Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:15 AM

Chapter 544: ome on, optimisti about you

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"The strongest dad: Sign in 100 million at the start! (

After everyone chatted for a while, Yan Bingxue took Gu Yuxin to the study and asked how she resolved the matter.

"Xue'er, after returning from your home that day, I saw the warm scene of your family, and I actually regretted it. You are right. I shouldn't quarrel with my parents all the time. If anything happens, everyone sits peacefully. Let’s talk together, this is the right solution."

"So after I went back that day, I had a good talk with my parents, and finally they agreed with me to move out and live, as well as my live broadcast business. Although they still don't understand, I promised them, I will never run again, and I will not hide abroad and never come back, and I will live in Zhonghai so that I can go back to visit them on weekends. I will stick to the live broadcast business and make achievements. , Let them understand that I was never playing around!"

Hearing Gu Yuxin's words, Yan Bingxue finally felt relieved.

"Then you have to come on! I am very optimistic about you, I believe you will be able to create a new world in the live broadcast industry in the future."

"Xue'er, don't worry, when I become an excellent female anchor, I will definitely help you advertise for the extraordinary group for free, strive to become the spokesperson of your extraordinary group, and live a life of your salary from now on~"


The days that followed seemed to become flat, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were not as busy as before, but they also left early and returned late.

Gu Yuxin, who moved to the same community, came to eat every week. Because she felt a little disturbed, she brought gifts every time. With her sweet mouth, Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu liked this girl very much.

After Gu Yuxin moved in, Yan Bingxue often got together with her best friends, and her mood naturally became even more wonderful.

While eating dinner that night, Su Chen suddenly said to his wife: "My wife, I am going to come to Zhonghai tomorrow. Let's have a meal with him tomorrow, and you will go with me."

Yan Bingxue was very happy. When her husband went to see Faxiao, he could think of taking her with him and introducing her to his friends.

But... tomorrow she really has no time.

"Husband, although I really want to go with you, I have a meeting tomorrow, and it is arranged in advance, so there is no way to postpone it."

Su Chen said, “It’s okay. Then it’s okay to have dinner together next time. After I came over this time, I should have stabilized in Zhonghai. He originally planned to come to look for work, so there will be opportunities to eat together in the future. , He will invite me tomorrow. I guess he also wants to talk about finding a job in Zhonghai. I was afraid that you would be bored. This is just right. I will meet again at the next daily dinner."

Yan Bingxue nodded gently, with a pity still in her eyes.

This is the first time for my husband to invite himself to meet his friends~

After hearing these words, Lin Xiu asked her son, "Chenchen, are you going to come over when you are young?"

"You guys and your dad should also know each other, which one is it?"

"Fang Qi."

"Xiaoqi's child! Yes, yes, I remembered, the last time you got married, he came over to have a wedding wine, and when you ate with us, he said that he was planning to come to China Overseas Development, he will come tomorrow?"

"Well, I took a rest at home some time ago and spent some time getting along with his parents. Now I am almost ready. I will come over tomorrow and plan to find a job, and I have stabilized in Zhonghai."

Yan Bingxue listened to the conversation between their mother and son, and turned to ask her husband: "Husband, you are a young man, did you use his first month's salary to wrap us a big red envelope last time at our wedding? ?"

"Yes, wife, your memory is really good."

"I have a deep impression, because I think a boy who has just graduated can take out his first month's salary and give us such a big red envelope. He should be normal to you."

"Yeah, that kid Xiaoqi has been an honest child since he was a child. He liked us Chenchen when he was a child. He always followed us Chenchen and called his brother later. He often came to our house for dinner. He said that the child still liked what I made. Braised pork with soy sauce, Chenchen, since he will arrive tomorrow, why not call him home for the first time you eat. It just so happened that our old couple hadn’t seen the child for a long time, so Bingxue came back tonight. You can see it too."

Su Chen's impression was quite appropriate, so he nodded and sent a message to the novel.

Being able to come to Su Chen's home, eat in the big mansion, and eat the braised pork made by Aunt Lin Xiu, Fang Qi was naturally very happy, and immediately agreed.

Turning around, I went to talk to my parents about it, and Dad Fang smiled and said, “Your Uncle Su’s family is still so I remember that you often went to their house for dinner when you were young, which made me and Your mother is very embarrassed, she thinks about giving some gifts to their family during the holidays."

"Xiaoqi, Jie'er is going to Uncle Su’s house for dinner tomorrow, so you have to bring more gifts when you leave tomorrow. I will pack some local products, bacon and sausages, and our own old hens. Your dad and I will kill one for you later, and you will bring it to their family tomorrow."

Fang Qi smiled and said, "Mom, you're too exaggerated. You haven't seen Brother Chenchen's current conditions. They live in such a large mansion, how can they still eat at this point? I will go to their house. Buy some high-quality fruits at the gate of the community, and then buy some milk for their children. I will look after the arrangements."

"You child, Chenchen is indeed developing well now, and there is no shortage of money at home, but the things in our hometown, don’t they taste like hometown, and how can the chickens bought outside be kept at home? Compared with these old hens, the nutrition is different. You listen to my mother, take all these with you tomorrow."

Fang Qi helplessly said with a smile: "Well, well, I will listen to you, and I will take it with you tomorrow!"

"You have to listen to your mother. This time you go to Zhonghai, there are probably many things to trouble your brother Chenchen. Your brother Chenchen is on Zhonghai's side and can help you a little bit. You have to be mindful. I am grateful, we must not cause trouble to others."

"Don't worry, Dad! I won't tell you anymore. Brother Chenchen sent me a message. I'll go upstairs and make a call with him to discuss it. When we meet tomorrow."

"Go, your dad and I will go kill a chicken."

In the morning of the next day, Fang Qi took a large package of local products, a dead old hen, and his large suitcase and set off for Zhuhai.

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