will only get higher and higher, so at this time our family must not be against the Su family!"

"How can it be that serious? Dad, even if his Su family is strong, then our Xu family is not weak. The Su family's project from the military area does not conflict with us. Our family is in the commodity business, and the previous business is followed. Even if their Su family soars into the sky, the position of our Xu family in the imperial capital is unshakable."

"Fuzzy! Do you think things are that simple? The Su family is doing business in the military area. There is really no conflict of interest with us, but this business circle is closely related. You offend the person who shouldn't offend, and then everyone will come to and You are right, the foundation that our Xu family has slowly accumulated over the years, must not be used as a bet. Water can carry and overturn the boat. We want to cling to the Su family, not because of what their family can bring us. The real benefit is that we have offended them, and we are fighting the whole world!"

"Okay, with your elm heads, it will probably take decades to figure out these things! Just listen to my instructions today, Ru Hui, don’t mess around tonight. , Honestly stay by my side, you also see that Xu Yuncong’s little guy is gone, that **** will be bad, so today I just let him stay at home, if you dare to mess around today, then you will be fine after you go back. Stay in the ancestral ancestral hall and reflect for two months before coming out!"

Xu Ruhui nodded softly when she heard the severe punishment from grandpa.

The Huo family is also preparing to attend today's dinner.

But their home has not set off yet, because there is still an important member who hasn't returned yet.

Everyone in the Huo family was red-faced today, and it was obviously a happy event.

"Grandpa, Big Brother really is coming back today, will he join us to the Su's dinner party?"

"Yes, your elder brother called me this morning, and I said that I would go to the Su family dinner tonight, and he specially asked us to wait for him!" Old Huo said happily.

Huo Xindao, the youngest grandson of the Huo family, said in surprise: "This is really weird. When did the eldest brother attend such a dinner? This time I heard that the Su family’s dinner actually greeted you specially, let us wait for him, eldest brother. Is it a sudden change of sex?"

"Boy, how can you say this to your eldest brother?"

"I'm telling the truth, grandpa, don't you know what kind of person your eldest brother is? These years, in order to avoid these social interactions in the business field, eldest brother has been hiding in the military area, especially in the past few years. The imperial capital is now, and there are only a handful of times going home. Whenever there are activities during the New Year holidays, he hides even more. Every time he says that he has to be busy, when has he participated in such a banquet? Brother Su also attaches great importance to the banquet at the Su family!"

When Father Huo heard this, his joyful face changed slightly.

"I'm afraid your eldest brother doesn't care about the dinner tonight..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the house was suddenly pushed open, and Huo Xinzhi, a burly figure, was standing at the door in a fleece suit.

"Everyone hasn't left yet? It seems that I am coming back at the right time!" Huo Xinzhi is not only a burly figure, but also has a very strong voice, making people know that he is a practicing family.

"Brother, you are back!"

" Your child hasn't been home for more than three months? I don't usually know to come home and have a look. Grandparents are now old, and I usually want to see you children. ."

Huo Xinzhi was surrounded by the crowd, and he didn't rush to greet him. He just said: "Grandpa, I think everyone is ready, so why don't you go to the Su family dinner now? Don't delay your time!"

"You kid, you just entered the house and didn't even take a sip of the water, so you were anxious to attend today's dinner. Are you going home to see us, or are you coming back specifically for the Su's dinner?" Old man Huo didn't. Said angrily.

Huo Xinzhi said directly: "I came back naturally for the Su family dinner. If I come back to visit my grandparents and the people at home, when can I come back?"

"You!" Old man Huo shook his head as he listened, "You stinky boy, this mouth is really unrelenting. Fortunately, your brother is taking care of business matters. This is changing you. You can't offend everyone by opening your mouth!"

"Grandpa, don't scold your eldest brother. Although eldest brother doesn't say these polite remarks, he is now the pride of our family and has a high status in the military area!" The strongest dad: Signed 100 million at the start! most

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