Published at 21st of December 2021 09:23:45 AM

Chapter 740: 1Afternoon tea time for the family

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Since Su Chen hadn't arrived yet, everyone had something to eat first, and Tang Shuyun took out all the snacks he prepared for everyone to eat.

"Tuan Tuan, Lele, see what grandma brought here?" Tang Shuyun asked with a smile.

The two little guys looked up and saw two plates of snacks. They were very happy.

"Grandma, is this the snack you made for us?" Lele asked with joy.

"Hmm~" Tang Shuyun nodded with a smile.

"Grandma is so good, I have prepared so many delicious foods for Tuantuan and Coco, Tuantuan is so happy~" Tuantuan said excitedly, holding his small chin in both hands.

"Try it quickly, grandma will bring you a cup of hot milk!" Tang Shuyun said joyfully.

With that, Tang Shuyun went and brought a cup of hot milk.

Tuan Tuan He Lele looked at the gazes of Yan Bingxue, Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian.

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Let's eat, taste how grandma's pastries are!"

The two little guys nodded happily.

The two little guys happily took a small snack, and carefully held it in the palm of their hands. The two little guys looked at the snack in their hands happily, and they were really afraid of holding it in their hands.

The two little guys smiled and glanced at each other, then ate the hibiscus cake they were holding in their hands.

It was very sweet and delicious in one bite, Tuantuan licked her little lips happily, and said happily: "It's so delicious~"

Tang Shuyun came over with two cups of hot milk and three cups of tea.

Seeing the two little guys eating really happily, Tang Shuyun smiled and asked, "Little guy, is it delicious?"

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded in satisfaction.

Tang Shuyun brought Tuantuan He Lele a cup of hot milk, and Su Haoqian, Lin Xiu and Yan Bingxue brought a cup of tea.

"Mom, why are you so polite?" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Axiu and Haoqian come here once, don't they want to be a little grander?" Tang Shuyun explained with a smile.

"You guys also try the dim sum I made!" Tang Shuyun said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "It's delicious, mom, what you cooked is the same as when you were a kid!"

"Well, it's really delicious, Shuyun, you can open a dessert shop with your craft!" Lin Xiu praised.

Tang Shuyun smiled happily.

Su Haoqian looked at the unpacked tea set in the living room and asked with a smile, "Zhenwei, are you making tea? I heard that you have done a lot of research on this aspect!"

Yan Zhenwei said modestly: "Where, where, just fiddle with when you have time!"

Su Haoqian and Yan Zhenwei smiled, and the two began to talk about the tea ceremony. Su Haoqian said: "The tea ceremony pays attention to the beauty of the five realms-tea, tea, heat, tea sets, and the environment. Zhenwei has his own ideas about these five realms. See it!"

Yan Zhenwei smiled and said: "I don't dare to talk about it, but I also have a little opinion of my own. I think, if you want to taste the five realms, you must first be proficient in the six gentlemen of tea ceremony!"

Su Haoqian smiled and nodded, "Indeed, the six gentlemen of the tea ceremony-tea rules, tea needles, tea leaks, tea holders, teaspoons, and tea tubes are indeed the prerequisites for a good pot of tea!"

Yan Zhenwei said in the same sympathy, "Isn't it, the choice from quality to appearance is the most important thing. It takes great pains to choose a good set of six gentlemen!"

Su Haoqian smiled and asked: "Hahaha, Zhenwei, listen to what you mean, you should have a complete collection of tea sets in your hand!"

Yan Zhenwei smiled and sighed: "Hao Qian, you see something really poisonous, it hits the target! In my study, there is indeed a collection of collections, do you want to see it?"

Su Haoqian replied happily: "Naturally we need to see, see!"

The two went into the study.

Lin Xiu and Tang Shuyun watched the two go away, and Tang Shuyun asked, "Where are you going? When the son-in-law comes, we are going to pick grapefruit!"

Yan Zhenwei smiled and said, "I'll go to the study, and I'll be out in a while!"

Tang Shuyun nodded and smiled.

Tang Shuyun, Lin Xiu, and Yan Bingxue accompany the two little guys to eat snacks and play in the living room.

Lin Xiu smiled and sighed: "I can't help but feel that the two have a feeling of hatred for seeing each other late!"

Tang Shuyun echoed: "Hahaha, it's not!"

Tuantuan said with a smile: "Grandma, are you jealous with grandpa?"

Tang Shuyun and Lin Xiu laughed. Lin Xiu touched Tuantuan's little head and said, "Little guy, how old you are, you know you are jealous!"

Tuantuan smiled, widened his eyes and said seriously: "Of course Tuantuan knows!"

Tuantuan pointed his chin with a small index finger and said, "Well...just like Ma Ma sometimes eats Baba vinegar, right, sometimes Baba will spend a lot of time at work when he is busy, and Ma Ma will be jealous!"

Yan Bingxue smiled embarrassedly, "Tuan Tuan, you little fellow is really insightful! But mom is not jealous, mom, mom... just... remind dad to rest and not to work all the time!"

Tang Shuyun and Lin Xiu looked at each other and laughed.

Lin Xiu smiled and said: "Bingxue, wait for my mother to talk about Chenchen, Chenchen is really busy with work and can't care about anything, but you have to tell him well!"

"Mom, you... don't say Su Chen!" Yan Bingxue defended.

Lin Xiu was really sorry and happy for Yan Bingxue. Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Hahaha, I listen to you!"

Soon Su Chen came over. Su Chen rang the doorbell.

Tuan Tuan and Lele jumped off the sofa to open the door for Su Chen, Lele said excitedly: "It must be Baba here!"

"Baba is here, let's open the door!" Tuantuan said with a smile.

The two little guys quickly put on their shoes and ran to the gate to open the door for Su Chen. Lele stood on tiptoe to hold the door handle and opened the door for Su Chen.

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "I really mean Cao Cao has arrived!"

Lele opened the door, and it was Su Chen who was standing facing him. Su Chen stood in the afterglow, looking from the living room, his back looks very! "Tuan Tuan Yue Yue shouted in unison.

Su Chen hugged the two little guys and said with a smile: "What is Tuan Tuan Le Le doing?"

Tuantuan looked at Su Chen's eyes with a cute smile and said, "Tuan Tuan and Lele have Ma Ma, grandma, and grandma are eating!"

Su Chen asked in a pleasant surprise, "You are eating, what good food is that Tuan He Lele eating?"

Lele replied with a smile of joy: "Tuan Tuan and Lele are eating grandma's cakes, grandma's cakes are so delicious~"

"So Tuantuan and Lele are eating pastries!" Su Chen put down the two little guys and touched the pink round faces of the two little guys.

Su Chen led Tuantuan and Lele to the living room. Su Chen said, "Mom, mom, Bingxue!"

Tang Shuyun and Lin Xiu nodded with a smile.

Tang Shuyun smiled and asked, "Xiao Chen, do you want two yuan!"

Su Chen said happily: "That's great, mom's craftsmanship is delicious without saying!"

Su Chen picked up a piece of pastry and smiled and said, "Mom, it looks good when you look at it, and it will definitely taste better!"

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