Published at 21st of December 2021 09:26:03 AM

Chapter 641: ampfire

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After Su Chen set up the brazier, Fang's mother prepared some tea and fruit platter and brought it out.

"Hahaha, Baba Mama, grandparents, shall I perform a show for you?" Tuantuan said with a smile.

"Oh? Our ensemble music is going to perform. Mom and Dad are warmly welcome. What kind of performance is the ensemble music performing?" Su Chen said in surprise.

"Hehe, Baba, I want to show you a new nursery rhyme we learned in kindergarten, can you?" Lele said, shaking his head and looking at everyone.

"Of course you can, mom and dad applaud you!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile of joy.

"Grandparents applaud you too!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Everyone applauded the two little cute babies.

"Chunmian doesn't know dawn, I hear birds everywhere."

"The night comes wind and rain, Whispering Colour."

The two little guys sang, gestured, and shook their heads, so cute.

"Husband, I will record Tuantuan and Lele~" Yan Bingxue said excitedly, taking out his mobile phone.

Su Chen nodded in agreement, and took the video with Yan Bingxue. Watching the two little guys under the camera sing in the face of the fire, don't worry about how happy Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are as parents.

"Okay, we finished the performance. The teacher said this was adapted from the ancient poem Chunxiao of Tang Dynasty poem Meng Haoran. My sister and I like this song~" Lele said excitedly.

"Tuan Tuan He Yue Le sings really well, and the father who sings has a warm heart~" Su Chen praised happily.

"Yeah, Tuantuan, Lele, you guys are awesome, Grandma Chen likes listening to you sing the most, your singing is sweet, making Grandma Chen sweeter than eating honey!" Fang Ma said with a smile.

"Thank you Grandma Chen for the compliment~" Tuantuan He Lele saluted Fang's mother and said.

"Baba, now that Tuan Tuan and Lele have finished their performance, can you watch Baba perform? Tuan and Lele want to listen to Baba singing~" Lele said, pushing Su Chen's arm expectantly.

Tuantuan's little hand took Su Chen's big hand and said with a small mouth, "Yes, Baba, Tuantuan wants to hear you sing too~"

Since it was the request of the two little guys, Su Chen naturally agreed. Seeing the small eyes that the two little guys were expecting, Su Chen's heart became cute.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for successfully recording the child's growth record and rewarding first-level singing skills"

"Does the host want to activate?"

"It just so happens that Tuan Tuan and Le Le want me to sing, activate it, please activate the system immediately!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully acquiring first-level singing skills."

Su Chen smiled and said: "Okay, since the two little guys have said it, then dad will perform a song, but today my dad doesn't bring a guitar, so I have to sing it~!"

At this time, Dad Fang said hurriedly: "I have a guitar in my house. I bought it when Fang Qi was in college. It left it in his room. I'll get it out!"

"Well, Uncle Fang will trouble you to take it!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"It's not troublesome, it's not troublesome, take it out immediately if it's convenient!" Father Fang said with a smile.

Soon Dad Fang took out the guitar, "Come on, Xiao Su, give it to you!"

Su Chen took the guitar and began to perform. The song Su Chen sang was "The World Is Connected with You".

"At this time, the grass has grown, and the one you love is still on the way."

"He and I have taken a trip to the dark by the wind and waves"

Su Chen's singing is crisp, like a natural sound, beautiful melody and singing, and the guitar is really amazing. Is there a trace of sparks coming out of the fire?

Yan Bingxue listened to Su Chen singing, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, closing her eyes, the fire in front of her swayed in front of her, listening to Su Chen singing, she was very intoxicated.

Bingxue was very happy and thought: her husband is awesome. Not only does he play the guitar well, but I never thought that singing is even more medical. I feel better than Yin's playing and singing!

"I didn't expect Xiao Su to sing so well, not worse than the singers on TV!" Fang Ma praised.

"I didn't expect it to be the first time I heard him sing. I didn't expect him to sing so well, unlike me and his dad who both sing with incomplete tone!" Lin Xiu said, looking at Su Chen in surprise.

Su Chen sang a song, Tuan Tuan He Lele listened to the singing, and danced. The two little guys danced around Su Chen, very cute.

"Look, Tuan Tuan and Le Le are still dancing to Chenchen, how happy the two little guys are~" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

At the end of the song, everyone is still unfinished.

Father Fang smiled and praised: "Xiao Su, you sing very well!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Thank you Uncle Fang for the compliment. Uncle Fang, would you like a song tonight? You are a good singer in our town!"

Father Fang waved his hand and said, "Now, people are getting old, singing is no better than before!"

Su Chen immediately said: "Uncle Fang, you are a treasured sword, you are the second in the town, who dares to be the first. Uncle Fang, do you have a song?"

"Hahaha, since Xiaosu has said so, then I will play a song, I will get my ponytail, wait!" Fang Dad said excitedly.

Father Fang was still a little nervous tonight, although he couldn't compare to Su Chen, but he could still hear him.

Dad Su put the ponytail on his chest, plucked the strings and sang boldly. Because Dad Fang sang in a dialect, Yan Bingxue didn’t understand too Chen knew that Yan Bingxue would definitely listen. I didn’t understand the dialect of my hometown, so I explained to Yan Bingxue: “My wife, Uncle Fang sings folk songs from our side, and it’s a song that welcomes guests from afar and expresses my joy. !"

Yan Bingxue nodded, smiled and leaned in Su Chen's ear and said, "Wow, I think Uncle Fang's singing is very passionate, and his voice is also very characteristic!"

"Uncle Fang, when I was young, I belonged to the town's song and dance troupe. Singing is great!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue nodded and said, "No wonder, I have to share this news with Yuxin, maybe Yuxin will still use it in the future~"

Su Chen looked at this lovely wife in front of him, and was extremely happy.

"Baba, Mama, will you get up and dance with us?" Tuan Tuan He Lele said, pulling Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

"Hahaha, okay, father and mother will accompany the group and dance with Lele." Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Chen, Yan Bingxue, Tuan Tuan and Le Le held hands and danced around the fire.

"Grandpa, Grandma, Grandma Chen, Grandpa Fang, can you also join the group and dance with Lele?" Tuan Tuan said cutely.

How can two such lovely babies bear to refuse? So everyone got up to accompany the group and dance with music.

The eight people danced around the fire together, and there were cheerful laughter from time to time. Tonight everyone had a very happy time. Especially the two children Tuantuan and Lele. When I got home, I was still arguing about the next time, and I wanted to dance around the fire.

Su Chen smiled and told the two little cute babies and said, "Okay, next time Mom, Dad and everyone will dance with Tangtang and Lele!"

"The strongest daddy: sign in 100 million at the beginning! ( Find the latest chapter!

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