Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:59 AM

Chapter 556: See new s hool

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"The strongest dad: Signed one hundred million at the start! (

In the next few days, this news continued to ferment on the Internet. Tuan Tuan and Lele would look at their mobile phones from time to time and saw many people praise them. The two babies were full of pride.

Because of such a vicious incident in the kindergarten, the entire kindergarten is now closed for rectification, and the children do not have to go to school.

Yan Zhenwei and his wife accompanied the two children at Su's house during the day. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue discussed that they would take the two children to see the new kindergarten this weekend.

Many people in the parent group know that the brave baby this time is Tuan Tuan and Lele. Many parents expressed their gratitude to Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, saying that if there were no Tuan Tuan and Lele, this matter would not know what the terrible consequences would be. It.

The children are also very grateful to Tuan Tuan and Le Le, but like Tuan Tuan Le Le, other children are considering changing to a kindergarten.

Originally, Tuantuan and Lele were very popular in the class, but now something like this happened again. The children in the kindergarten wanted to continue to be classmates with Tuantuan Lele, so when they discussed about changing schools, they all came to ask. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue wanted to continue to go to school with Tuan Tuan Yue Le.

Because they don't have to go to class, Tuantuan and Lele can only use their mobile phone WeChat to communicate with classmates and friends.

Tuantuan was playing a video with Lily this day.

"Tuan Tuan, have you discussed which kindergarten you want to change to? My dad has already said that, I hope I can continue to be classmates with you. My dad said that you are very brave children and want me to tell you Study, take you as my role model~Shall we continue to be classmates in the future?"

Tuan Tuan immediately nodded, "Okay, Lily, when we arrive at the new school, we will continue to be at the same table! Now the kindergarten is no longer in class. Mom and Dad said that we must not delay studying, so we must change to another school. My brother is reluctant to bear you, if you go to the new school, if you can continue to be classmates with us, that would be great~"

"Definitely, Tuan Tuan, you don’t know. Since that day, you and Lele have become the big heroes in the hearts of all the children! Your performance that day was superb. Without you, we would all be terrified. I don’t know what to do~ Lele did a great job. If Lele didn’t report to other classes, the kids in other classes didn’t know that such a dangerous thing had happened! Now all the students do. I really want to continue to be classmates with you~"

"Hey~ That's great. My dad said that when he and my mother are not at work this Sunday, he will take my brother and me to see the new kindergarten. When the time comes, we will tell you that we will continue to go to the new kindergarten. Be a classmate in your kindergarten~"


On weekends, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue wore two children to see the new kindergarten. There are two kindergartens near their home. One is a noble kindergarten and the other is a public kindergarten. The noble kindergarten does both in terms of facilities and management. Yes, they are better than public kindergartens, and the students here are basically from rich families.

It’s not a problem to enter this aristocratic kindergarten with Tuan Tuan and Lele’s family status. The school welcomes them. After knowing that their parents are Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, they immediately proposed that their tuition fees can be exempted. The performance in emergencies is very good, and the school welcomes brave children like them.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were also very satisfied after they watched the school.

"Husband, I think noble kindergartens still have certain advantages. Although it is a private kindergarten, because it is a noble school, the facilities inside are very complete. The library alone is comparable to ordinary university libraries, and there are many more. If the activity room, Tuan Tuan and Le Le are transferred to this school, the usual learning atmosphere should be more active."

Su Chen nodded and said, "The facilities of this school are indeed relatively complete, and the management is also very strict. Let's go and see the learning arrangements here."

The couple went to see the school's study arrangement again. They found that the study arrangement of aristocratic schools was quite different from that of ordinary public schools. The aristocratic schools were tighter on the children's abilities in all aspects. Although it was a kindergarten, they learned There are a lot of things, in addition to learning a fixed foreign language, but also learning other minor languages, and there are courses such as business management, the usual learning arrangements are very full, so many activities have been prepared The room is actually not arranged in daily study, but arranged in the evening, that is to say, in this kindergarten, you need to have evening classes from the kindergarten.

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, our school pays great attention to the cultivation of children’s abilities in all aspects, and our school is geared towards middle and high-level asset families in China Overseas and all over the country. In our kindergarten, the two children will definitely be very popular, and the classmates are basically of the same level. In this way, whether in daily study or can make two children from now on Get in touch with relevant people from the beginning."

The teacher introduced the advantages of the school, but this did not seem to be very attractive to Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

"If you two think it is appropriate, now the two children can directly enter the kindergarten to study. With the status of Mr. Su and Mrs. Su, our school welcomes such parents and children to join. Moreover, the principal said that the two children can be exempted. The tuition of a child, although the money is nothing to Mr. Su and Mrs. Su, it also shows our school’s intentions for the two children, Mr. Su and Mrs. Su. I wonder how they are considering?"

Su Chen glanced at his wife and said to the teacher: "Let's discuss it first. We don't worry about entering the kindergarten for the time being. Let's give you an answer on Monday."

"Okay, Mr. Su and Mrs. Su, our Shengli Kindergarten is looking forward to the arrival of the group and Lele.

When the family came out of the park, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue continued to take their two children to a nearby public kindergarten.

On the way, Yan Bingxue asked about the attitude of the two little guys towards this kindergarten.

Lele frowned slightly and looked at her parents and said: "Mom and dad, everything in this kindergarten is very good, much larger than our previous kindergarten, and there are many things we can learn, including my sister and me. The hobby classes you go to outside can also be learned in school, but..."

The little guy seems to have some dissatisfaction. Yan Bingxue said: "Lele, you and Tuan Tuan are very sensible babies with mom and dad. Mom and dad also believe in your choice, so in the matter of changing kindergarten, Mom and Dad will listen to your opinions, so just say what you want to say~"

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