Published at 21st of December 2021 09:23:11 AM

Chapter 764: Yan Bingxue and Su hen's grapefruit andy

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The rock sugar quickly decomposes by heat.

The sweet scent of rock candy filled the kitchen instantly.

"Now the last step, and the most critical step, is to put the grapefruit crumbs in rock sugar water and stir fry!" Su Chen introduced with a smile.

"Hmm~" Yan Bingxue nodded while watching.

"Husband, look at this rock sugar water was completely absorbed by the grapefruit~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"There is still something magical behind!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue looked at it earnestly, and soon there was hoarfrost in the pot, the grapefruit flesh was covered with white icing, and a piece of grapefruit candy was ready.

Yan Bingxue handed a plate, and Su Chen put the pomelo candy on the plate.

The grapefruit candy looks very delicious.

Su Chen first gave Yan Bingxue one. Su Chen carefully blew the grapefruit candies, and said, "My wife, be careful, and taste it!"

Yan Bingxue opened her small cherry-sized mouth, lay the grapefruit and chewed it, and said with a smile: "Husband, it is delicious, sweet but not greasy, very flexible, Tuan Tuan and Le Le will definitely like it!"

Yan Bingxue fed Su Chen another one, "Honey, try it, is it yours like it!"

Yan Bingxue used chopsticks to put a pomelo candy on Su Chen, and blew it carefully. Su Chen smiled and ate the pomelo candy and said, "Very sweet!"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue put the grapefruit candy on the table.

The little guy heard the sound of the kitchen door being pushed open, and he heard the sound.

"Hey, I heard the sound of the door opening, Ba Ba Ma Ma must have made the grapefruit candy!" Tuantuan said with a happily smile.

"Hmm~ let's go and see!" Lele said with a smile.

So the two little guys trot over.

"Baba!" Tuantuan He Lele shouted with joy to Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

Tuan Tuan and Lele saw a plate placed on the table. When they looked up, they could vaguely see that there was a lump of sugar in the plate.

Tuantuan and Lele knew that they had guessed right.

Su Chen said jokingly: "Little guy, your nose is really better than a ball. Mom and Dad made grapefruit candy, so here you are!"

Tuantuan said with a smile, "Hehe, Tuantuan came over when the kitchen door opened!"

Yan Bingxue and Su Chen smiled happily.

"Baba, this Tangtang looks so delicious, Yazi~" Tuantuan said excitedly.

"Hahaha, would you like to try that Tuan He Lele?" Yan Bingxue asked with a smile.

Tuan Tuan He Le Le nodded excitedly.

Su Chen took one to the two little guys, and the two little guys happily tasted grapefruit candy.

After a bite, it's super sweet, Lele said happily: "Baba, so sweet, so sweet, Tuan Tuan loves it!"

"Lele really like it too, so sweet and so sweet!" Lele said with a smile of joy.

"Baba, I still want to eat one!" Little cute Tuantuan said while looking at Su Chen with blinking eyes.

"Okay, let's have one more for Tuantuan and Lele!" Su Chen gave Tuantuan and Lele two more candies.

Tuantuan and Lele happily ate another candy.

"Baba, I will give my grandpa and grandma a grapefruit candy to eat~" Tuantuan said with a cute smile.

"Hahahaha, go!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Tuantuan and Lele went to find Tang Shuyun and Yan Zhenwei holding their plates.

"Grandpa, grandma eat Tangtang, eat Tangtang!" Lele passed over with a small plate.

Lele carefully took the small plate to Tang Shuyun and Yan Zhenwei.

Tang Shuyun watched the two little guys carrying the small plates, and hurried over to support the two little guys.

Tang Shuyun finished the plate and said with a smile: "Thank you~"

Tang Shuyun put the plate on the coffee table, and Yan Zhenwei walked over.

"Grandpa and grandma, try it soon, this candy is so sweet~" Lele said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, good!" Tang Shuyun said with a smile.

Tang Shuyun and Yan Zhenwei tasted grapefruit candy and praised again and again: "Very sweet and delicious!"

Tuan Tuan He Le Le smiled happily.

Su Chen took a jar and said, "Tuan Tuan, Lele, this grapefruit candy can be put in the jar, and then it can be stored for a long time~"

"Hehe, that's great. Then, can Tuantuan and Lele eat sweet grapefruit candies every day!" Lele said with a smile.

"Um...Tuan Tuan, Lele, of course you can't eat sugar every day, but if Tuan Tuan and Le Le perform well, Baba Ma Ma will reward Tuan Tuan and Le Le for eating~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Parents, if you like it, I will pretend to be some for you too!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Good!" Tang Shuyun smiled and nodded.

"Well, your mother likes to eat sweeter food right now!" Yan Zhenwei said with a smile.

Tang Shuyun smiled.

"I know why grandma likes to eat sweets~" Tuantuan, the little gourmet started to speak.

"Then tell me why grandma likes to eat sweets?" Tang Shuyun hugged her and said with a smile.

"Because eating sweets can make people feel good, just like Tuantuan, Tuantuan also likes to eat sweet things!" Tuantuan said, looking at Tang Shuyun seriously.

Tang Shuyun smiled while holding Tuantuan's two cute little hands.

"Hahaha, in fact, from a scientific point of view, Tuantuan's point of view is also valid. After all, eating sweets makes people easy to secrete dopamine. Dopamine can make people excited!" Su Chen looked at Tuantuan and Lele and said.

"Baba and dopamine are so together?" Lele asked curiously.

"Um... Dopamine is something that can make people happy that is produced in the human body~" Su Chen explained with a smile.

Lele blinked and nodded.

"Grandma, do you want to eat another candy? Sugar can make grandma happy~" Tuantuan said, looking at Tang Shuyun with joy.

"Grandma is very happy to have you" Tang Shuyun replied.

Tang Shuyun looked at the two little guys Tuantuan and Lele. Their eyes had been staring at the can on the table, and they had never looked at the grapefruit candies.

Tang Shuyun patted Tuantuan's pink face and said, "Little guy, don't you still want to eat sweets? Seeing that your eyes have never left the grapefruit sweets!"

Tuantuan lowered his head and smiled.

"Then reward Tuantuan and Lele for another Tangtang! The last one, this dad will put Tangtang away after eating~" Su Chen said with a smile.

Tuan Tuan and Le Le nodded happily.

Lele promised: "Baba, I promise that this is the last one, I won't eat it after I eat this!"

"Me too, so am I, so don't eat it, I won't eat that ball after eating it!" Tuantuan said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, come!" Su Chen gave Tuantuan a grapefruit candy for Lele.

Tuantuan and Lele happily took the grapefruit candy and began to eat happily.

While shaking his head, Tuantuan kept muttering: "It's delicious, it's delicious~"

Everyone looked at the two little guys with a cowardly look.

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