Published at 21st of December 2021 09:26:49 AM

Chapter 607: 2 babies found small business opportunities to make money

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After Tuantuan got the snacks, he did not immediately follow, but mysteriously said to Mom and Dad, "Mom and Dad, when I just went out with my brother, I found a business opportunity to make money."

Yan Bingxue asked curiously, "What business opportunity?"

Tuantuan has always been interested in business. Although he is young now, he has a good vision and has his own unique talent in business.

But they just went out to get a courier, why did they find a business opportunity?

Tuantuan immediately happily talked to his parents about what happened just now.

"Mom and Dad, when my brother and I just went to pick up the courier at the inn at the door, we met a lot of uncles and aunts who went to get the courier. They were very envious when they saw my brother and I go to help my mother get the courier."

"I found out that not only my mother was unwilling to go out to take the courier in this kind of weather, but the other uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters in our community were unwilling to go to the door to take the courier in the winter. They also said that they would like to have my brother and me. Children like this help them get express delivery."

"And just now when my brother and I came back, we passed by Grandma Wang’s house next door. Grandpa Wang had to go out to take the courier in the winter. He saw my brother and I driving the car. Grandpa said hello to us. He saw the package in our car. Just smiled and told me that if I were willing to help him get the courier, it would be fine, so that he could pay me the cost of the courier."

"Mom, I think this is a good opportunity to make money. Since there are so many people in our community and they don’t want to go to the post at the door to get express delivery, then my brother and I can take on the task of running errands. Let’s drive there. It’s very convenient to send express by express. Every express is charged a certain amount of remuneration. In this way, my brother and I can make a lot of money at the end of the day."

Yan Bingxue couldn't think of it. It's just that Tuantuan can get so much inspiration after going out to get a courier.

Moreover, the business concept that Tuantuan said is actually feasible, because there are many such errand services, but what Tuantuan sees is only within the community.

After listening to his daughter’s words, Su Chen said approvingly, “Our family Tuan Tuan and Lele are really smart, but we can find such a good business opportunity when we go out and help my mother get a courier, but in fact, this business opportunity has been discovered by others. Now, many platforms offer errand services, but there is no special delivery service for the community. This is an opportunity. If you two want to try it, Mom and Dad can support you."

"Great, Dad, let's start with Grandpa Wang's house next door. Just now, Grandpa Wang said that if we can help him get the courier, each courier can give us two dollars. There are a total of six couriers in their family today. If you want to take it, then my brother and I can earn twelve yuan on this trip.” Tuantuan calculated these incomes, and the whole person seemed very excited.

Since the last time the little guy experienced selling fish, he also has a certain concept of making money on his own. After taking the CEO training class, he now has a deeper understanding of this entrepreneurial concept.

If you can try this in your life, it would be the best

But she knew that she was still a child and had to get the consent of her father and mother.

"Because I don't know whether my parents will agree, I just told Grandpa Wang that I want to go home to discuss with my parents. Grandpa Wang said that he can wait for me for a while. If I am willing to help them get the express, then He won't go out"

Su Chen knew that the grandfather Wang next door also saw the two little guys cute, so he would really return home and wait for the two little guys to reply.

Yan Bingxue turned to look at her husband, and smiled and asked, "Husband, do you think it is really feasible for Tuantuan and Lele to perform this kind of errand service in the community?"

"I don't think there is any problem. Tuantuan and Lele drove out for about ten minutes back and forth. It doesn't take up too much time. It can also increase some of their social experience. It is indeed a good attempt."

"Well, if Dad supports you, then Mom has no opinion, but Tuantuan, since this is a business opportunity that you and your brother discovered, then you have to find a way to get the order by yourself. Dad and mom will not help."

Tuantuan happily raised their hands in salute, and said confidently, "No problem, mom, my brother and I will definitely be able to do it. Now let's go to the next door Grandpa Wang's house to take the order."

"Wait a minute, Dad will install a driving recorder on your car, so that Mom and Dad can rest assured that you two can always drive around outside."

Su Chen took out the dash cam from his car before. This is the basic version. It does not need to be connected to the vehicle. It only has a recording function, but it can be connected to the ifi of the mobile phone. After having this dash cam, No need to keep playing video.

The two little guys waited beside him obediently, and after Su Chen installed the dash cam, Tuan Tuan and Le Le set off happily.

The ball also wanted to go with it, but this time Tuan Tuan kept the ball.

She squatted next to the ball and touched the little head of the ball and explained, "The ball, brother and sister are not going for a drive this time, they are going out to make money, because if you want to help other people’s home delivery, you must ensure other people’s delivery. Intact, and if there are too many other people’s express delivery, there will be no place for you in the car. So the ball, you obediently wait for your brother and sister at home, and wait for your brother and sister to make money to buy you delicious food Snacks to eat"

The two little guys seemed to be full of expectations for their own prospects for making money. After calming the ball, they set off for the next door to Grandpa Wang's house.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue stood at the door, UU reading watched them two out.

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "It's really unexpected that our family Tuantuan and Lele are so small, we already have plans to start our own business."

"Tuan Tuan has always been very sensitive in this regard. I saw it when I was outside the station. At that time, those people were talking and the others didn’t care at all, but Tuantuan stood there and listened for a long time. Everyone found this kind of business opportunity in the conversation. After the team fight, he will definitely be a very powerful business manager."

Yan Bingxue couldn't help feeling proud when her husband said so.

It’s great that my daughter is so like herself

The two little guys were full of enthusiasm, and soon arrived at the station again. The staff saw the two kids appear again and curiously asked, "My kids, why are you back again? Is there something wrong with the express delivery just now? Your express delivery today It’s all finished, now there’s no express delivery from your mother here."

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