Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:35 AM

Chapter 488: Today an be a feast for the eyes

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He stared at Su Chen on the opposite side from time to time. After seeing Su Chen put down his bowl and chopsticks, Huo Xinzhi immediately said, "Master Su Chen, since you have finished eating, let's start now!"

Su Chen said with a chuckle: "Master Huo Family, you are too impatient. You have just had dinner and it is not suitable for strenuous exercise."

"And you see, the other guests are still eating dinner. Why don't we take a break. I ask the people to prepare for the ring now. After the dinner is over, we can start."

Huo Xinzhi frowned slightly, "Master Su Chen, I'm a rough person, so I'll just say it if I have something to say. I just want to fight with you. It's not a troublesome thing at first. Why do you keep pushing back and forth? Shouldn't you? I dare not!"

When the old man Huo heard this, the cold sweat on his forehead ran down, and he didn't care about his identity and quickly grabbed his grandson.

While looking at Su Chen apologetically, he said, “Master Su, I’m so embarrassed. This stinky boy in my family is a martial idiot. Don’t think he looks like a dog, but his EQ is low and he can’t speak. , Don’t take the two sentences he said just now. This kid doesn’t mean anything else. He just heard that you have good skills, so I think I have found a suitable opponent, so I want to compete with you. . He is impatient, don't be familiar with him."

Su Chen smiled and shook his head, "It's okay."

He is still very accurate in looking at people. This Huo Xinzhi is just like what Elder Huo said, he is a straight-hearted, not very high EQ. Although the words are a little ugly, they don’t seem to be provocative, so I want to have a good deal with him. Than a game.

The person next to    listened to the conversation between the two, and they immediately made a comparison.

"It seems that Mr. Huo's decision is quite correct. The elder of the Huo family can only develop well in the military area. If this is in the business circle of the imperial capital, it would be too easy to offend people with a mouth."

"Comparing these two people, Master Su Chen looks too good, he is really good in everything, although he is young, he also knows everything about doing things in such an occasion."

"Master Su Chen is worthy of the eldest grandson of the Su family. Although he has just returned to the old house, he doesn’t show any timidity on such a big occasion. The arrangements for these people are properly arranged. I think the Su family will stay in the future. Under the leadership of Young Master Su Chen, he will definitely get to the next level!"


When everyone has finished eating and the ring behind has been set up, Erye Su talked about the competition and invited everyone to watch it together.

So a group of people arrived at the martial arts gym at the back, Su Chen and Huo Xinzhi went backstage to get ready to change their clothes.

Those relatives of Su's family have become popular people now.

Everyone gathered them in the middle and asked Su Chen what his skills were.

The people from the Su family watched a fighting match between Su Chen and Su Zixuan last time, and they didn't worry about Su Chen's skill at all.

"Everyone will watch it later, we have nothing to say about Master Su Chen's skill, even if we meet Master Huo Family Master, Master Su Chen will definitely win!"

"Today's game will definitely be exceptional! Last time you didn't see the match between Master Su Chen and Su Zixuan, you can feast your eyes on today."

Those who would win by pressing Su Chen immediately became happy when they heard these words.

And those who crushed the Huo Family Young Master to win, there is always some worry in their hearts.

They think that Young Master Huo Family has rich experience in actual combat, and from the perspective of his body, Young Master Huo Family is obviously much stronger. They thought that Young Master Huo would definitely win, but now, seeing everyone in Su Family treat Su Chen like this Confident, they couldn't help worrying in their hearts.

You must know that Su Chen is very good at creating miracles. In this game tonight, I don’t know if Master Su Chen will create miracles!

Huo Xinzhi quickly changed his clothes and went on stage. When he stood on the stage, the people below couldn't help but take a breath.

This figure is really good, nothing to say!

has dark skin and strong muscles. At first glance, he is a person who has been undergoing strict physical training for a long time, and there are several scars on his body, one of which is still a gunshot wound. This is all proof of actual combat!

The women are discussing in a low voice below.

"Master Huo's figure is too predictable, the muscles on that arm are as hard as rocks, I feel that he can carry me up with one arm!"

"And this abdominal muscle... The figure of Young Master Huo Jia is almost a match for professional bodybuilding coaches! Just looking at this figure, you know that he is going to throw this fist out, and he must be infinitely powerful!"

At first, everyone was discussing the figure of the young master Huo family, but when Su Chen came out over there, the women closed their mouths one after another.

looked at Su Chen one by one, even with fire flashing in his eyes.

"Wow~ Master Su Chen's figure is too good!"

"I used to see Young Master Su Chen wearing a suit, and I couldn't see it at all. It turned out that there was such a strong figure under the shirt!"

"Master Su Chen is really a walking clothes rack. He looks thin when he is dressed, and has flesh when he undresses. This figure is much better than the figure of the Huo family!"

"That is, as soon as Master Su Chen came out, he felt that Young Master Huo Family was a bit too strong, and Master Su Chen's figure looks better, and those eight pack abs are too alluring!"

"Master Su Chen's upper body must feel particularly comfortable to the touch..."

Su Chen’s skin is better than Huo Xinzhibai’s, it’s a healthy wheat color, and his figure is even more so. There is no shortage of pectoral and abdominal muscles, and it is just right, not too exaggerated, and the texture of the muscles is The figure coupled with the handsome facial features made the women scream crazy in the hearts of the women at the scene.

It was also the first time that Xu Ruhui saw Su Chen taking off her shirt. She looked at Su Chen idiotically, feeling extremely regretful in her heart.

"Why is such a handsome man not his own?"

If she can get Su Chen, she will be willing to pay any price!

It's a pity that only Yan Bingxue was in Su Chen's eyes. She was already so proactive, but Su Chen still ignored her.

Xu Ruhui couldn't help but sighed quietly.

The ladies and ladies of the imperial capital also looked at Su Chen one after another.

After Su Chen walked out, Yan Bingxue stepped up and thoughtfully helped him arrange his hairstyle.

When the women under the stage saw this scene, they were mad with jealousy, wishing they could become Yan Bingxue and see the male **** up close.

Although I really want to come forward and take a look at Su Chen, no one dares. With Xu Ruhui’s lesson from the past, now the ladies in the circle of the imperial capital know that Young Master Su Chen will only treat his wife well, nothing else. If a woman dared to do anything, it would be boring for herself.

The elders in   's family all told them, even if they like Su Chen, they can only restrain themselves.

I can see this figure right now, that woman can bear such a temptation!

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