Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:22 AM

Chapter 538: Su hen was surprised, this is a ake made by his son and daughter!

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"The strongest dad: Signed one hundred million in the opening!

Yan Bingxue silently placed her hand on her husband's palm, feeling the warmth of his big hand.

After the car was started, taking safety into consideration, Yan Bingxue took her hand back and asked her husband: "Husband, you were at the airport just now. Why did you call me and tell me you went to kindergarten? Are you? Didn’t you have guessed that we will pick you up at the airport?"

Su Chen nodded.

"Then how did you guess it? Last night I played very well with the two little guys, and the reasons we looked for were also very reasonable." Yan Bingxue didn't understand, and didn't know which part of it came out. Problem.

Tuantuan and Lele also felt very curious, leaning forward, waiting for Dad's answer.

Su Chen looked at their Niangsan, smiled slyly, raised his brows and said, "Of course it's because I'm smart!"

"As far as I know about the three of you, although your performance last night was okay, there were still some problems, and the most important thing is, how could my wife and children come to pick me up on such an important thing as I came back? I trust you so much for your love, so I can discover this easily."

Yan Bingxue felt sweet in her heart when she heard Su Chen's words. Their family's relationship is so good, this is a super happy thing!

On the way back, Tuantuan and Lele told Su Chen that in fact, they prepared more than one surprise.

Su Chen was a little curious now, and asked two little treasures while driving, "You also prepared a second surprise for Dad, what is it?"

Tuantuan and Lele, the two immediately covered their mouths and shook their heads at Su Chen in the rearview mirror.

"Dad, I can't tell you, if I tell you there will be no surprises!"

"Yeah, Dad, we can't say that since it is a surprise, you have to wait for you to discover it yourself, you will find it later!"

Su Chen saw that these two little guys were mysterious, and he had actually guessed that the surprise was mostly at home. After all, the two little guys were tight-lipped, but there were some hints in their words.

At the airport, in order to give them a surprise, he didn't let them see the scene they wanted to see. Then this time, he put away his brains and seriously felt the surprise his family had prepared for him!

After returning home, and just entering the yard, Tuan Tuan and Le Le seemed extremely excited, and his wife's eyes were full of expectations. Su Chen saw their mother-in-law look like that, and he was mentally prepared and ready to welcome the next surprise.

Although he knew that this surprise should have something to do with the things in the house, he opened the door and saw the completely changed villa, Su Chen was still surprised.

This time, they seemed to be extraordinarily grand without knowing it. There was a warm atmosphere everywhere in the house. The small card said welcome Dad home, and under the card were various group photos of their family.

Each photo represents an unforgettable memory, and the big master Su Chen almost burst into tears when he saw it.

Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu heard the sound and immediately walked out of the kitchen, Lin Xiu still holding a cake in his hand.

At first glance, this cake was not bought casually in the store, because the shape on it is a large mecha, and it is also the mecha I made. The cake also says "Welcome Dad Come back home".

"Son, you are finally home!" Lin Xiu walked over with the cake.

Tuantuan immediately ran to his father proudly, pointed to the cake in his grandma's hand and said, "Dad, guess what cake is this?"

"Isn't this butter cake?" Su Chen asked.

Tuantuan shook his head, "No, Dad, this is a fondant cake! This cake was made by me, my brother and my mother yesterday, but it’s been a long time!"

"Mom said that although this cake is much more complicated to make than ordinary cakes, it is more representative of our heart for you~"

"My brother and I had to endure it for a long time before eating your cake yesterday. Today, Dad finally came back. Let's eat this cake together~"

The little guy licked his lips greedyly, and looked at Su Chen with squinted eyes below.

"Okay, let's go share the cake now!"

When the family went to the restaurant, Lin Xiu had already prepared the tableware, and Su Chen personally cut a piece of cake for the children and mom and dad, and then cut another piece and gave it to his wife.

Yan Bingxue took the cake, looked at her husband, and asked in a low voice: "Husband, I will prepare a surprise for you with the children this time. Do you like it?"

Su Chen nodded very seriously, and looked at his wife correctly, "I like it, my wife, seeing all the things you and the children and parents have prepared for me, my heart is really touched. You are at home. Waiting for me, this feeling is sweet and beautiful."

Yan Bingxue was immediately satisfied when she heard her husband's answer


In the afternoon, Yan Zhenwei and his wife came, because they knew that Su Chen was coming back today, so they came to see him as soon as possible.

Lin Xiu prepared a large table for dinner, and the two families gathered for a reunion dinner.

Today is such a good day, everyone is in a good mood, Su Haoqian suggested: "Today is such a good day, it is rare for our people to get together so much, why don't we have two glasses to celebrate Chenchen's return?"

Lin Xiu, you remember glaring at him, and said with a smile: "Lao Su, if you want to drink, just say it, and use your son as an excuse. Is it possible that I will stop you from drinking on such a good day? Don't worry. I've already prepared it for you!"

Lin Xiu got up and went to the kitchen to take out a pot of wine, and said to Yan Zhenwei over there, "My father-in-law, this is the medicinal wine we made last year. It is our local wine. The wine is made of wild herbs dug from the mountain. It is absolutely natural and pollution-free. You should try it tonight."

Su Haoqian first poured a glass of wine for his in-laws, and then he wanted to say to Su Chen. Su Chen immediately said, "Dad, let me do it."

Su Haoqian shook his head and insisted on pouring wine for his son, "Chenchen, you have grown up now, the head of the family, you have done very well. Dad will pour you a glass of wine, no problem!"

As he said, he insisted on holding the wine jug, and Su Chen could only stretch out the wine glass. He knew that this glass of wine was not just an action, but also Dad's recognition of his ability.

This glass of wine between the father and son is very meaningful.

Tuantuan looked at his father and the others drinking, and pointed to the cup in front of him and said: "Grandma, grandma~ You pour some milk for Tuantuan, or when Dad and the others stand up to drink, there will be nothing in Tuantuan's cup. ~ Tuan Tuan can’t raise a glass with everyone!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!