Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:22 AM

Chapter 497: This battle, Yan Bingxue will win!

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"When I was talking on the phone with the military area a few days ago, they also specifically mentioned to me that Su Zhe is the most potential player this time. Now I am 80% sure that Su Zhe will be the last. Of the winners!"

When Old Yuan talked about this, his eyes couldn't help but feel a little excited, "Xiao Su, your Su family is really talented, and now your venue has high expectations, and many people think he will become a mecha controller. In this way, you will probably win a lot in the subsequent handover work."

When Su Chen heard these words, he nodded in satisfaction.

This kid Su Zhe is indeed very competitive. If Su Zhe becomes a mecha manipulator, that would be the best. I made the mecha by himself and controlled by Su Zhe. This way, he realized Su Zhe’s dream and allowed him to These confidential content will not be leaked out, and they are in the hands of their own family members.

"The kid Xiaozhe wanted to be a mecha operator since he was a child. Now that he has this opportunity, I believe he will redouble his efforts. If he becomes a mecha operator, many things will be much more convenient. At least I don’t have to worry about it. The mech calls out to outsiders, and some secrets will be leaked out."

Old Yuan nodded and said: "Yes, I said the same to the military region. The military region's ideas coincide with yours, but the most important thing is that your Xiaozhe is really capable. After all, our training class is not a trouble. For play."

The two continued to chat for a while, and finally Lin Feifan couldn't help it, urging the teacher to leave quickly, Yuan Lao left the office helplessly, Lin Feifan took Su Chen to see his research results for the first time.


Extraordinary Group.

Yan Bingxue returned to the company early this morning, and Gu Yuxin also came around nine o'clock.

Ms. Gu sat on the sofa in the office, eating the fruit plate prepared by Zhang Tezhu while chatting with Yan Bingxue over there.

"Xue'er, you have changed~ you really have changed now!"

Yan Bingxue asked without looking up, "What's changed in me?"

"You used to be a strong woman who only knows about work. Now that you have Mr. Su, you don’t think about government affairs anymore. If you talk about things about the company, let it go. Every time you leave, it’s ten and a half days. Your attitude towards work in the past was completely different~"

"Your family Mr. Su is so strong, and the relationship between you two is so good, I feel that if this continues, you may soon return to the family and concentrate on developing your love and family career."

Yan Bingxue raised her head and looked at her girlfriend and said: "I definitely cannot go home to be a housewife. A woman can't give up her career anyway, especially when my husband is so good. I have to keep up with him. , To become a stronger woman, so as to be qualified to stand by his side!"

"Although I am outside these days, I haven't delayed my work in the company. I haven't changed. I'm just stronger than before. Now I can take care of the company's affairs, family and love. "Yan Bingxue said proudly.

"Really? You have been out for such a long time, can you still take care of the company's affairs? You were not like this before. Before I asked you to go out to play, you always said that you can't let go of your work!" Gu Yuxin couldn't believe it.

"People will definitely grow up. As the saying goes, close to Zhu is red, close to Mo is black, I follow my husband all day, and naturally become stronger and stronger~"

When Zhang Tezhu heard the words of his own president, he immediately provided corroboration, "Miss Gu, I can help the president testify on this point. Although the president has often been out of the company during the recent period, she handles everything in the company. Properly and properly, the data sent from last month's financial report shows that our sales have increased by 10%!"

Gu Yuxin's eyes widened in shock. After reading last month's financial report, she couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Yan Bingxue.

"My family Xueer is really getting better and better. Now they are so strong that they have a good harvest of love and money, and the family and business are both right. The little girl really admires it!"

Yan Bingxue was amused by her exaggerated tone.

But Gu Yuxin said again: "Xue'er, are you really not going to give up your job? I heard you say those things recently. I think your husband is too eye-catching. In the future, you have to take care of your career and love. Are you too busy?"

Yan Bingxue confidently said: "I recently wanted to understand that instead of ignoring the heat, it is better to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot. I must correct my attitude when dealing with a rival in love. For a man as good as my husband, I have a rival in love. It is inevitable that if I only know to be jealous when facing every rival in love, then I will only become a burden for my husband, so what I have to do is to make myself stronger and make the Chaofan Group bigger and stronger. I want everyone to know that the woman Su Chen liked is not an ordinary woman. From now on, I will let others mention that his wife is the chief president of Chaofan Group when they mention her husband's name!"

" I have already thought about it. After I come back this time, I will work harder and take the Chaofan Group out of the country. In the future, the name Yan Bingxue will not only be known to everyone in Longguo, but also internationally. There must also be a seat on the board. Only in this way can I be qualified to stand next to my husband!"

Gu Yuxin's thumb that had just been retracted stretched out again, "Xue'er, I think you have changed now. You have become more and more confident and stronger. As expected, you are close to Zhu Zhechi, following your house, Mr. Su. Behind you, you are better than before! I believe in your strength!"

Yan Bingxue smiled handsomely, "Just wait and see. I will make the Chaofan Group bigger and stronger, especially the mecha research department. In the future, my husband will continue to study mechas, and I can't hold back my husband. The mecha research department must keep up with her husband."

"This time in Cloud City, I have already noted all the mecha groups that want to use beauties to seduce their husbands. When I will make the Chaofan Group's mecha research department bigger and stronger, I will buy them all! I see what else they can do at that time!"

Gu Yuxin was completely suppressed, and couldn't help but say: "Xue'er, do you know what you said just now is too domineering? I think with the momentum you have just now, you can definitely realize your acquisition plan! This way! , Then will I be able to follow you to enjoy the happiness in the future!"

"When I thought that my best friend would become a well-known female superwoman, and that I would also acquire those mecha conglomerates, I instantly felt that I had become awkward, haha~"

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