Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:13 AM

Chapter 504: Little sweet

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Yan Bingxue had been busy all morning, and didn't have free time until the lunch break at noon.

So she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to her husband immediately.

Yan Bingxue: "My husband, I just signed two more contracts in the morning. Although I am a little tired, these two contracts are important projects for the company. After winning them, I am close to my goal. One step~"

Yan Bingxue: "Husband, I haven't heard from you all morning. It seems that you are also very busy at work today~ It's rare to have time for lunch today. I suddenly remembered that I haven't had lunch with you for a long time. It's a pity that I There will be an important meeting in an hour, otherwise I will definitely go to the Academy of Long Science to find you right now~ I really want to have lunch with you~"

After the two messages were sent out, Yan Bingxue didn’t expect her husband to reply immediately, so she said that it’s the lunch break. However, due to the research on the second-generation mecha, most of the time during the lunch break was with Yuan Lao. When eating together, two people are talking about work when they are eating, and they may not have time to look at their mobile phones.

But as soon as she put the phone down, the WeChat voice rang.

Yan Bingxue was about to have a lazy waist. He picked up the phone immediately when he heard the voice, and went to see if her husband responded to her message.

WeChat was sent by my husband as expected.

Su Chen: "Wife, the two of us really have a good understanding. I especially want to have dinner with my wife today."

Yan Bingxue immediately raised the corners of her mouth when she saw these words, and the exhaustion from work in the morning was wiped out in an instant.

Yan Bingxue: "Husband, why don't we have lunch together like before~ I'm going to a meeting in an hour, so I can't go to lunch with you today, but since you want to have lunch with me today, then we Let’s eat together in the video later~"

As soon as the news of Yan Bingxue was sent, the door of the office was pushed open. Su Chen looked down at the phone, and then looked at the wife over there with a smile on his face.

"My wife, don't have to eat with the cloud, my husband, I will send you home to have dinner with you!"

Yan Bingxue saw Su Chen appear in the office, and ran over with excitement, and jumped and hugged Su Chen.

"Husband, why are you here again?" Yan Bingxue's voice was full of excitement. The door of the office had not been closed. Her excited voice was clearly heard by the female secretaries in the secretary room outside, and she rushed over. The action of hugging Su Chen is also visible outside.

Zhang Tezhu helplessly covered his eyes, thinking in his heart: It's over, now these girls in the secretary room must know that the president has a second face!

There is no way, every time the president meets Mr. Su, it is like a completely different person.

But think about it carefully, the sudden appearance of Mr. Su must be a very romantic and happy thing for the president, right?

I signed two contracts with the president this morning. Adding to the recent work intensity, Zhang Tezhu also felt a little tired, and the president must be even more tired.

Suddenly Mr. Su came here. In the midst of exhausting work, the light of love suddenly came in, handsome husband, delicious food, and this sudden surprise. In such a moment, that woman can bear it. ?

Zhang Tezhu quietly took off his hand and looked at the two people in the office with envy.

Yan Bingxue hugged Su Chen, still feeling dissatisfied, this kind of moment, of course, only kisses, even more eagerly.

But when Yan Bingxue was about to raise her head to kiss her husband, Su Chen suddenly blocked her mouth with her index finger.

Yan Bingxue looked at her husband suspiciously, not understanding why her husband would refuse her relatives.

Su Chen suddenly turned around and closed the office door, then backhand pressed Yan Bingxue on the door panel, and kissed him.

A group of women who were outside enjoying sweet love suddenly saw the office door closed, and felt a sense of loss in their hearts. But they couldn’t help but think with excitement. The president and Mr. Su closed the door in the office and didn’t know what they were doing. What is it?

It seems that the president is going to kiss Mr. Su just now, maybe now...

A few minutes later, the office door was opened, Yan Bingxue walked out of it with a serious face, cleared his throat, and said to Special Assistant Zhang: "Xiao Zhang, you come to my office. The content for the meeting will be needed later. Sort it out."

The female secretaries all looked at her. Although the president's expression was still very stern, she was a cold female president as usual, but the red and swollen lips made it clear at a glance what exactly happened in the office just now.

Everyone's eyes became ambiguous, Yan Bingxue immediately turned around, and Xiao Zhang followed her to the office.

"I want to have dinner with Su Chen, please help me organize those documents."

Special Assistant Zhang walked to the computer over there, and on the other side of the sofa, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue began to have lunch.

The scent of food was floating in the air. Zhang Tezhu touched his hungry stomach and sniffed the scent in the air.

This is the restaurant's favorite food of the president.

Su Chen took out all the dishes and looked at his wife and said softly: "My wife, Mr Yuan is going out today for something. I checked the time and went to your favorite restaurant to order these dishes~www.novelhall. com~ It's all your favorite."

"Husband, you are so kind to me, you are the best husband in the world~ I love you~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile, happily showing love to Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and put the bowls and chopsticks away, and then picked up vegetables for his wife.

Yan Bingxue picked up the first fragrant meal and sent it to Su Chen.

"Husband, you can eat first~"

Su Chen looked at the food close at hand and opened his mouth gently.

Zhang Tezhu over there saw this scene and couldn't help but flatten his mouth.

woo woo~

She is too miserable as a single dog!

Not only was here hungry to help the president with his work, but he also had to eat dog food up close. Seeing the president and Mr. Su so sweet, Zhang Tezhu was envious and sad.

It seems that she should indeed find a boyfriend. Now the president is living happily every day. He is the only one who is busy with the president. When he comes home every day, he can't even eat a warm meal. This is too miserable!

But even if you are looking for a boyfriend, you will definitely not find a husband like Mr. Su Chen who loves him so much. I really envy the president~

Zhang Tezhu thought silently, then looked up at the two happily eating over there, then turned around and resigned himself to work.

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