Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:22 AM

Chapter 583: 1 to parti ipate in the lass reunion

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Su Chen stood up generously and took the initiative to shake hands with the professor.

The old professor happily said to the curious students around him: "Classmates, today you are very lucky to meet one of my most proud students for so many years. The theoretical research on marketing psychology in our school journal on herd psychology is that It came from this Yan Xuejie."

The students in the classroom boiled instantly.

"It's actually that famous Senior Sister Yan Bingxue!"

"My God, I didn't expect Senior Sister Yan to go back to school, and she took an elective class with us, take pictures, I want to post on Facebook!"

"Senior sister, can you sign for me? I have read your thesis. It is superb, and your graduation thesis. Our professional teacher also used it as a teaching experience to tell us about it. It's really super Wonderful!"

"Senior Sister..."

The students became enthusiastic in an instant, Yan Bingxue was surrounded by everyone, an elective course, and finally became a fan meeting, Yan Bingxue signed and signed.

In the end, Yan Bingxue was really embarrassed, said sorry to the professor, said a few words of greeting, and hurried away with her husband.

After coming out of the teaching building, Yan Bingxue was finally relieved and couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't expect to be recognized in the end, and it was recognized by the professor."

Su Chen smiled and said, "My wife used to be very famous in the school. After so many years, even the professors of elective courses are still impressed by you."

Yan Bingxue stuck out her tongue at her husband, blinked, and said confidently: "That's~ I was a famous schoolmaster in school~"

"But now that we are recognized, we can no longer hang out in the school. Otherwise, we will not be able to leave if we are caught by the old professors who were in the class later~ Husband, let's go to eat outside the school. Well, I know there are several very good restaurants. When I was in school, I often ate here. I will take you to try it~"

The two went to a nearby Chinese restaurant for lunch. The Chinese restaurant in Daying Country has a unique taste of Chinese food.

In the afternoon, Yan Bingxue and Su Chen went shopping around. She wanted to take her husband to see the library, the commercial street, and all the places with memories.

Back at the hotel in the evening, Yan Bingxue took a shower and lay on her husband's lap. He was a little tired and full of happiness and said, "My husband, the feeling of coming back this time is really amazing."

"I really have a rare feeling when I return to my alma mater after graduating for many years." Su Chen touched her hair.

"No, I think it's different because of my husband with me!"

Yan Bingxue smiled sweetly, and said, playing with Su Chen's fingers: "It's almost New Year's Day when we go back. This time, my parents said that New Year's Day will be back home, so I can go and see where my husband grew up. , Really look forward to~"

Yan Bingxue wanted to go to Su Chen’s hometown when he was awarding the prize in the imperial capital. Later, after Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu came back, because the company’s business couldn’t get away, the whole family discussed about going back together on New Year’s Day. The two children had three days. Holidays, and New Year's Day is more lively.

The night before the school celebration, Yan Bingxue received an invitation from the class reunion and was going to eat in the evening.

In the afternoon, Yan Bingxue was choosing clothes for styling.

Just after Su Chen came out of the video conference, Yan Bingxue immediately looked back at him, holding two sets of clothes on her chest and gestured, "Husband, you can help me see, which of these two sets of clothes is better?"

"It's all pretty good. My wife looks good in whatever clothes she wears! If you don't go to the class reunion, and your wife dresses up so carefully, don't you be afraid that I will be jealous? After all, people say it's okay to participate in the class reunion. "Su Chen said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue put down the clothes in her hands, walked over and hugged her husband and said, "Husband, that's all on the Internet. In real life classmates, there are not so many emotional factors in it!"

"I have graduated for so many years. I haven't seen my classmates for so many years. Everyone is already a mature man and woman. I think in this classmate meeting, most of you are comparing your career and family. It looks better~"

"Come and help me choose a suitable suit. Tonight I want to let all my classmates know that I am the happiest one among them~"

Su Chen kissed his wife on the cheek, and then went to help her choose clothes.

Although it is winter now, but when it comes to the city, Su Chen chose a white turtleneck sweater for his wife. Underneath are straight slim jeans. This set looks Bingxue and thin waist. Long legs and excellent figure.

Su Chen glanced at his collocation with satisfaction, and said to his wife in the mirror: "My wife, you can absolutely overwhelm the audience tonight. The figure alone is absolutely impossible for your classmates to compare. You, you said that you have already given birth to Tuan Tuan and Le Le, but you still maintain such a good body, how could they be your opponents?"

Yan Bingxue looked at herself in the mirror, smiled with satisfaction, turned her head and said sweetly: "My husband's eyes are good~ This outfit is indeed very beautiful, so I will wear this outfit tonight, and I will match it on the outside. A coat, beautiful~"

"Next, let me help my husband choose clothes for tonight!"

"Today is your classmates reunion, do I want to go with it too?"

"Of course! Since I'm already in the home, the important thing of the class reunion is naturally to be taken with the family! And my husband is so good, it is the classmate meeting tonight, I hold the heaviest thing in my hand A hole card~ Of course I have to take my husband with me!"

Su Chen raised his brows handsomely, UU reading www. smiled and said, "So I'm just a tool man."

"Hehe~ My husband is not a tool man, my husband is my greatest pride!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue helped her husband choose a gray sweater and matched it with black slacks. The dark gray coat on the outside looked very handsome.

After the two of them got dressed, Yan Bingxue took her husband and stood in front of the mirror and nodded in satisfaction.


"Today we both wore these clothes to attend the class reunion, it couldn't be more appropriate~"

"Tonight I will definitely become the envious object of all female classmates!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

The location of the fellowship was set at a star-rated hotel near the school. Yan Bingxue’s classmates at the time have basically been working for many years. They have made little achievements in their careers and can be regarded as successful people in all walks of life.

There was a large row of luxury cars parked at the entrance, and the venue of the class reunion also booked the most luxurious private room in the hotel. Forty people ordered a large round table. There was also a leisure and entertainment area in the box, which was very luxurious.

The strongest dad: Signed 100 million at the start! Latest chapter address: https://

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