Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:23 AM

Chapter 582: The old elder sister was named for the lass

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After they left, Yan Bingxue pouted and looked at her husband and said, "Husband, your face is so cute. It seems that I have to guard you every step of the way, otherwise these young college students Girls, they will definitely come at any time!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Wife, then you have to pay attention, your husband's charm is really too big, I can't help it!"

Next, Yan Bingxue really guarded Su Chen unleashingly. The two of them kept holding hands and didn't let go. When they met such a girl with bold eyes on the road, Yan Bingxue would boldly look over and raise herself. He and Su Chen declared sovereignty by clasping his fingers.

Su Chen enjoyed this feeling very much. After entering the university campus, his wife seemed to have returned to the university period. Although a little naive, but inexplicably cute.

The two of them wandered around, Yan Bingxue and Su Chen talked a lot about what happened in the university along the way. Finally, Yan Bingxue dared to fight and decided to take her husband to the classroom to listen in and see if there were any classmates. It turns out that the two of them are actually graduates.

There are many classrooms in the school, and Yan Bingxue casually dragged Su Chen into a classroom and sat in the last row.

When they came in, the class bell just rang, and many students around were rushing to order. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue followed the crowd into the classroom, but they were really not found.

Besides, there were a few young people sitting next to them. Seeing Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, they didn't feel surprised at all.

"Husband, we are very lucky. It seems that we just chose an elective course. These students are not in the same class. They usually see very few. Just a few students have looked at us, but no one recognizes us. Not a student in school~" Yan Bingxue said quietly.

Su Chen also lowered his voice to talk to her, because it was in class, both of them bent over and bowed their heads slightly. This kind of trivial feeling was really strange and wonderful, as if it suddenly pulled them back to their student days.

The surrounding students were also whispering. Fortunately, the classroom was very large. The old professor in front was on the podium. They sat at the end and whispered, but they couldn't hear it at all.

Originally, the husband and wife were enjoying the little beauty of this sweet student era. The professor on the podium was halfway through the lecture, but suddenly stopped. Yan Bingxue, like the other students on the run, looked up subconsciously. This look directly met the professor.

The professor lowered his head and smiled, and then resumed the course just now.

Yan Bingxue looked at her husband with some guilty conscience, and whispered: "Husband, the professor just looked at me, did he find something?"

"But there are so many students in elective courses, shouldn't he remember every one of them?"

"But he finally smiled..."

Yan Bingxue was talking to herself, Su Chen looked up at the old professor over there, and saw that the professor looked over here frequently.

Su Chen knew that the professor probably recognized Yan Bingxue, but seeing his wife like this, he didn't seem to have any impression of the old professor.

"I've said so much just now, so let's ask a classmate to help us answer the next question." The professor's words suddenly shocked a student who was on a small run in the classroom.

The whispering in the classroom just now stopped. The students who hadn't listened to the lecture bowed their heads and dared not look at the teacher.

Yan Bingxue also lowered her head with a guilty conscience, and suddenly became nervous in her heart.

This feeling is really amazing for her. She used to be a master student when she was in school. Whether or not she listened carefully in class, the teacher's questions can definitely be answered.

But now I have graduated for so many years, and this elective course has brought my husband in casually. After the class, I have been chatting with my husband, not paying attention to what the professor said.

At the moment, she is like those students who didn't listen to the lectures well in school, and were afraid of being named by the teacher.

I didn't expect a feeling I hadn't experienced before when I was in school, but when I returned to university this time, I was able to experience it. It was really exciting.

What's more exciting is that the old professor actually walked slowly from the podium towards the last row.

Finally, he stopped directly in the line of Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

Su Chen looked at the old professor recklessly, and the old professor also looked at Su Chen, with a mild smile in his eyes.

Then the old professor suddenly looked at Yan Bingxue and said, "This female student, please answer my question just now."

Yan Bingxue closed her eyes, gently bit her pink lips, and stood up resignedly.

Although she didn't want to be named, now that it was her turn to answer the question, Yan Bingxue immediately looked up at the big screen over there.

When Yan Bingxue saw the problem clearly, she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

My luck is really good, this elective course turned out to be the marketing psychology I had taken in that year!

And she seems to have answered this question in class back then!

Yan Bingxue breathed a sigh of relief for an instant. For her schoolmaster, it was not difficult to recall the answer to the question back then. Moreover, coupled with her own practice in her work experience over the years, she is now better able Answer this question.

Yan Bingxue curled up the corners of her mouth, her delicate face filled with self-confidence, she spoke without hurried speed, and gave her own answer.

After listening to the answer, the old professor applauded first, and thunderous applause broke out in the classroom.

"Student Yan said very well. It seems that after graduating for so many years, Student Yan has not forgotten the knowledge he learned in school. Even the content taught by my old professor as an elective course, you still remember clearly, and this time The answer is even better than last time!"

When Yan Bingxue heard this, she looked at the old professor aside in surprise, her cheeks flushed It seems that the professor knew her, but she really couldn't remember the name of the professor. NS.

However, she had an impression of the question just now, and she had indeed taken this elective course back then.

Seeing Yan Bingxue’s reaction, the old professor laughed and said, "It seems that classmate Yan has forgotten who I am, but I am very impressed with you. You got the first place in my elective course. And your paper was also in the school’s magazine that year. Among my previous students, your excellence is really hard to forget."

After hearing what the old professor said, everyone realized that Yan Bingxue was not a student in their class at all, but a senior sister who had graduated for many years.

Everyone looked over curiously.

Yan Bingxue also reacted and bowed to the professor embarrassedly, "Sorry, professor, I'm interrupting you in class."

"It doesn't matter, you were invited to this school celebration, right? I feel very lucky to see you in school again, and this time you still seem to come with your family. Your husband looks very handsome."

The strongest dad: Signed 100 million at the start! Latest chapter address: https://

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