Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:16 AM

Chapter 502: Daily with baby

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Regarding this question, Tuantuan does not seem to have an answer yet.

"Dad, I want to think about it with my brother, so that we can turn our ball into a genius dog!"

The two children sat on the floor aside, put the ball between them, and began to think about this issue seriously.

"Tuan Tuan, let's study, we go to school and interest class. If Qiuqiu wants to learn, and there is no special school, should we hire a teacher for Qiuqiu?"

After listening to it, I think this idea is not bad.

So the two came to discuss with Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

Yan Bingxue said after hearing it: "If you want to teach ball, there is no need to hire a teacher. There are many videos of dog training on the Internet. What Mom and Dad did before was based on what was taught on the Internet. You want to train ball. , You can be a teacher of the ball by yourself~"

Tuan Tuan and Le Le glanced at each other, and Le Le happily said: "Sister, mom is right. If we become the teacher of the ball, we will definitely be happier~"

Su Chen found some videos on the Internet, all of which are training dogs, and they look very professional.

Tuantuan and Lele were sitting on the ground, watching the video played in the notebook. The two little guys watched it carefully, and even took a small notebook to make notes.

It seems that they are really determined to develop the ball into a genius dog.

After watching the video that Su Chen found for them, Tuan Tuan and Lele had a lot of experience, so they brought the ball’s favorite dog food, and planned to do some simple things on the ball as demonstrated in the video just now. training.

Previously, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue had taught the ball to sit down and shake hands. Today, Tuan Tuan and Lele decided to teach the ball to clap the ball with the owner, as well as the movement in circles.

Tuantuan and Lele are full of confidence.

"Brother, I think the puppy in the video is not as smart as our ball. The puppy quickly learned these two actions, and our ball must also be able to learn it all at once~"

Lele nodded, "Yes, our ball has always been very smart, and I will learn it by watching it later, sister, let’s start teaching ball according to the video~"

Seeing that their son and daughter were so optimistic, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, who had taught two ball moves before, glanced at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Yan Bingxue originally wanted to remind his son and daughter that puppies cannot understand human language, so in the process of teaching, you must be patient. It may take some process. It is impossible to learn all at once for a long time. Many dogs have been trained before.

But Su Chen stopped her and said softly, "Wife, let Tuan Tuan and Lele try it by themselves. These things are what Tuan Tuan and Lele want to do. We just need to watch them by the side. The difficult process can also make them understand that not everything can be accomplished overnight."

“Recently, our family Tuan Tuan and Lele have received a lot of praise because they are smart and easy to learn. The two little guys are full of confidence. I am also very happy, but I don’t think life can be smooth sailing all the time. Teach them to grow in good times, but also to teach them to continue to persevere in setbacks."

Yan Bingxue said with a smile on hearing her husband’s words: "Husband, you still think more thoroughly every time you think about a problem, then let's watch them quietly."

After Tuan Tuan and Lele started training, they soon felt that things were not as simple as they thought.

Qiuqiu is a small dog, and his concentration is not high, especially after seeing the dog food he loves, he concentrates on eating, and there is no way to pay attention to what Tuan Tuan and Lele are saying and doing. what.

After talking about the ball many times, but still unable to concentrate, Tuantuan finally got a little discouraged.

He ate another piece of dog food for the ball for nothing. Tuan Tuan put the dog food back into the bag with annoyance, frowning and said to his brother: "Brother, why is the ball so stupid today? I don’t understand. What else will we talk about."

Lele was also very puzzled. She scratched her head and watched the smell everywhere on the ground. She was still looking for the **** of dog food. She said helplessly: "I don't know what's going on, the dog in the video. I learned it after reading it twice, but you and I have demonstrated the ball several times just now, and the ball seems to be completely incomprehensible."

"I think this method is unreliable. After Qiuqiu saw the food, he only wanted to eat. Qiuqiu didn't watch the demonstration of the two of us just now. She kept staring at the dog food in my hand."

"It seems so, but the people in the video also use food to train the dog. If the dog does the right thing, he should give the dog a reward. Otherwise, how does the ball know that he did the right thing?" Lele Tao.

Tuantuan sat back on the sofa and said, "It's so difficult, so it's so difficult to teach dogs to learn!"

The daughter looked at the ceiling annoyedly, while the son’s drooping little head looked helplessly at the ball on the The ball didn’t understand what happened to the little owners, but knew that she seemed to upset them. So he lied on the ground with little scared eyes, and looked at the two little masters with a little guilt.

It seems that learning the ball is the first step for a genius dog. Both children and a puppy have encountered unprecedented difficulties.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue saw this scene and continued to sit there motionless, wanting to see how the two babies would deal with the difficulties and frustrations encountered in the process.

Just when Yan Bingxue felt that Tuan Tuan and Lele were about to give up, Tuan Tuan over there suddenly jumped up and ran to Su Chen and Yan Bingxue's side.

"Mum and Dad, my brother and I don’t seem to know what to do. Last time when you taught the ball to learn how to shake hands and sit down, how did you get the ball to focus? You teach me and my brother. !"

Su Chen felt very happy when she saw her daughter not only didn't give up, but also came to learn from her.

It seems that Tuantuan He Lele is not only smart, but also good at dealing with various situations. At such a young age, he knows that persistence will surely succeed.

"Tuan Tuan, my mother and I also spent a long time teaching the ball last time. The ball is a puppy and it is only three months old. It is still very young. I can’t control myself when I see food. The craving for food, so you must be patient and take it slow. Maybe Qiuqiu won’t learn it this time, it won’t learn it next time, but the next time it will suddenly understand what you mean."

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