Published at 21st of December 2021 09:23:21 AM

Chapter 757: Buying vegetables is so onvenient

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Lin Xiu and Qin Xiao chatted for a while, after enlightening Aunt Qin, they were ready to go back.

"Okay, I'm going back, too, and I have to prepare dinner for my son and daughter-in-law!" Lin Xiu got up and said with a smile.

"Well, I won't leave you much, you and your family are waiting for you!" Aunt Qin said enviously.

"Look at what you said, envy, envy, go abroad as soon as possible with your son and daughter-in-law, don't make any excuses from foreign countries, you, a talented young woman, can't hide from me!" Lin Xiu laughed Said.

"Okay, I'm thinking, considering!" Qin Xiao said with a smile.

"Then it's settled, consider it carefully~" Lin Xiu said, looking at Aunt Qin earnestly.

"Good!" Aunt Qin replied loudly.

Lin Xiu carried the insulation box and went out, and saw Aunt Qin's wife who was busy in the living room.

Aunt Qin's wife watched Lin Xiu go home, and said, "Go slow, it just rained and the road was slippery!"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Okay, I will! You must take a good look at the road!"

So Lin Xiu went out and returned home.

Back home, I saw Su Haoqian sitting in the living room making Baduanjin.

Su Haoqian looked at Lin Xiu's return, and asked, "I'm back!"

Lin Xiu nodded and said with a smile: "You, do your **** seriously, don't be distracted!"

Su Haoqian continued to do the exercises.

Lin Xiu walked into the bedroom of the two little guys to see if the two little guys woke up.

Lin Xiu gently pushed open the door, and saw the two little guys sleeping soundly, and closed the door lightly.

Lin Xiu looked at the ingredients in the kitchen and refrigerator, and decided to go out and buy a fish and some green vegetables and fresh meat.

Lin Xiu closed the refrigerator door and said, "I'm going out to buy some food, and you look at the two little guys at home!"

Su Haoqian turned off the background music and walked over and said, "I don't worry about you going out alone. It just rained and the road was slippery. If you accidentally fell down, what should you do?"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "But when Chenchen and Bingxue come back for dinner, let's go out and buy some food!"

Su Haoqian pulled Lin Xiu and said, "You can buy fresh ingredients if you don't go out now, and they will definitely be delivered to your door within an hour after the order is placed!"

Lin Xiu said in amazement: "It's okay to do this, then just buy things on the mobile phone, which saves a lot of trouble!"

"Look at you, I have always said that you follow the trend of the times. Look, now you are out!" Su Haoqian teased.

"Old Su!" Lin Xiu said angrily.

Su Haoqian quickly closed his mouth and said, "I won't say it, it's my fault!"

Su Haoqian turned on the phone, opened the ordering APP and said, "This is the APP, it's convenient, and you can search for what else to buy!"

Lin Xiu looked at Su Haoqian's phone in surprise and said, "Then Old Su, help me search for the big head fish!"

Su Haoqian smiled and said, "Bighead fish, right?"

Lin Xiu nodded.

Su Haoqian searched on the phone: Big-headed fish. Suddenly, many big-headed fish from different stores appeared below.

Lin Xiu smiled in surprise, "Old Su, it really is really convenient, look at the big head fish in so many shops!"

"Hahaha, this is just the tip of the iceberg, there is nothing you can't find, only things you can't think of!" Su Haoqian said with a smug smile.

"Let's see which one you want to buy?" Su Haoqian showed Lin Xiu the phone.

Lin Xiu looked at the big-headed fish on the phone. It didn't make any difference from the picture. Suddenly, she saw the number in the lower right corner and asked, "Lao Su, is this a purchase index?"

Su Haoqian smiled and said, "Axiu, you are so smart!"

"I think, just choose the one with the most purchase index, just this one!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Hmm!" Su Haoqian said with a smile. Su Haoqian added the things he wanted to buy into the shopping cart.

"Well, what else to buy, Axiu?" Su Haoqian asked with a smile.

"Buy some more vegetables and lean meat!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Good!" Su Haoqian replied.

Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu quickly selected the dishes for tonight.

Su Haoqian placed the order, and smiled to show Lin Xiu: "Axiu, look at me and place the order here, wait, someone will deliver it in less than an hour!"

Lin Xiu smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, Lao Su is pretty reliable at the critical moment!"

Su Haoqian smiled and said, "Axiu, did you just find out? I have always been reliable!"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Yes, yes, it has always been reliable, it has always been reliable!"

"Then I ask the reliable old Su, what's the matter now?" Lin Xiu replied.

"It's okay!" Su Haoqian replied with a smile.

"Hahaha, if it's okay, then go take out the dishes in the refrigerator and wash it!" Lin Xiu smiled and said, Lin Xiu smiled happily and thought: Just wait for your words, let you be well today Performance.

Su Haoqian was given a routine by himself. When it came to this, he had to agree, "Okay, I am going to wash the vegetables now! Mrs. Su, just watch TV here for a while!"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Thank you Mr. Su, then!"

Su Haoqian walked into the kitchen with a smile.

Lin Xiu was sitting on the sofa watching TV, watching Su Haoqian who was busy in the kitchen, feeling a little delighted.

About half an hour later, Lin Xiu heard the knock on the door, thinking it was the food that he bought, but it was a package.

The package was sent in by a commissioner and said, "Hello, is it Mr. Su Haoqian's home?"

Lin Xiu nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Then please sign for it!" The commissioner smiled and gave the receipt to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu quickly signed for it. Lin Xiu carried the package into the The package was still heavy. Lin Xiu put the package on the side of the sofa and said, "Old Su, what did you buy, it’s quite heavy." Is it still?"

Su Haoqian was blocked in the kitchen by the sound of water, and did not hear what Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu approached the kitchen door and said, "I said your express has arrived!"

"Express? What kind of express? I didn't buy express?" Su Haoqian asked three question marks in succession.

"That's it!" Lin Xiu said, pointing to the package.

Su Haoqian washed his hands, walked out of the kitchen and came to the living room. There was indeed a package with his name written.

Su Haoqian carefully looked at the shipping address and revealed that it was a certain photography studio in the Imperial Capital, and instantly understood.

"I see, the family portrait we took in the Imperial Capital has arrived!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

"Oh, I see!" Lin Xiu said with joy.

"I'm really looking forward to it, I don't know what the final product will be?" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

Lin Xiu's wish is full of anticipation.

"Then let's take a look!" Lin Xiu took out a pair of scissors from the shelf in the living room and took apart the express.

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