Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:40 AM

Chapter 527: Mrs. Su is really amazing

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T country.

Yan Bingxue and Gu Yuxin are going to attend the pre-tender reception tonight, and Assistant Zhang is also accompanying them.

Gu Yuxin rarely attended such occasions. This time, she attended with Yan Bingxue again, and she was abroad, so she dressed up that day, not only by herself, but also with Yan Bingxue.

went to the styling shop specially and found the best stylist to make their styling. Even Zhang Tezhu was pulled over.

Yan Bingxue sits there and makes people play with makeup, looks a bit boring, don't take out the phone to chat with her husband.

Su Chen asked what she was doing, she took a picture and sent it to her husband.

Yan Bingxue: "I was pulled over by the energetic Ms. Gu to do the styling."

Su Chen knew that they were going to the reception tonight, and saw his wife dressing up, his mouth was smiling.

Su Chen: "Then you have to dress up, remember to send me a photo, and remember what I said to you before, you must protect yourself when you participate in this kind of cocktail party at night, and the dress must be well-formed. , I alone can appreciate the beauty of my wife. Send me photos before going out. If you are not obedient, I will have to'clean up' you when you come back."

Although this tone is domineering, but Yan Bingxue is very comfortable.

Seeing her husband so possessive, she feels very sweet, because it means that her husband loves herself very much~

Yan Bingxue: "Don't worry, husband~ Tonight such an occasion is just a boring social gathering for me, I won't stay too long."

After putting on the makeup, the three of them went to choose a dress. Gu Yuxin took a black backless dress and placed it on Yan Bingxue's body.

"Xue'er, you can wear this skirt!"

"My Cheryl's figure is almost like a devil. Wearing this **** skirt can definitely shock the audience!"

Yan Bingxue glanced at the large area of ​​hollow out, without thinking about it, refused directly: "No."

As she said, she picked up a half-sleeved black dress with a middle collar. It looked very conservative. The design was simple, but the tailoring was good.

"I want this one."

Gu Yuxin frowned, "Xue'er, are you sure you want to wear this tightly wrapped dress? Wearing such a dress is simply violent!"

Yan Bingxue took the dress into the dressing room, smiled at the door and said to Gu Yuxin outside: "This is not a violent thing. Don't forget that I am a married woman~ I don't know how to wear such revealing clothes. !"

Gu Yuxin shook her head helplessly, glanced at the dress in her hand, and quietly said to Assistant Zhang next to him: "Xiao Zhang, I bought this dress. You will secretly put it away later and give it to you when you return home. The president of the family, I said it was a gift from me to their husband and wife~"

She thinks this dress is definitely suitable for her girlfriends, but it is estimated that only Mr. Su can see Xue Er wearing this dress.

Zhang Tezhu nodded and immediately complied.

At night, the three of them appeared together at the reception.

As soon as the three of them entered the door, the venue instantly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes were attracted, and the beauty shocked the audience.

"Oh my God, I heard that Mr. Su Chen rejected the beauties of Ike and Luxi sent in the past. I didn't believe it at the time. Now seeing Mrs. Su, I understand that there is such a beautiful wife at home. , It’s really hard to look at other women!"

"This Mrs. Su is really extraordinary. Not only is she so good-looking, but also very capable. She manages the Chaofan Group at a young age, and the Chaofan Group has made rapid progress in her hands in recent years."

"Yes, Chaofan Group can be regarded as a rising star in the mecha industry. The potential is very large. This time the bidding will be selected, but it is very strict. You look at the internationally renowned large groups. Who would have thought of Chaofan Group? Will rush out like a dark horse, and go through layers of selection to enter the final bidding meeting. Mrs. Su is really amazing!"

"It seems that the abilities of Su Chen and his wife should not be underestimated. The two are simply a strong combination. Maybe they can create more miracles in the future!"

"This time I saw that Push T Group was also here. I knew that I was an escort. I thought the result had been confirmed, but now I saw Mrs. Su, why suddenly there was a ending meeting. What about the feeling of subverting cognition? Do you have this feeling?"

"I have this feeling too! I believe Mrs. Su, the dark horse, can definitely bring us unexpected results!"

Everyone was very curious about Yan Bingxue, and with Su Chen's relationship, everyone took the initiative to say hello in a friendly manner.

Yan Bingxue had dealt with them, and found a remote corner to sit down and chat with her husband with a wine glass.

Su Chen doesn't have any work arrangements at night, and he has a lot of spare time. Usually they both play videos at this time, but today they can only type and chat at the reception.

But even so, as long as I can see the news of the other party, I still feel very sweet in my heart.

In fact, Su Chen has other arrangements tonight, and the real practical training will begin tomorrow, so Chen Shaoping held a meeting tonight, wanting to hear about Su Chen's work arrangements afterwards.

When the wife sent the message, they were in a meeting. Huo Xinzhi was talking about the mecha and the changes brought to them in the entire military area with great enthusiasm. He looked at Su Chen with admiration.

When the big guy heard about mechas, he couldn't help but look at Su Chen.

But when I looked at, I found that Su Chen was holding his mobile phone and chatting with his head down. There was gentleness between his eyebrows, and the conversation was not about work.

Chen Shaoping naturally saw it, but because the subject was Su Chen, no one said anything.

Because of the mecha thing, it doesn't matter if Su Chen listens or not. The point is that they are the ones who come to learn what Su Chen says.

I heard my wife say that her social entertainment has ended, and she is looking for a place to sit and drink.

The wife also said that Ms. Gu took them to dinner today, and everyone was stunned when they walked in.

Su Chen immediately posted a video in the past, saying that he wanted to see how beautiful his wife is today.

Yan Bingxue didn't know that her husband was in a meeting, so after the video came over, she immediately picked it up.

Seeing his wife's elaborate makeup and that sweet smile, the smile at the corner of Su Chen's mouth became more obvious.

This can show everyone in the conference room.

"Husband, where are you? It looks like it's not your room. I'm a bit noisy here. Can you hear me clearly?"

Yan Bingxue is in a great mood when she sees her husband. Fortunately, she is sitting in the corner. Otherwise, she would be shocked to let others see such a smile!


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