Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:56 AM

Chapter 558: Ready to return to the imperial apital

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In the end, the Su Chen family decided to choose the public kindergarten they came to see later.

Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le immediately told the good news to the good friends in the group. The other parents knew that they were going to this public kindergarten. Many people said they wanted to go together, so that the children can continue to study together~

After solving the transfer of the two children, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue's work is back on track.

Su Chen was busy in his work cabin this day, Yuan Lao knocked on the door with a smile on his face and walked in, "Xiao Su, did you interrupt your work? I have good news for you!"

Su Chen put down his work and took Mr Yuan to his office, "Old Yuan, what's the good news?"

Old Yuan said with a smile: "Xiaosu, the leader of the military region has promised you before that he will award you the highest science and technology award of the Dragon Kingdom. Now the time is about to come. This year's award date will be set a week later and the location will be in the Imperial Capital. "

"The old leader of the military region specifically called me, so I must convince you to attend this awards ceremony in person. You have made such a great contribution to our Dragon Kingdom. The leaders are very grateful. Although this award It is not enough to match your contribution, but this award also has a certain influence in the international arena. It is a rare honor for individuals. The Dragon Academy of Sciences gives you a holiday these days, so you can rest assured Let’s go to the imperial capital to receive the award! Then we will watch the live broadcast of the awards together."

"By the way, the leader of the military region said that after you went to the military region for practical training last time, everyone has been learning and consolidating according to the content you taught during this period of time. Now the other ten mechas have also been completed. The upper-level leaders decided to show the charm of our Dragon’s more than ten mechas at this science and technology awards ceremony. It must be a very grand scene. As the mecha maker himself, you and your family will be affected. They have already prepared the invitation letter. Let me ask when you plan to go to the imperial capital. Will it be sent to you by courier, or will you send it to the Su's family after you arrive in the imperial capital?"

Su Chen listened to the elder's words, and thought for a while and said: "You don't need to mail it here, just put it in the Su's house in the imperial capital. I should be a little earlier and bring my family there."

"Okay, then I will reply to them later. You can leave whenever you want. You don't have to worry about work at all. When you come back, you can hand over the fake slip to me, and I will take care of the rest."


After returning home in the evening, Su Chen talked about it with his wife.

Yan Bingxue was very happy after hearing it, and she hugged Su Chen and said, "Husband, you are really great! This is the highest technology award of the Dragon Kingdom~ I remember there has been no winner of the highest award for more than ten years. It was the Outstanding Contribution Award. The last time I won the award was when our country’s first spacecraft came out! At that time I was still in school, and I clearly remember that when I saw the news, as a member of the Dragon Kingdom, my heart That kind of pride!"

"But I never imagined that one day my husband would be able to stand on the stage of the Longguo Highest Science and Technology Award! Husband, you are the most powerful hero in my heart~ Then I will arrange my work. Let's go back to the Imperial City together!"

"Well, this awards ceremony invites our whole family to participate. When we go to the imperial capital with our two children, we promised Tuantuan and Lele, and when the maple leaves on Xiangshan are red, we will take them together. Go back to the capital to take a look at the scenery, and meet the elders by the way. At this time, the maple leaves on Fragrant Mountain should be the most beautiful time." Su Chen said.

Yan Bingxue said: "Husband, if you don't remind me, I almost forgot about this. Recently, I have been thinking about work, and I have neglected the two little babies! Fortunately, you remember our promise to them. , Then let’s take the Tuan Tuan and Lele back together. I will ask Xiao Zhang to go to school tomorrow to deal with the problem of asking for leave. Although our Tuan Tuan and Lele have just changed kindergarten, they took all of them in the first test. Class number one, I believe that if you want to take a leave of absence, it should be very easy."

Tuantuan and Lele heard the good news from their parents and immediately hugged them happily.

"Great! Tuantuan can finally see Grandpa and Grandma! You can also see a different Fragrant Mountain!"

"Mom and Dad, it's autumn now. My brother and I thought you had forgotten and took us back to the imperial capital~ I didn’t expect you to remember! Mom and Dad are so kind to us, I love you~"

The little guy let go of his elder brother, and rushed towards Su Chenyan Bingxue, and took them by the arms. They had to squat down and kiss them on their faces before giving up.

The next morning, Xiao Zhang went to the kindergarten to deal with the leave of the two children, and Yan Bingxue also arranged work in the company.

Su Chen's work at the Long Academy of Sciences only needs to be suspended. The research on the second-generation mecha is done by Su Chen alone, so naturally there is nothing to explain.

So in the morning, Su Chen took the two babies and packed his luggage at home.

This time they are going to bring the ball to When Tuantuan heard the news, they happily picked up the ball. The ball has grown up a lot in the past two months, and now there are twenty A few catties, Tuan Tuan looked a little strenuous when he picked up the ball, and it didn't take a few seconds to put it down.

But in order to express happiness and excitement, Tuantuan pulled up the two feet in front of the ball again, and took the little guy happily around.

"Ball, you can go to the imperial capital with us right away~ The garden in the old house is so big, you will love it! Are you happy?"

Lele smiled at her sister and said, "Sister, Qiuqiu doesn't understand what you are talking about, and she doesn't know that she is going to travel soon."

Tuantuan turned his head, pointed at his brother, pouted, and said with his little ass: "Brother, our ball is very smart, she can definitely understand me! Isn't it fun for you to watch the ball? When she is excited, she keeps her tongue out and gasps happily~ She clearly knows what I'm talking about!"

Although Qiuqiu does not understand human language, she can perceive the emotions of her little master, seeing Tuan Tuan so happy, and working hard to get her into this atmosphere, so Qiuqi will behave. very excited.

Su Chen naturally understood the truth, but he didn't explain anything to the two children. Tuantuan and Lele are now full of innocence at this age, and they believe that dogs can actually understand the words of the little master, which seems to be the same. A very good thing.

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