Published at 21st of December 2021 09:24:34 AM

Chapter 703: ?? Su Haoqian's History lass

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"It seems to be yo, that papa, wait till Tuan Tuan and Lele's birthday, will you make me and Guck a super creamy cake?" Tuan Tuan asked with a smile.

When the little guy mentioned cream and cake, his eyes gave off a different kind of light.

"Okay, then make one for Tuantuan, and another for Lele, okay?" Su Chen said with a squeaky little face.

Tuantuan happily clapped his little hands and said, "Great, great, so Tuantuan can eat two cakes, just one, and one Tuantuan, happy, happy!"

"Okay, hurry up and finish eating the cake inside, otherwise Baba will have to eat~" Su Chen said deliberately, teasing Tuantuan.

"Well... Do you still want to eat cake? That Tuan Tuan will give Tuan Tuan a bite, okay? At that time, Ba Ba will make a super big cake for Tuan Tuan!" Tuantuan said with a smile.

"Okay, eat it, little guy, Baba will definitely make a super nice big cake for you by then! Then Tuan Tuan will give the cake to all of your good friends!" Su Chen shot Paituan Tuan and Lele's little shoulder said.

"Um...Baba, that Tuan Tuan is the monitor of the squad, Coco is the sports committee member, the classmates like Tuan Tuan and Coco, can Tuan Tuan and Coco a cake for everyone?" Tuantuan said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, whoever Tuantuan wants to give a copy, just give it a copy!" Su Chen said in a petulant manner.

"Great, Baba Mama is so good, I like Baba Mama the most!" Le Le and Tuantuan said in unison.

"Okay, when the little guy finishes eating, he wipes his mouth and hands, and prepares to take a bath~" Yan Bingxue said gently, looking at the two little guys.

"Okay!" The two little guys nodded obediently.

"Grandpa and grandma, good night, grandpa and grandma!" Tuantuan He Lele said with a smile.

"Good night!" Lin Xiu waved her hand and said softly.

"Parents, grandparents, you go to bed early, we took the two little guys to take a bath!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Well, you guys go to bed early too!" Su Haoqian and Su Chen said with a smile.

Everyone dispersed and went to bed. Su's house was very peaceful and quiet that night. The winter in the imperial capital was always extremely cold, but as long as everyone was together, it was no longer cold, and the bleak scene looked different.

The next day, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue Ensemble Lele and Su Haoqian, Lin Xiu went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall in winter has a special flavor, it looks particularly majestic among the lofty mountains.

"Husband, I haven't climbed the Great Wall in winter yet, do you think it's like the mountain dancing silver snake, the original Chi wax elephant, as the poets said?" Yan Bingxue said while packing up the dry food.

"Yes, my husband has never climbed, but my husband is definitely on a journey full of surprises!" Su Chen fetched a glass of water for Yan Bingxue and said.

"Hmm~" Yan Bingxue looked at Su Chen gently and said.

After packing everything, everyone set off.

When he came to the Great Wall and saw the Great Wall winding around the mountains, Su Chen was respectful.

"The Great Wall of Eight Hundred Miles is indeed majestic!" Su Chen sighed.

"Let's go!" Su Chen said with some joy.

Tuan Tuan and Lele took the lead to set off, "Baba, grandpa and grandma, hurry up, hurry up!" Tuan Tuan and Lele said while standing at the entrance of the stairs.

"Good!" Su Chen replied with a smile.

But the children are always hot for three minutes, and suddenly they lose strength.

Tuan Tuan He Lele panted and said, "Baba, grandparents, let's take a rest here, Lele and sister are tired!"

"Are you tired? Then let's take a rest, and wait to continue crawling. Only then did we climb one-tenth Yo~" Su Chen said frankly.

"Ah, wouldn't it be so long, so long!" Lele said, looking at the winding stairs walking behind him.

"Yes! But we are not in a hurry. Let's climb slowly, let's take a break first!" Su Chen comforted.

"Well...then let's rest for 20 minutes!" Tuan Tuan asked pitifully.

"Okay, okay!" Su Chen and Yan Bingxue smiled helplessly. It's like that when you come out with the little guy. After climbing for half an hour, you have to rest for 20 minutes.

Su Chen thought: We must find a way to inspire them! What can I do?

Su Chen's forehead suddenly opened, there is.

Su Chen quietly told Yan Bingxue: "Bingxue, you are playing with the little guys now, I'll go and prepare some surprises for the little guys, just go back!"

Yan Bingxue nodded in cooperation and said, "Okay!"

So Su Chen carried his backpack and continued to walk forward.

Tuan Tuan and Lele took a sip of water, and when they saw that their father was gone, they asked, "Where is Baba?"

Yan Bingxue smiled and replied, "Baba has gone, and I will be back later!"

Seeing the two little guys looking east and west, 80% wanted to see where Su Chen had gone. Su Haoqian smiled and asked, "Tuan Tuan Le Le, do you know what this Great Wall is for? "

Tuantuan He Lele shook his head.

"Then Grandpa tells Tuantuan and Lele General a story!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

"Grandpa is going to tell Lele a story, Lele likes to listen to stories most!" Lele said happily.

"Tuan Tuan also likes to hear stories!" Tuantuan said with joy.

Tuan Tuan and Lele sat on the edge of the Great Wall, Yan Bingxue sat beside them, and Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu sat opposite Tuan Tuan and Lele.

"Then grandpa started talking~" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded, putting his hands on his chin, looking serious.

"This Great Wall was originally used to defend against foreign enemies. Long ago, the Dragon Kingdom was divided into many, many kingdoms. Later in this period, people called them the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period."

"So many countries, so many countries, in order to protect their country from being violated by other countries, they built a city wall to separate their country from other countries!"

Su Haoqian said with a smile Su Haoqian seemed to have returned to school all at once, as if it was his own history classroom.

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded. Lele said with a smile: "Then you can stop the enemy outside, right?"

"Yes!" Su Haoqian nodded and said.

"Later, these countries were unified by a country called Qin State, so these countries became a big country again. At this time, the king has a new name-Emperor!" Su Haoqian continued.

"Although the surrounding countries were unified at this time, just to the north of the Great Wall, behind this mountain, a group of people from other ethnic groups lived. This group of people is called the Huns. They always want to invade the Qin Kingdom. Great country!"

"So this king, the emperor, came up with a way to continue building the Great Wall to defend against the Huns and keep the Huns out."


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