Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:32 AM

Chapter 490: Master Su hen is mighty!

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The Xu family was happy now.

gloating at the Huo family over there.

Xu Yongsheng said with a smile: "The Huo family is simply killing itself. I think their family is going to be completely finished this time!"

"Huo Xinzhi's kid has really caused trouble for his family since he was a child and a big man!"

"Their family finally went to the main table. The look in our eyes just now was really arrogant. I didn't expect this glory to be so short. Whether we win or lose in this game, I guess their family will be kicked out later. Up."

The old man of the Xu family also smiled happily, as if watching a good show.

However, Su Chen's skill really surprised him. Originally thought that Su Chen's talents and talents were in the research of mechas, but in the end he didn't expect that even his skill was so outstanding. How could the Su family be so lucky to raise such a Great grandson?

Looking at his back, the old man of the Xu family couldn't help sighing.

Huo Xinzhi on the stage received a fist and rubbed his chest gravely.

Su Chen lowered his head and glanced at his left leg, his eyebrows raised involuntarily.

The two continued their offensive, and the fight lasted for nearly ten minutes.

The audience is almost silent now, and everyone's attention is on today's game.

At this moment, Su Chen finally found the opponent's flaw, and a side kick directly hit Huo Xinzhi's waist.

Huo Xinzhi saw him come up on his leg, and originally wanted to avoid it, but the fist thrown out of his hand could no longer be retracted. The tendency of his body to lean forward can only make an urgent turn, but he still did not avoid the blow.

It was just this mistake that made him fall. Before he could even consider the kick on his waist, Su Chen's fist immediately followed, Huo Xinzhi quickly dodged, but he still received a solid punch on the face.

Su Chen's fist seemed to be wearing the wind, and he hit the corner of Huo Xinzhi's mouth, and blood instantly turned into blood.

The referee blew his whistle and suspended the game.

There were enthusiastic cheers from the audience, and everyone shouted: "Master Su Chen is mighty!"

"Master Su Chen is really amazing!"

This situation has obviously been divided.

Huo Xinzhi also knew that he had lost, but still frowned tightly, always feeling that the fight was not enough, and his eyes were still full of fighting spirit.

The Huo family master quickly said: "Master Su Chen is really amazing. It seems that my new friend is not your opponent."

This statement is equivalent to acknowledging Su Chen's victory.

Su Chen hugged his fist towards Huo Xinzhi, "Master Huo Family, you lose, you must give in."

"I did lose, but Master Su Chen, the game just now was not fun enough, so let's have another game! No matter whether I win or lose this game, I just want to fight you again."

When the Huo family heard this, they went forward to pull Huo Xinzhi.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Master Huo family, today is the dinner hosted by our Su family. There are so many guests. This game has been enough just now. Let's let everyone have a good time."

Huo Xinzhi frowned somewhat disappointedly, his eyes still looking at Su Chen, apparently he hadn't enjoyed his fight yet.

The people of the Xu family walked over at this moment. Xu Yongsheng looked at Huo Xinzhi and said with a sneer: "Young Master Huo is really reluctant to admit defeat? I have long heard that Young Master Huo is a martial idiot, but I didn’t expect that he could not lose Yes, now that the rules are set, you have already lost, and you are still pestering Young Master Su Chen what to do. Is it possible that you won't end until you win?"

"If the Huo family did this, didn't they put the book in the eyes of this owner too much? Today is the Su family's banquet, the purpose is to celebrate the Su family has won the military area business, we all come to congratulate From the Su family, you can’t waste our time because of the Huo family's young master alone!"

"Moreover, the results of this game are obvious to all. There is no need for the Huo Family Young Master to be unconvinced! Or is it that the Huo Family Young Master was instigated by some people to do this, and he wanted to spoil the dinner tonight? "

Xu Yongsheng's words meant something. They pointed to the Huo family over there, wanting to say that their Huo family did not follow the rules and deliberately made trouble.

The old man of the Huo family frowned anxiously when he heard this, and turned to look at the second master Su over there, his eyes full of guilt.

"Second Lord, Master Su Family, what the Xu family said is too serious. My newcomer is indeed a bit naive today, but he just wants to learn from Master Su Chen. We absolutely have no other meaning."

Both Su Jianqing and Su Erye's faces are not very good-looking, but they are not good-looking, not because of the Huo family, but because the Xu family sows discord in public.

Huo Xin knows what kind of person this child is, these people in the Imperial Capital all know very well.

Second Master Su shook his head lightly, but did not say anything to the Huo Family Master.

The people in the audience didn't dare to speak, and I don't know what the situation will become next.

The atmosphere seemed to become tense instantly.

At this moment, Su Chen, who was standing on the stage, suddenly laughed.

Huo Xinzhi over there also smiled helplessly, turned his head and stared at Xu Yongsheng seriously, then looked at Su Chen and said: "Master Su Chen, it seems that we can't fight tonight. If we have a chance next time, You come to the military area, and then we will have a good time on the playground!"

Su Chen nodded and said: "No problem, there must be this opportunity."

Seeing the two of them shaking hands and making peace, and chatting with a Yongsheng was a little confused.

"Master Su Chen, the Huo family is obviously a bad person, you..."

Su Chen looked at him coldly and interrupted his words: "Mr. Xu, this is just a game between me and Young Master Huo Family. The two of us on the stage don't think there is anything. Does the Xu family care? Is too wide?"

"Tonight is our Su family's banquet. I also agreed to this competition. Are you used to being the masters of your own house, and want to have the addiction of being a master when you go to someone else's house?"

Xu Yongsheng was completely stunned, frowning with a desperate expression on his face.

The old man Xu family, who had been angry all night, finally couldn't help it.

Obviously offended their Su family's life, why did the Huo family's eldest master Su Chen still use their family for surgery?

It's okay to embarrass them in the location arrangement. Now that they are so embarrassed in front of so many people, they are too embarrassed by the Xu family from outside!

The old man of the Xu family immediately stood up, guarded his son behind him, looked at Su Chen and Su Erye in front of them and said, "Master Su Chen, what your Su family did tonight, is it a bit too much!"

"We are just being fair, and it is not our Xu family who is challenging you. If you don't say that the Huo family is not, you are publicly accusing our Xu family. Is it true that the Xu family members are dead? No one can do it, right?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!