Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:55 AM

Chapter 559: Maple leaves are so beautiful

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Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu in the imperial capital also knew that Su Chen's family was coming, and they went to the airport to wait early. As soon as the two children left the airport, they saw the elders standing there and immediately ran over happily.

"Grandpa~Grandpa~Grandma! I miss you so much, we finally meet again~" Tuantuan's voice was very sweet. When he laughed, his two big eyes were like small crescent moons in the first few days, so cute.

Su Jianqing immediately squatted down and hugged Tuan Tuan. Er Ye Su picked up Lele, everyone with a sweet smile on their faces.

Lin Xiu walked over to meet Yan Bingxue, took her daughter-in-law by the hand, took the luggage in her hand, and handed it to Su Haoqian.

"Bingxue, you are busy with work, is it very hard to come to the imperial capital with Chenchen this time?"

"No hard work, Mom, the company's transformation work has been on the right track recently. I am not as busy as when you were there before. I have arranged all the work before I came here. My husband is going to come over to present the awards. Our family decided Play here for a week~"

"No, we brought the ball here too."

Lin Xiu saw that there was a small dog suitcase in her mind. The ball was lying in the suitcase, actively scratching her paw.

"Oh, we are also flying on the ball~ This is the first time to fly on the plane. Are there any bad reactions on the road?"

Su Chen said: "There is no reaction. The ball often goes out for a walk when he is at home. This time, I followed us out for a long distance. When I met a lot of people at the airport, I was a little scared. After getting on the plane, he sat with us in the cabin. Inside, everyone is surrounded by familiar masters, and the little guy quickly adapts."

Mrs. Su played with Tuan Tuan Le Le for a while, and was pulled over by two little guys to watch the ball.

"Look at it, grandma, this is our ball~ You have never seen the ball, you just met in the video, the ball is more cute in reality! This time, the ball will be with us too! I have lived in the old house for many days~ You will love the ball by then!"

Mrs. Su looked at the cute puppy, stretched out her hand and gently touched the outside of the travel bag. The ball stretched her head very friendly. Perhaps, the old lady had just come into contact with the two little owners, and her body was stained. The smell of the owner, so the ball is not repulsive to Mrs. Su.

On the way back from the airport to the old house, Tuan Tuan and Le Le looked very excited and looking forward to it.

"Grandpa, Dad said that all the maple leaves on Fragrant Mountain have turned red at this time. They are completely different from when we came last time. The scenery is super beautiful, is it true?" Tuantuan asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah, it's late autumn. All the maple leaves on Fragrant Mountain have turned fiery red. Now the mountain of our old house looks like a red flame from a distance. It's super beautiful. We will go home later. You can always shuttle in the maple grove, and standing on the viewing platform of our old house, you can still see the red maple all over the mountains."

Listening to Su Jianqing's description, Tuantuan and Lele are even more looking forward to the scenery they will see next.

Holding hands with her husband, Yan Bingxue sat in the back row and said, "I have never been to the Imperial Capital at this time. I have only seen pictures of the maple leaves on the Fragrant Mountain. I have only seen pictures in the news. This time I can come and see it in person. At first glance, the effect must be very different."

Su Chen took his wife and said indulgingly: "If you like, we will come to live in every autumn. The old house is our hometown. You can come back whenever you want."

Yan Bingxue nodded and smiled happily.

Before the car arrived at Fragrant Mountain, I saw a large area of ​​red from a distance. Tuan Tuan and Lele had been paying attention to the scenery outside the window. Seeing the large area of ​​red, Tuan Tuan immediately shouted in excitement: "Mom and Dad, look! I see Xiangshan. The red maple leaves on the mountain! It turns out that you can see a large red maple leaf from so far away~ This is too beautiful. If you go to the mountain to see it, it will definitely be even more beautiful!"

Lele leaned on the car window, happily looking at the scenery in the distance, blowing the cool breeze of late autumn, the little guy said excitedly: "Grandpa and grandma, the address of our house is really great! Every autumn You can see such a beautiful scenery!"

The two children watched for a while, and when they reached the foot of the mountain, the scenery became even more spectacular. Tuan Tuan and Lele did not want to stay in the car, so they had to get off to take pictures of the scenery, saying that the speed of the car was too fast, which affected them. Enjoy this beautiful scenery.

Su Chen also felt that this scenery is rare, so he proposed: "Grandpa, grandma, parents, or else you should drive up the mountain first. Let us go up and take a look at the scenery along the way."

Lin Xiu said, "Son, walking up from the foot of the mountain is not a short distance. It takes nearly an hour to walk. It's okay for you two grown-ups. The Tuan Tuan Yue is still so small. They must not be able to walk!"

"Grandma, I can walk~ Tuantuan has to walk up, so that you can not only watch the scenery, but also climb the mountain to exercise~"

"My elder brother and I are in good health, and I won first place in the physical education class~"

The little guy rolled up her, showing her white and tender arms, and squeezed her fists hard, trying to show off her muscles.

It's a pity that the children are all white and tender little soft flesh. Although there is no muscle shape, the self-confidence displayed by the little guy has not been affected in the slightest.

Su Haoqian smiled and said: "Since the children want to walk up the mountain, let them have the back of their hands if Tuan Tuan and Lele can't walk halfway, let mom and dad make a call, and grandpa will drive down to pick you up.

"Okay~ Thank you, Grandpa~ Grandpa is the best~"

The Tuan Tuan got out of the car happily. Seeing that they got off the car, Qiuqiu immediately scratched and screamed excitedly in his space box.

Lin Xiu smiled and said: "Tuan Tuan Yue Le, you are all gone, the ball is not happy~"

"Dad, let the ball go with us, okay? The ball has gained a lot of weight recently, and I want to exercise~" Tuantuan said, taking Su Chen's hand.

Su Chen touched her head, "Okay, then let's take the ball and climb the mountain together."

A family of four, plus the doggie that has been babbling, got out of the car and walked up the mountain.

Tuantuan and Lele are very active, taking pictures with their mobile phones along the way, picking up the fallen maple leaves on the ground.

"It's so beautiful~ The whole mountain is covered with red leaves, and it feels like a red mountain." Yan Bingxue took a picture and said softly, lowering his head.

Tuantuan, who was walking in front, saw a pile of maple leaves that had been packed up on the side of the road, and immediately ran over and sat down.

Recently, the weather in the imperial capital was good, and the maple leaves that fell on the ground were very dry. Seeing the two children playing together, Yan Bingxue reluctantly said, "These two little guys are not too dirty."

Su Chen smiled and said, "It's okay. The children have a good liberating nature. Go back and give them a bath."

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