Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:41 AM

Chapter 569: elebration banquet

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You can search for "The Strongest Daddy: One Hundred Million in the Opening! Xinshu Haige Novel Network ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

At the end of the award ceremony, Su Zhe got out of the mecha and went backstage to find his family for the first time.

Su Zhe walked up to Su Chen, gave him a standard military strength, and said firmly with his eyes: "Cousin, the mecha drill is over, please accept it!"

Su Chen patted him on the shoulder and nodded: "Xiaozhe, you did a great job. This time the acting is very exciting. You and your friends, both performed very well, and showed us a show. The perfect exercise!"

For Su Zhe, being recognized by his cousin is the greatest affirmation of himself.

Su Zhe's eyes were firm, and his eyes were full of hope and said: "Cousin, don't worry, I will never disappoint your efforts. Your mech is in my hands, and I will definitely work harder to control it!"

The Su family watched the mecha exercise and Su Chen's award ceremony today, and everyone was extremely excited and proud.

Old Su Jianqing burst into tears, and took Su Chen's hand and said, "Chenchen, you are the pride of our Su family. The ancestors of the Su family will be proud of you when they see your achievements today!"

Second Master Su also wiped a tear and said with red eyes: "Today is the happiest day of our Su family. Chenchen won the highest technology award of our Dragon Kingdom. This award not only has a bonus, but also a bonus. The supreme glory, we Chenchen, are the great heroes of the Dragon Kingdom! Xiaozhe's performance is also very good, today's mecha exercise was very successful, and the Su family has descendants like yours, I am so happy!"

In the evening, the family went to the best hotel in the imperial capital to book a table for a celebration, but during dinner, everyone’s mobile phones were busy.

After watching the live broadcast of today's awards ceremony, friends and relatives sent blessings.

Yan Zhenwei sent a video to Su Chen. Both he and Tang Shuyun's eyes were red.

"Chenchen, we saw today's live broadcast. It was really shocking. The mecha you made must shock the world today!"

"My son-in-law, your acceptance speech is also very good. It is the pride of our Dragon Kingdom that young people can have patriotic feelings like you!"

"I can't have a celebration banquet with you today. When you return to Zhonghai, your mother and I will be the host. Let your family have dinner. Let's celebrate!"

Su Chen smiled and nodded, "Okay, Dad, when we go back, our family will have a celebration banquet."

The mobile phones of the elders kept ringing. Friends called to congratulate them. Even Tuan Tuan and Lele's WeChat kept receiving messages from their classmates.

"Tuan Tuan, your father is so bored! My father took me to see your father's awards ceremony. The big mecha made by your father is really amazing! It's even better than Ultraman!"

"Lele, today you and Tuan Tuan were away, but the school teacher showed us your father's awards video. I still saw you on TV. You are on TV!"

"Tuan Tuan, my dad cried with excitement when he saw your video. I asked him why he was crying. Dad said that your dad is the **** in his mind. It is great that I can be classmates with you!"

"Lele, congratulations! Your dad is super awesome. Today all of us saw your dad’s award presentation video~ When you come back, the teacher said that he would reward you with little red flowers and let you come on stage to tell us about it. The big mecha at the scene!"

Tuantuan and Lele bowed their heads to reply to the messages sent by friends and classmates. Both little guys felt extremely proud because of their father.

Su Jianqing saw that everyone was looking down at their mobile phones, so they took the initiative to put down their phones, picked up the cup and stood up and said, "Well, today is a celebration for Chenchen and Xiaozhe. I know that your mobile phone business is busy now, but We can't finish today's theme, come, everyone toast together, we congratulate Chenchen and Xiaozhe in our house!"

Everyone put down their phones and raised their glasses to celebrate together.

"Cousin, today is such an important day, you have to say a few words!" Su Zhe roared.

Su Chen smiled and said openly: "Okay, let me say a few words."

"Our Su family has also gone through all kinds of things, and we can only get together today. This year is a special year for me. Both my small family and my big family have completed this year. Today's glass of wine Let’s drink not only to celebrate my awards and Xiaozhe’s first public exercise, but also to celebrate the reunion of our family. Come on, cheers!"

"Cheers!" Tuantuan and Lele also raised their cups of orange juice and clinked them with everyone.

After drinking this glass of wine, Su Haoqian said: "What Chen Chen said just now reminds me that this year is indeed a very special year for our family. Not only did we return to the old house, but more importantly, Chen Chen and Bingxue are married. Speaking of which, Bingxue hasn't been to our hometown yet? Although it is a small place, it is the place where Chenchen grew up. After a while, we will go back with our two children. Right."

Yan Bingxue's eyes suddenly became interested after hearing Su Haoqian's words.

"Husband, let's go, I have always wanted to go to the place where you have lived since childhood."

Although it was the place where Su Haoqian and the others moved there later, the Imperial Capital was the Su family’s hometown, but for Su Chen, the small town over there was the place where he grew up. Yan Bingxue was not able to participate in the past of her husband. It would be nice to go and take a look.

Tuantuan and Lele also want to go, "Dad, we want to go too~"

"I'll go to see the place where Dad grew up, the kindergarten where Dad goes to school~"

Su Chen said: "Okay, after parents go back, let's go back to our hometown together. I didn't think about it before. Indeed, we should go back and take a look. The last time we got married was directly held in China Overseas. Relatives and friends are also invited here directly. Speaking of which, my wife and Tuan Tuan Lele have not been to my hometown yet."

Lin Xiu smiled and said: "Bingxue, then your dad and I will finish the finishing work here, then we will go back to Zhonghai, and then we will go back together. Although our small town is not as lively as the metropolis~www.novelhall. com~ But small places are also lively in small places, you and the group music will definitely like it!"

Yan Bingxue feels that no matter what kind of place it is, for her, it is always a place she wants to go, because there are a lot of memories of her husband. When she goes there, she can talk about the past with her husband. It will definitely be a very long time. Good memory~

Tonight’s reunion dinner, everyone had a very happy meal. Tomorrow will be back to Zhonghai, and Su Zhe will also return to the military area to continue training. Tonight, we all have an attitude of not being drunk or going home. The elder drank too much, Su Chen was still awake, Su Zhe directly fell asleep on the table.

Yan Bingxue didn't drink much, and was responsible for checking out and arranging to go home.

On the way, Tuan Tuan He Lele was tired and fell asleep. Su Chen sat in the co-pilot. After drinking, his eyes became more gentle and deep. He took his wife's hand and put it to his mouth to kiss.

Yan Bingxue glanced at him and smiled: "Husband, driving with one hand is not safe~"

Su Chen said: "My wife, I love you."

Yan Bingxue smiled slightly and whispered: "I love you too."

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