Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:29 AM

Chapter 492: Xu family is miserable

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The people of the Huo family saw that neither Su Chen nor the Su family were angry, so they stepped up boldly.

The old man of the Huo Family smiled and said: "Second Lord, this Young Master Su Chen is really surprising. I didn't expect that his skills are so good. This is the first time our family has encountered an opponent that can't be beaten. Think about what he did in the end. I can't believe it, I still want to laugh now."

"I'm really embarrassed today. It was originally your family's banquet, but it was so mischievous by our new knowledge that it wasted everyone's time."

Second Master Su waved his hand and said, "Master Huo Family, since Chenchen of our family feels that this game is a match between him and Master Huo Family, then what else can we say? I believe everyone will not Will care, after all, everyone has watched a wonderful game because of this."

Everyone saw the attitude of Su Erye, and immediately said with a smile: "Yes, today's Master Su Chen and Master Huo's match is really exciting, I think the dinner tonight, this arrangement is also good. !"

The atmosphere in the front hall was pleasant, and Su Chen came out after taking a shower and found that Huo Xinzhi had not left early, but was waiting for him in the locker room.

Seeing Su Chen coming out, Huo Xinzhi immediately walked up, and took the initiative to reach out to Su Chen: "Master Su Chen, let's not know each other, right? Today's test is very exciting for me. , I am very happy to meet an opponent like you."

"I am a stupid person and can't say anything pretty, but what I want to say is, as long as you are willing, we two will be friends in the future!"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Master Huo Family, you are the person in charge of the mecha in the military area, and I am the maker of the mecha. We will naturally be friends in the future. And if we fight with you tonight, I also feel very good. carefree."

"Haha, Master Su Chen is really a refreshing person, I like it, you are a friend, I have settled it! Don't worry about mecha matters, whether it is the military region or the Dragon Kingdom, I am very concerned about this matter now, and I personally I am also very interested in mecha. I believe that the mecha you made will become the most powerful weapon in the new era. You are responsible for research. As for the work of the military area, just leave it to me!"

Huo Xinzhi has a face full of righteousness. He has been in the military area since he was a teenager. When he speaks, it makes people feel that he is from the military area.

Su Chen had a good impression of Huo Xinzhi, and it was rare for him to meet such a strong opponent. What he understood was the advanced skills. Huo Xinzhi was able to fight him up and down, and he needed to rely on finding flaws to win. It was really precious.

The two came out talking and laughing. The Huo family was finally relieved when they saw such a scene.


The Su family's banquet completely changed the situation of the entire business field in the imperial capital.

The Xu family, who was driven out, discussed future countermeasures that night. With such a trouble today, the cooperation with the Su family is definitely impossible to continue. The old man of the Xu family immediately sent someone to sort out all the cooperation cases with the Su family. , After finishing sorting it out, I found out that there were really not many contacts with the Su family over the years, and most of them begged the Su family. If the contract was terminated, there would be no loss for the Su family.

But even in this way, the Xu family could only bite the bullet and propose to terminate the contract, and therefore paid a large amount of penalty.

The old man of the Xu family felt that this was a clarification of his attitude. Otherwise, in front of so many guests, all the big and small families in the imperial capital would see them being driven out by the Su family. If they still do nothing, then they will be in the business market. How can we stand on top?

Although he lost a sum of money, the Xu family felt that the money was not as important as face.

But what they didn't expect was that everything that followed was far beyond their expectations.

It’s like a butterfly effect. After they terminated their cooperation with the Su family, the other party suddenly changed their minds for many of the cooperation cases they were discussing recently. They found various reasons and said that they could not cooperate with the Xu family in the future. .

And some small families who had been better with their family before are now looking for various reasons in their contracts with each other.

In just one day, the Xu family terminated dozens of cooperation cases.

Those cooperation cases with the Su family were their liquidated damages, but in other cooperation cases, they did not receive the other party’s liquidated damages, because there were a lot of overlord clauses when signing the contract before, and Xu Jiazhuang’s own family business at that time Big, constantly squeezing these small families.

Now these small families have joined forces with each other, and an alliance has sued them. The court’s judgment has not yet come down, but due to the large number of suing them, in order to quell public anger, the contract can only be terminated first. As for the responsibilities of both parties As well as the issue of indemnity, we will slowly sort it out later.

But for the Xu family, it was completely annihilated.

A large amount of money was lost, and a lot of contracts were terminated. The key is that these compensations cannot be collected. The company’s liquidity has suddenly lost a large amount. Due to the break of the capital chain, many of its subsidiaries are Of small companies can only choose to temporarily close.

But this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that after the Su family has expressed its attitude, they have been a good partner with their family before, and now they are also making things difficult.

As the saying goes, the tree fell Hu Sun San, the wall fell and everyone pushed, and now the Xu family is the building that is about to fall, and no one wants to step forward to help.

On the second day after the party, the Xu family was very busy all The family’s mobile phones were almost never stopped, and every call was almost bad news.

Last night they also vowed to make the Su family pay the price this time, but they didn't expect the situation to take a turn for the worse the next day.

At night, the old man of the Xu family finally turned off his cell phone. He angrily smashed the cell phone on the ground and fell apart.

The whole person collapsed weakly on the sofa. Xu Yongsheng also looked very tired. He even forgot to shave the stubble in the morning. It looks dirty now.

"Dad, what should we do now in this situation? I really didn't expect the Su Family and Su Chen's influence to be so great, are these people crazy? Our Xu family is a big family with a century-old foundation, they are not afraid to wait for us When they come back from the East, they can no longer get the slightest benefit from us?"

Old man Xu closed his eyes and sighed heavily and said: "Rise again...If we can't get through this time of difficulty, I am afraid there is no chance for a comeback!"

"Dad, don't say such frustrating remarks, this day has passed, and everything will be fine tomorrow."

The old man of the Xu family opened his eyes quickly and said with red eyes: "You are an idiot, and you always want to defend yourself. Do you think it's over today? I tell you, tomorrow morning when the stock market opens will be our promise. A real disaster for home!"

Xu Yongsheng couldn't say a word, looking at his father pale.

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