Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:26 AM

Chapter 536: Surprise for dad

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"The strongest dad: Signed one hundred million in the opening!

Tuantuan and Lele also followed them for a whole afternoon today. Although they were a little tired, looking at the results at this time, the faces of the two little guys were filled with happy and proud smiles.

"Mom designed the house so beautifully, and we arranged it by ourselves. Dad will definitely like the surprise we prepared for him when he comes back!" Tuantuan's words made everyone's eyes full of expectation and longing. .

Yan Bingxue is thinking about her husband. Tomorrow, seeing the surprise prepared by everyone, she will definitely be happier than last time. After all, this time is the mobilization of the whole family~

But in order to make her husband feel more pleasantly surprised tomorrow, Yan Bingxue decided not to tell her husband these things first.

"Tuan Tuan Le Le, in order to make Dad happier when he sees these things tomorrow, when we open the video tonight, we can’t let Dad know that we have prepared these things for him~ Or tomorrow, Dad will see these things we prepared. , You won’t be surprised~"

"Mom, then can we tell Dad that we have prepared a surprise for him?" Tuantuan asked, raising his head.

Before Yan Bingxue spoke, Lele immediately said, "Sister, no~ Dad is super smart. If we say that we have prepared a surprise for him, he will surely guess something, so let’s pretend that we didn’t do anything. So Dad will be even more surprised when he sees all this tomorrow!"

Tuantuan's big, sullen eyes were open, as if thinking of the expression on his father seeing all this tomorrow, he nodded happily.

Lin Xiu listened to their discussion and smiled: "Bingxue, aren't you going to pick up the plane with your two children tomorrow? Don't even tell Chenchen about this surprise."

"You simply explain that you can't pick up the plane if something is going on, so that when Chenchen sees you at the airport, he will receive a big surprise."

Yan Bingxue and the two babies immediately agreed, discussing how to "lie" with her husband tonight.

Su Haoqian watched their lively discussions and sat aside with a smile.

Everyone is looking forward to Su Chen's reaction tomorrow.

In the evening, after Tuantuan and Lele took a shower, they came to their mother's room as usual and started a video with their father.

Su Chen has been tanned recently because of training, but when he thinks that he will be able to go home tomorrow to see his wife and children, Su Chen was particularly happy in the video today.

"Tuan Tuan Le Le, Dad will be back tomorrow, are you happy?"

"Happy!" the two little guys said in unison.

Yan Bingxue thought of what Lin Xiu said, and faced the husband in the video: "Husband, Tuan Tuan Lele and I originally decided to pick you up tomorrow, but now suddenly there are other arrangements. I'm afraid we won't be able to pick you up tomorrow. is you."

"What's wrong? Is there anything else tomorrow?" Su Chen asked.

Yan Bingxue said to her husband according to what they had discussed in the evening, "Tuan Tuan and Lele have a class test on Friday. Except for the first test, this is their first test this semester, so the teacher will hold a test. The parent conference, although there are only two hours, it happens to be at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, which conflicts with the time of your return, so the three of us should be in the kindergarten at that time."

Yan Bingxue said, there was a bit of disappointment and apologize in her eyes.

Tuantuan and Lele also entered the play immediately, looking at Su Chen apologetically: "I'm sorry Dad, we can't pick you up tomorrow~"

Although the two little guys performed very realistically, Su Chen always felt that the expressions of the three of them seemed to be overly unified about this matter, as if they had been discussed.

However, Su Chen didn't think about it, and immediately said, "It's okay, it's okay for Dad to go back by himself, but since it's a parent conference in the kindergarten, isn't it good for me not to attend?"

"Or I would let them arrange to advance the time of the ticket, and go back early, maybe I can catch up with the parents' meeting of the two children."

Tuan Tuan and Lele didn't expect their father to say that. They were at a loss for a while and could only turn their heads to look at their mother.

Yan Bingxue responded quickly and immediately said: "No, husband, since the military area has already arranged, there is no need to make any changes. Tomorrow is just an announcement of the children's results. The Tuan Tuan and Lele exams are very good, I It’s fine to go alone, and two hours are over, but the time just happened to conflict with the time when the husband came back."

In order to prevent her husband from thinking too much, Yan Bingxue said quickly: "Husband, I will send Xiao Zhang to pick you up tomorrow morning. Then we can meet when we go home!"

Su Chen nodded lightly, and Tuan Tuan and Lele on the other end of the phone also breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, the family chatted for a while, because Su Chen will be back tomorrow, so the video call tonight did not last too Tuan and Lele kept letting father rest early, and also explained the day. We can meet each other, so we don’t have to talk until late today as usual.

After hanging up the video call, Su Chen felt strange as he thought about it. The three mothers and sons obviously had hidden secrets.

So Su Chen took out his mobile phone and looked at the parent group in the kindergarten. Since the last parent-child activity, the parents have been chatting in it from time to time. As a father, Su Chen occasionally pays attention to this information, but when he meets When they chatted with them, Su Chen seldom interrupted. Turning to a few pages of chat records at this time, Su Chen found that no parents mentioned about the parent meeting tomorrow.

So he opened his circle of friends again, and turned down a few pages, but he didn't see any news from any parent or teacher about the parent meeting.

Su Chen was puzzled, but didn't think too much. Regardless of whether his wife and children lied to him, he believed that his wife and children loved him very much.

So when he left the circle of friends, Su Chen handily gave a thumbs up to the circle of friends sent by Lily's father, and then went to take a bath.

As a result, after taking a shower, there were a few more messages sent to him by Lily's father on the phone.

Su Chen took a look, suddenly more puzzled.

Lily’s father is their family going to the riverside barbecue tomorrow, asking Su Chen if he wants to come together.

Su Chen immediately replied: "Dad Lily, I'm still in the imperial capital now, and I'm on a business trip here."

Dad Lily: "Really? Lily did say that Tuantuan’s dad seems to have gone on a business trip. He hasn’t been home recently, but I thought you have come back, but you are still working now. That’s a shame, my family Lili I keep arguing that my barbecue level has improved a lot since I came back last time. If I can barbecue with you again, learn more from you, maybe the barbecue you grill will be as delicious as yours!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!