Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:58 AM

Chapter 557: hoose kindergarten

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"The strongest dad: Signed one hundred million at the start! (

Lele heard her mother’s words, and then said: “My parents are actually more like the old kindergarten than this beautiful kindergarten. Everything in this kindergarten is good, but I don’t like the courses in this kindergarten. Arrangement, there are many courses every day, and...there is no arrangement of many interesting activities and courses like the previous kindergartens. It seems that in this kindergarten, the main time is to learn different things."

"Although my sister and I are not resistant to learning, I think that in kindergarten, there are many things as important as learning. And when we went to see other children outside the classroom, we found that the children in this kindergarten didn’t chat very much. After class was over They are also learning."

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue glanced at each other, and they understood Lele's mind.

Every child in the aristocratic kindergarten is trained as a family heir. Although it is in the kindergarten, the level of education received is far more than that of the kindergarten. All the children know that these classmates and friends around are themselves In the future, the network of contacts will naturally also hold some other ideas when interacting.

Just like at a banquet in the Imperial Capital, Xu Yuncong pulled Tuan Tuan and Le Le and insisted on being friends with them, not because he liked Tuan Tuan and Le Le, but because his parents asked him to be friends with Tuan Tuan Yue.

Tuantuan also stated that she still prefers the atmosphere of the previous kindergarten compared to the kindergarten she saw newly.

So the family decided to visit another public kindergarten.

This public kindergarten was established only two years ago, so it’s not a long time to establish the school, but the best public kindergarten in their area, the school is very large, not smaller than the private aristocratic kindergarten, and the facilities inside are also very good. There are many classes, including large classes, middle classes, and small classes. The extracurricular courses here are very rich, but they are different from aristocratic kindergartens.

Almost all the extracurricular courses in the noble kindergartens are for the cultivation of some professional knowledge, but the extracurricular courses in public kindergartens include many observations and experiments, as well as many manual courses.

The atmosphere in the park is quite relaxed. When Su Chen and Yan Bingxue and their family arrived, there happened to be a class outside having a physical education class. The children were playing a game of carrot squatting with the teacher. The whole playground was full of laughter and laughter.

Tuan Tuan and Le Le saw this scene, both of them were very happy, looking forward to the classroom over there.

After returning, Su Chen discussed with his wife.

"Wife, which of the two kindergartens do you think is better today?"

Yan Bingxue thought for a while and said: "Husband, in fact, I am a little bit entangled in my heart. The conditions of the private kindergarten are very good. In the future, our family and Tuantuan want to take over my company and become an excellent company manager. Aristocratic schools can accumulate certain contacts and learn more about business management in this school. But as Lele said today, the learning atmosphere in aristocratic schools is really not suitable for three-year-olds. Children."

"This public kindergarten is good, the environment is good, the security system is good, and the learning atmosphere is even more popular with children. However, in public kindergartens, the situation of students varies from good to bad, and there is definitely not as good a relationship as a private kindergarten."

Su Chen listened to his wife's serious analysis, and asked with a smile: "My wife, then tell me, which school do you prefer in your heart?"

"Husband, I actually prefer this public kindergarten. I always feel that Tuan Tuan and Lele are very sensible. Obedient children don’t have to worry about learning things. They have clear goals. Rather than considering all aspects for them since they were young and sending them to private kindergartens, I hope they have a relaxed learning and growth environment where they can make friends without any purpose, but you say that I think like this, and I will follow up with them in the future. When the two children grow up, will you blame me for not preparing everything for them in advance?"

"Wife, what do you want to do so much? With the abilities of the two of us, Tuantuan and Lele don't have to work so hard. They have accumulated contacts since they were young! I just think that the noble kindergarten has the advantages of the noble kindergarten, and there is more to learn. , But my idea is the same as yours. It is the learning atmosphere of a public kindergarten, which is more suitable for the growth of children. Tuan Tuan and Lele also prefer public kindergartens. As for the contacts you mentioned, there is no need to worry about this problem at all, as long as our Tuan Tuan He Lele stands high enough, so people like people are naturally rushing to make friends with Tuan Tuan Lele."

When Yan Bingxue heard her husband’s words, she said with a cheerful smile in her heart: "Yes~ I think too much, your husband’s current strength, plus I will work harder and harder in the future, the starting point for Tuan Tuan and Le Le It’s high enough! In that, let’s choose a public kindergarten for them~"

Yan Bingxue and Su Chen told Tuantuan and Lele the news, and the two children were extremely happy.

"Great~ I can go to the kindergarten in the back! I like the kindergarten in the back~" Tuantuan jumped up on the sofa excitedly.

Lele also said happily: "Mom and Dad, I also think that the kindergarten we will see later is better. It is very similar to our previous kindergarten. The teachers and classmates are very cute. If you study in that environment, My sister and I will be very happy every day!"

Lele's statement is well-founded. From the very beginning, when he said his attitude towards private kindergartens, he said very clearly, but Tuantuan only said that he likes public kindergartens, but did not indicate the reason.

Su Chen asked her daughter curiously, "Tuan Tuan, my brother likes public kindergartens because he likes the atmosphere of public kindergartens, so why do you like public kindergartens more?"

Tuantuan smiled slyly and said, "Dad, my idea is actually very simple~ because I have discussed with Lily and many friends, we will have to go to a kindergarten by then, but the private kindergarten is good. Expensive, I specifically asked the teacher over there today. The teacher told me that the tuition fee per year is more than one million yuan! I feel that my current classmates and many children cannot accept such tuition, so I I still think the second kindergarten is better!"

"And I also agree with my brother's statement~ The second kindergarten is similar to the kindergarten we went to before. The teacher is very amiable and the children are also very cute. Everyone has fun together when get out of class is over, and when in physical education class, the teacher and Students interact, I think this environment is the best!"

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