Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:31 AM

Chapter 577: You are the best parents in the world

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You can search for "The Strongest Dad: One Hundred Million in the Opening! Xinshu Haige Novel Network ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Yan Bingxue's attitude was firm, the teacher did not dare to hesitate for a moment, and immediately went to adjust the monitoring.

Wu Jianfei's family was sitting on pins and needles in the office. Mother Wu lowered her head and asked in a low voice, "Wu Jianfei, what is going on?"

Wu Jianfei didn't expect things to be so violent. He just saw that he fell to Lele. Lele finally took third place. He was not convinced, so he went to his parents to file a complaint. Will go to trouble Lele, who knows that parents have found a teacher.

He lowered his head, afraid to speak.

Father Wu and Mother Wu knew what was going on when they saw their son like this. Mother Wu immediately pulled Wu Jianfei up in front of Lele, and reprimanded: "You kid, who taught you? Not only hurt classmates, but also lied to parents and didn't apologize to your classmates!"

Of course, Wu Jianfei refused to apologize to Lele, so she burst into tears immediately. When Mama Wu saw this, she directly raised her hand and hit Wu Jianfei's PP. The child cried even harder.

Mother Wu loudly reprimanded: "How does mother teach you at home? Don't cry. You did something wrong by yourself. If you don't apologize to your classmates, you know what's the use of crying?"

Lele saw Wu Jianfei crying into tears in front of him, and immediately raised his head to look at Su Chen, his face a little ugly.

Su Chen guarded his son behind him, and said to the mother and son: "The monitoring hasn't been watched yet. There is no need to rush to beat the child."

Mother Wu immediately accompanied her with a smile and said, "Mr. Su, I'm so sorry. I understand this kid in my family. I just asked him if he didn't talk. He must have done something wrong. You don't need to watch the video surveillance. I let the kid talk to you. The child apologizes."

"What are you two doing? Hasn't this video surveillance been brought over yet? How do you know that our family Jianfei lied? You are afraid of things, my old lady is not afraid of things! No one can bully my grandson!" Wu Lao The wife put Wu Jianfei in her arms and said aggressively.

Su Chen sneered and said, "Heh! Wait for the monitoring, my child is not something you can be wronged by just a few words, although the child is small, but we are the parents, we will never let him be wronged!"

When the teacher came back, he happened to hear Su Chen's words. Without further ado, he immediately brought the monitor and played it on the laptop.

In the video surveillance, it can be clearly seen that the situation at that time was that Wu Jianfei suddenly rushed towards Lele, not only pushing to Lele, but also falling down.

Seeing this scene, the old lady of the Wu family immediately turned her head and glared at her grandson, and silently stepped aside and said nothing.

Wu Jianfei's parents immediately apologized to Su Chen.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Su, this is something my family Jianfei did wrong. This kid is really a jerk. We must educate him well when we go back, brat. Now the video has been watched, and you pushed it to your classmates. You can't apologize any more, Dad is going to do it!"

Wu Jianfei gritted his teeth, looked at Lele resentfully, and said loudly, "I won't apologize to him!"

Father Wu immediately pulled the child over and raised his hand to beat him, but Lele suddenly asked, "Student Wu Jianfei, why did you do that?"

His words made Dad Wu stop his movements, looked down at his son, and pushed him hard, "What's the classmate asking you to do, are you deaf?"

"Lele, I just hate you! I want to push you on purpose, so I don't want to lose to you!"

"Since you came to the school, the first place is yours. You are the one who stands in the forefront every time you do exercises. Even... even in the sports games, you have always been the first place! My competition, I It won't let you win!" Wu Jianfei shouted.

Lele listened, frowned and stretched out, looking at Wu Jianfei in front of him, with a little pity in his eyes.

"Student Wu Jianfei, if you just push me on the court because of this, you are really cowardly. If you think that I am the number one in everything, you should try harder to surpass me, instead of obstructing me, you see. , In today’s competition, after you pushed me down, both of us were behind, and you didn’t even finish the required distance, so you still lose?"

Wu Jianfei was speechless for a while, and he couldn't answer Lele's words at all.

Father Wu kicked his son, "Look at your classmates, they are not only smarter than you, but also more generous than you! With your mentality, you won't be the first in your life! Hurry up and apologize to your classmates!"

Wu Jianfei turned his head away, still refusing to apologize, still a little unconvinced.

When Father Wu saw his son being so disobedient, he felt that his face was a little uncomfortable. Su Chen looked at the incident to this point, and turned to ask his son: "Lele, now the truth has become clear. This kid is your classmate, you How do you think this should be handled?"

Lele thought for a while, took her father's hand and said, "Dad, since everyone has seen the truth of the video, let Wu Jianfei write a review."

Such punishment was already very light, but it was decided by his son, and Su Chen didn't say anything.

The teacher over there immediately said: "Our classmate Lele is really a good tolerant boy, classmate Wu Jianfei, you did not do this thing today correctly, since classmate Lele asked you to write a review, then you will write two hundred words when you go back tomorrow. During the flag-raising ceremony on Monday, you have to read your review in public in front of all the students in the school and apologize to Lele."

When Su Chen asked about the handling method just now, it was not her teacher, but his own son. How could he not understand Su Chen's attitude as a teacher?

Lele just asked Wu Jianfei to go back and write a review, so she had to ask Wu Jianfei to read the review in front of everyone, or else Su Chen and Yan Bingxue encountered something like this today, the kindergarten really There is no way to deal with them!

Wu Jianfei still didn't seem to realize his mistake. Father Wu and Mother Wu had a mixed doubles in public, and Wu Jianfei's ghost crying and howling wolf came from the office.

At this time, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue had already left the office with their son and On the way home, Yan Bingxue asked her son curiously: "Lele, today that classmate deliberately pushed you down. In your heart Aren’t you angry? In the end, when Dad asked you how to deal with this matter, you only asked him to write a review. Would you feel wronged?"

"If you feel wronged, Mom and Dad will go to school to help you deal with this matter properly. You and Tuantuan are my and Dad's most beloved treasures. We will never let you be wronged!"

Lele heard her mother's words and shook her head with a smile, "Mom, no need."

"When I knew that Wu Jianfei made such a behavior because I was jealous of me, I didn't feel wronged at all in my heart, and today my parents supported me at school. I already feel very happy and happy. !"

"Compared to Wu Jianfei's parents, I think my parents are the best parents in the world!" Lele said with a happy face.

When Su Chen and Yan Bingxue heard this, their faces finally showed a smile.

The strongest dad: Signed 100 million at the start! Latest chapter address: https://

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