Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:16 AM

Chapter 587: Fight for hildren who are afraid of whom

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Melody said this, and Qin Xiao was immediately embarrassed.

Qin Xiao glanced at Yan Bingxue guiltily, and whispered: "Bingxue, in fact, we are still young now. You and your husband look so loving, but you can enjoy the two-person world of the past two years. My husband and I. Recently, I have been saying, "Is it too early to have the child? The son came suddenly, and we can’t help it. But now that I have a child, I really feel that the two people spend a lot less time alone, which affects the relationship between husband and wife. It's~"

Yan Bingxue smiled, looked at a bunch of curious classmates, took Su Chen's hand and said, "My two children are already over three years old."

When he said this, he shocked a large table of people.

Su Chen looked at his wife and said, "My wife, it seems that you don’t really contact your classmates. In the future, you should post more pictures of our family Tuan Tuan and Lele in your circle of friends. Otherwise, some female classmates might want to be there by yourself. It’s a big psychological drama!"

Su Chen is so smart, it is natural to see that this Melody is very unkind to his wife.

When he said this, Melody suddenly felt very embarrassed. She didn't expect that Yan Bingxue and Su Chen's children were over three years old. This was completely invisible!

Yan Bingxue has such a good figure, and there are no blemishes on the skin on the face with light makeup. How can this be the appearance of having a child?

The way she is now, it cost a lot of money to get it out in beauty salons and plastic surgery hospitals. It was terrible to think about the time when she had just given birth, but in order to keep the rich husband, she had to give birth to a son. Row!

But also as a mother, Yan Bingxue's current state is too jealous!

The students were shocked by the news Yan Bingxue said. Qin Xiao opened his eyes in surprise and asked in disbelief: "Bingxue, you and Mr. Su already have two babies?"

"Well, it's a pair of twins."

"It's still a dragon and a phoenix! Bingxue, you and your family Mr. Su are too strong! Just do it for one child, and have both children and daughters, making it a good word! This is too enviable~"

"But you and your family Mr. Su look really good. I just thought you two were in the newly married state. I didn't expect that the children are already this old!"

"Yeah, Goddess Yan, you are doing big things without making a sound! Our old classmates haven't heard from you for many years. I didn't expect this classmate meeting to put a blockbuster on you when you came. Mr. Come over together, and then said that you already have a pair of three-year-old twins. This is too shocking!"

The focus of the classmates once again revolved around Yan Bingxue. Melody was left out in the cold. She clenched her fists angrily, and the palms of the carefully made nail thorns hurt.

On the other side, William's face is also ugly. He came today for Yan Bingxue. He hadn't chased Yan Bingxue for three years. He originally thought that taking advantage of this classmate meeting, he could finally see Yan Bingxue again. To catch up with the goddess of the past.

It turned out that the goddess did not come by herself today. The goddess not only got married, but also had two three-year-old children with each other.

This situation is really unwilling!

But William is the eldest young master after all, even if he is not happy in his heart, he still has to maintain his face.

Melody is different, she finally caught this opportunity, and today is going to suppress Yan Bingxue at the classmate meeting.

There is a pair of twins, what's so great about it? Women fight for the strength of men and children.

Seeing that everyone was congratulating Yan Bingxue, Melody suddenly took out his mobile phone and talked loudly to Ruth next to him.

"This is my son, isn't he cute?"

Ruth had already seen their son in Melody’s circle of friends, but at this moment Melody suddenly asked, Ruth certainly understood what he meant.

So Ruth immediately said loudly, "Maldi, your son is so cute! Look at these big eyes, he looks like a small model~ If this is discovered by an advertising company, I can’t ask you right away. what!"

Melody tilted his head triumphantly, and said with a smile: "I won't let my son shoot an advertisement, and our family doesn't lack this money! My husband said that my son will inherit the company in the future, and he will be treated as a child from an early age. When the heirs come to train, you must pay attention to protecting your privacy. If it weren’t for you are all classmates today, I wouldn’t take out the photos of my son to see!"

Ruth looked flattered, and exaggeratedly covered her mouth and said: "Then we are really honored today, classmates, hurry up and have a look, Melody's son is so beautiful!"

Several classmates around came over curiously, but after seeing the photos, they were unavoidably disappointed.

The child is very cute, blond, blue-eyed, and has round eyes. Unfortunately, compared with Melody, he is still a bit worse.

After all, the current Melody relies on plastic surgery in many places, and her husband is a rich man, and he doesn't look very good, which seriously reduces the appearance of the child.

But Ruth and Melody are so boastful that everyone didn't say much, and they scattered after looking at them.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue sat there and didn't move. They were not interested in other people's children at Originally thought this was going to pass, but Melody took the initiative to hand over the phone.

"Classmate Yan Bingxue, do you see my son is cute?"

The phone was already low to the front, Yan Bingxue glanced down, then looked up at Melody over there, and sincerely commented: "It looks a lot like you did when you were in college, but his mouth is not very good-looking, so I think it's up to you. Husband."

Everyone is complimenting their son, but Yan Bingxue said such a big truth, Melody was suddenly upset.

"Student Yan, what does this mean? No mother wants to hear bad things about her child. I think you are a mother too. You must understand this! If my son is not good-looking enough, then I would like to see your son. What do you look like with your daughter!"

Yan Bingxue chuckled, "My husband and I are sitting here. The baby naturally looks like us. If you don't look at the photos, I believe everyone can imagine what a child looks like."

There is nothing wrong with these words. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue sitting in this box are simply shocked by their looks. Obviously everyone is sitting at a table, and they are obviously separated from the others.

And these two faces are very natural at first glance, absolutely pure and natural. With such parents, the child's appearance is naturally indistinguishable!


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