Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:39 AM

Chapter 571: Troubles during the ball molar period

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You can search for "The Strongest Dad: One Hundred Million in the Opening! Xinshu Haige Novel Network ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Going home in the evening, Yan Bingxue saw the new shape of the ball, and immediately hugged the ball, and fondly stroking the little guy's thighs cut into two chicken legs.

"Husband, after our ball is cut out, it really becomes so cute~"

Su Chen nodded and touched the little head of the ball and said: "The lanugo hair of the ball was really too long before, because it was lanugo, so it was cut relatively late. In the future, we will do it once in a few months. The shape, our ball can always be so cute."

Although Qiuqiu is a puppy, she is very smart, and she seems to know that she is a little different today.

After cutting the ball of lanugo, I instantly felt that the world became clear. The hair that covered the eyes before has now been cleaned up, revealing a cute little face.

And the host's reaction made her understand that she must be super cute and beautiful now. The little guy happily ran to the full-length mirror and turned around in front of the mirror twice, seeming to appreciate her newly cut look.

Seeing this scene, Tuan Tuan said happily: "Our ball is really smart, we can still look in the mirror~"

"It seems that puppies are really beautiful~"

After dinner in the evening, Su Chen and his wife are watching TV with their two children in the living room. The ball after exercise has not been seen for a long time. Recently, the ball seems to have a lot of time alone and often stays with themselves. In my doghouse, I don’t know what I’m doing.

Tuantuan watched the TV for a while and found that the ball was not at her feet, so she stood up and shouted at the sun room over there, "Ball, ball~ There is a clip of a cute dog on the TV, do you want to? Come and watch TV together?"

The ball, busy alone, suddenly heard the voice of the little master, and immediately ran over while biting his toy.

Lele looked down and shouted in surprise: "Oh, ball~ why did you bite the belly of the stuffed toy?"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue also looked down, and they found that the little plush toy that the ball has always liked the most, it has been opened up at this moment, and all the cotton inside is exposed. The ball just came with the toy in its mouth. At that time, the cotton fell all over the floor.

Lele's surprised voice frightened the ball. The little guy wanted to know that he had done something wrong. He immediately put down the sorted toys and ran back to his doghouse.

Tuan Tuan and Le Le looked at each other, and could only help the little guy clean up the mess.

I thought that this incident was just a small episode, and everyone didn't take it to heart. I just thought that the ball is now in the molar phase, so it is so rude to my toys.

But in the next few days, the four people of the Su family understood that the teeth grinding period of a dog was such a terrible thing!

The next night, as soon as Tuantuan returned home, he let out a scream in the hallway.

"Ah! My favorite little red shoes!"

Su Chen heard her daughter's cry, and immediately ran to look at her favorite pair of red leather shoes. The laces were bitten off, the metal buckles were missing, and all the laces that were dried were covered with tooth marks. child.

Tuan Tuan picked it up and looked at his father with tears in his eyes and said: "The murderer is the ball, and there are still ball teeth on it!"

Su Chen frowned slightly, and quickly comforted her daughter, "Don't cry Tuantuan, Dad will take you to buy a new pair of leather shoes this weekend."

"But these are my favorite little leather shoes~" Tuantuan said sadly, pouting.

"Then Dad will take you to buy a pair that is exactly the same, and then we will buy a new pair, so that the ball will have two pairs of small leather shoes~"


On the third night, Lele was about to put down her schoolbag to do homework, and just arrived at the desk and shouted: "Daddy, come and see! My desk lamp is broken!"

Su Chen walked over and took a look. It turned out that the electric wire of the table lamp was broken, and all the broken threads were the teeth marks of the ball. It seemed that this was what the ball did.

On the fourth day, Qiuqiu dragged the remote control on the coffee table. When the rice ball and Lele were about to watch TV in the evening, they could not find the remote control. The whole family did not find the remote control after searching around. I still adjusted the monitoring and found that the remote control was dragged into my doghouse by the ball.

When Su Chen took the remote control out of the doghouse of the ball, although the remote control was still usable, it was also full of tooth prints, which looked very unsightly.

And every time the ball was discovered by the owner when he did something wrong, he would hide in the kennel in shame and look at the owner with pitiful eyes.

As a result, everyone was not beating or cursing, so they could only whisper a few words.

After finding the remote control, everyone sat on the sofa, Yan Bingxue finally said helplessly: "Husband, the ball is too terrifying during this period of teeth grinding. Everything in the house can't escape his teeth. I came back today. At that time, I found that my slippers had also been bitten in the sun room. I can’t go on like this!"

"Yes, Dad, I put my shoes in the shoe cabinet every day when I go out, and I don’t even dare to leave my slippers outside. But even so, there are still many things in the house that are in danger. Wouldn't it always be like this?"

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "When I went to the pet shop that day, I wondered that the molar period of our ball ball should be approaching, so I bought some teething snacks, otherwise we will prepare some molar teeth for ball ball in the past two days Snacks, so that she has something to grind her teeth and eat in, so she shouldn’t think about other things. UU Reading"

"Okay, then I'll bring the ball to the ball with a toothy snack. When we looked for the remote control just now, it seemed to scare the ball. She is now hiding in the doghouse and dare not come out."

Although Tuan Tuan and Lele have been bitten by the ball in the past two days, they still love the ball in their hearts.

Knowing that the molar period of the ball is a physiological reaction, Su Chen also explained to them, because the ball's gums are more itchy, so he will bite something to relieve this symptom.

The two little guys immediately delivered the snacks to the ball. The ball ate the molar snack for the first time. After biting for a long time, it was found that the thing was very hard. A bone-shaped molar snack can chew for half an hour!

Next, when they go out every day, they will leave a big bone stick for the ball. The degree of damage to the things in the house is reduced a lot, but a molar stick can only relieve for a while, and they can still find something in the house every day. Something has been bitten by the ball. Although it hasn't been bitten badly, it leaves a tooth mark.

The whole family seems to be a little bit distressed by this incident.

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