Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:51 AM

Chapter 562: Tuan Tuan Le Le wants to a ompany the ball to lose weight

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"The strongest dad: Signed one hundred million at the start! (

The award ceremony of the Longguo Highest Technology Award chose a good day. After five days, Su Chen and the others had nothing to do with them, so they wanted to take a good rest in the old house.

Tuan Tuan Yue Le got up early in the morning and went out for exercise with the ball.

Yan Bingxue slept in, and continued to lie lazily in the rocking chair on the balcony on the second floor after breakfast, enjoying this rare leisure time.

Su Chen walked over and hugged his wife from behind.

Yan Bingxue naturally held his arm, turned around and smiled and said, "Husband, I don't think I have been on vacation with you so leisurely for a long time. Last time we were like this, it was the two children who went to Yuncheng before the summer vacation. At that time, three months have passed in a blink of an eye, and these three months have been really busy."

Su Chen hugged his wife and said, "My wife, if you think there are too many things in the company right now, I will put the work of the second-generation mecha aside and return to Chaofan Group to help you. Recently, the company has been transformed. I know you every day. There are many jobs to face."

Yan Bingxue immediately shook her head, "No."

"Why? Don't you want to work with your husband every day?" Su Chen asked curiously.

"Of course I do. I can't wait to put my husband on my belt every day. I can see you all the time and be with you. But work is work and love is love. I know that my husband is a hero. , I have my own ideals and missions. Although the research plan of the second-generation mecha is not in a hurry, it is what you have been working hard for all the time. I will not disturb you~ I will be a husband and move forward together on the road to success. Your partner, not the oil bottle that hinders your husband’s progress~"

"Husband, don't worry, I can handle the company's affairs well. Being busy is the period of transformation. It is estimated that by the end of the year, it will be easier~"

Su Chen looked at his wife's sensible look, his eyes were filled with gentleness, and he said: "Okay, my wife, I believe you can do a great job, then we will work hard, and my second-generation mecha should have done it a year ago. It can be done. By the time this year's New Year, our family will have a good time together."

When talking about this, Yan Bingxue’s eyes instantly became excited, her dark eyes seemed to fall into the sky full of stars, shining brightly, "Husband, this year is the first year we have lived together as a family. During the Chinese New Year a few years ago, I always take Tuan Tuan Le Le to book a reunion dinner in a hotel. Although I am happy, I always feel that something is missing without you. This year our family has finally reunited. This New Year is for our family. It’s very meaningful, you have to plan well then~"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Okay, then you can think about it now, and when you think it over, tell me, I will work hard to make this year's New Year's Eve the most distinctive New Year's Eve!"

Yan Bingxue nodded happily, staring into the distance, clasping her husband's fingers tightly, her eyes full of happy longings, she smiled and said: "This year, Tuan Tuan and Lele will definitely be the happiest."

"By the way, the two little guys, I don't seem to see them when I get up." Yan Bingxue asked.

"They took the ball to the backyard to play. Yesterday, I heard that the ball is fat and easy to get sick. The two little guys were lying around the bed today to exercise with the ball, saying they want to urge the ball to lose weight."

"Really? They are too anxious. Balls are used to the state of being at home. They go out to play for a while every evening. Will they be taken out for exercise this morning?" Yan Bingxue said.

Su Chen rubbed her cheek and said with a smile: "It's okay, let the children play with the ball. We chose to raise the ball before. Don't we just hope that the ball will grow up with the group music? Now two kids The baby is getting along with the ball happily, we can try to let go and let them explore on their own, so that Tuan Tuan and Yue Le can learn more in practice."

"Husband, I understand what you are saying. I'm just worried that the band's music is still small. If you can't master this degree, I'm afraid that the ball will suffer."

"Wife, you have to believe that our family Tuan Tuan and Lele, they both really like the ball, they must not see that the ball is unhappy, let them run in by themselves."

Su Chen can let go, he thinks Tuantuan and Lele are very smart and sensible, and believe that they can handle this matter well.


Tuan Tuan and Lele got up and brought the ball out. At first, the ball was very excited. The puppies were bored in the den all night. It was a new environment. Early in the morning, they saw two familiar little owners. The little guy was super excited, and the little owners took her out to play, making the ball happier and happily playing wild in the big courtyard.

But this vigor did not last for too long. After running in the yard for more than half an hour, the ball became a little tired, lying on Tuantuan’s feet, chucking his little tongue.

Seeing this, Tuan Tuan quickly pulled up the ball lane: "The ball, don't sit down and rest, let's continue playing~"

Seeing that the little master was so lively, the ball barely got up, and ran a few laps with the little master, but after a few the little guy really has no energy, Tuan Tuan ran in front, she could only Slowly followed.

Seeing that the ball is not active, Tuan Tuan squatted down and said earnestly: "The ball, now we have just exercised for half an hour~ Within half an hour, only the body's water is consumed. Only more than half an hour of exercise can consume the body. Fat, so you have to persist, we have to exercise for an hour this morning!"

Qiuqiu couldn't understand what the little master was talking about, only knew that the little master seemed a little overactive today, and she couldn't keep up with the little master's pace a little bit.

"Sister, I think the ball looks a bit tired. Why don't we change the game and let the ball run laps with us all the time. The ball will be boring." Le Le said.

Tuan Tuan nodded, and then brought the ball of yarn, their favorite ball. When they were at home before, they often used this little toy to play with the ball. Throw this little toy out of the ball and then go to the ball of yarn. Duck it back.

But when he was at home, every time the ball throws the toy ball back, Tuan Tuan and Lele will reward her with a small beef jerky, but now in order to lose weight for the little guy, she must not eat too much snacks.

Qiuqiu became excited immediately after seeing this little toy, because she hadn't eaten her first bite of dog food until she got up in the morning. She was hungry all night and was already hungry by now. The owner can get the reward of beef jerky by playing this ball of yarn~

Tuantuan ran out of the yarn ball in his hand, the ball rushed out immediately, bit the yarn ball back, and then squatted in front of Tuantuan, happily sticking his tongue out, waiting for the little owner's food to be fed.

But Tuantuan and Lele did not prepare snacks as a reward today in order to lose weight for the little guy.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!