Published at 21st of December 2021 09:23:03 AM

Chapter 770: ?Little Vinegar King is online

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After the fruit shop owner settled the bill to Su Chen, he asked, "I can deliver to my door here~ do you need it?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Just so, I bought a lot today, thank you!"

Su Chen's thank you, a look in his eyes, and a crisp voice always make people feel particularly happy.

"No thanks, it's good for you to patronize often. You and your wife earned enough traffic for the store today. I also want to thank you, otherwise the business may not be so good today!" The fruit shop owner said softly.

"Hahaha, boss, they are all sweet fruits sold in your house, everyone comes to buy them!" Su Chen dare not claim credit.

"Welcome to visit you next time~" The boss smiled and sent away the Su Chen family.

After strolling around all morning, Tuantuan and Lele were hungry. Tuantuan tugged at the sleeves of Yan Bingxue and Su Chen and said coquettishly: "Baba, I'm hungry!"

"Baba, I'm hungry too!"

"I have to keep grunting in my stomach~"

The two little guys touched their belly and said.

Su Chen, Yan Bingxue, Lin Xiu, and Su Haoqian were amused by Tuantuan and Lele's words.

"Okay, let's find a restaurant nearby for dinner!" Su Chen touched the heads of the two little guys and said.

The two little guys looked at the restaurants around, smiled and pointed to a barbecue restaurant and said, "Baba, I want to eat that!"

Su Chen saw that it was a barbecue restaurant and asked, "Do Tuantuan and Lele want to eat barbecue?"

Tuan Tuan and Le Le nodded excitedly.

"Parents, how about you?" Su Chen asked with a smile.

Tuan Tuan He Lele kept looking at Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu with longing eyes.

Lin Xiu smiled and took Tuantuan's hand and said, "Save the two little guys!"

"Okay, let's eat barbecue!" Su Chen nodded and said.

Su Chen parked the car in front of the barbecue restaurant.

The waiter of the rotisserie saw that a top outlet had stopped in front, both eyes were straight.

"Although you can't eat pork, it's satisfying to see the pigs running!"

"What do you mean by pigs? This is the world's top outlet, and this is the only one for Quanlong Country!"

"Yes, yes, look at what I said, cough, anyway, you can look at it and you'll be satisfied!"

"Yes, it's like we don't necessarily earn an outlet if we work for hundreds of years!"


The two shook their heads enviously and helplessly, immediately adjusted their mentality and prepared to welcome the distinguished guests.

The waiter has locked the best table position in our store, and only waits for the Su Chen family to arrive.

Su Chen stopped the car, and the family came over with the group music.

"Hello, welcome!"

"There happens to be a table vacant here, and your family can go there. This is the best position in our shop!" the waiter said enthusiastically.

Tuantuan said happily, "Baba, we are lucky. There happens to be a table, which is still the best place!"

"Little slippery head!" Su Chen said with a gentle pat.

The Su Chen family walked over and sat down.

Although this store is not as high-end as a five-star hotel, the decoration is still very distinctive, especially the suspended ceiling, scattered with stars and lights of different lengths, giving people the feeling of being under the stars. It conveys a romantic and beautiful atmosphere.

Su Chen ordered the meal very quickly, and it was also very fast! After a while, all the work was done.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Parents, Bingxue, Tuan Tuan, Lele, today I will be responsible for barbecues for you, and you will be responsible for eating beautifully!"

Tuan Tuan He Le Le nodded with joy. Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu also laughed happily.

Yan Bingxue whispered: "Then husband, I will be responsible for feeding you!"

Su Chen smiled happily, "It's nice to have a wife to eat!"

Su Chen looked at the dishes on the table, his eyes locked on a plate of pork belly.

"Well... Let's roast a piece of pork belly first. This pork belly is delicious when you eat it with lettuce~" Su Chen said with a smile.

Speaking of Su Chen, he began to barbecue, the meat made a sizzling noise on the iron plate, and the smell of the meat also drifted around. Tuan Tuan and Le Le greeted Su Chen's barbecue.

"Tuan Tuan, Le Le, it will take a little longer for the barbecue, you guys eat this mat first~" Su Chen said with a smile.

Tuan Tuan and Lele nodded, and Tuan Tuan and Lele ate two bites, and then stopped eating.

Yan Bingxue smiled and asked, "Tuan Tuan, Lele, aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat after two bites?"

Tuan Tuan smiled and looked at Yan Bingxue and said, "Ma Ma, I want to eat meat, I'm afraid that I will have no more belly to eat meat if I am full!"

Yan Bingxue laughed and said jokingly: "The little guy is a big ghost!"

"Alright!" Su Chen first sandwiched a pork belly to the impatient Tuan Tuan and Lele, then to Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu, and then to Yan Bingxue.

Su Chen demonstrated to the two little guys: "This is how you eat~ Put the meat in the lettuce! Bite it down!"

The two little guys tried to follow Su Chen, eating pork belly with lettuce.

Tuantuan first took a look at the green lettuce, and watched everyone eating very so he took a big bite. The delicate fragrance of lettuce and the meaty fragrance of pork belly are perfectly blended together, which relieves the greasy pork belly and adds a hint of fragrance, which is super delicious!

"Baba, it's super delicious, Tuantuan still wants one!" Tuantuan said, looking at Su Chen with his eyes flashing.

"Hahaha, good!" Su Chen then baked everyone.

Yan Bingxue is responsible for feeding on the side. "Husband, you taste this beef is not bad~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Su Chen opened his mouth wide, and ate a large piece of beef. Su Chen smiled and chewed and said, "The beef that my wife feeds is delicious!"

Yan Bingxue said with a smile: "It's delicious, let's eat one more!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Tuan Tuan is jealous.

Tuantuan pursed his mouth and said, "Mama, I want to feed me too!"

"Tuan Tuan, is it okay to eat by yourself? We are big friends now, so we can't let Ma Ma feed anymore~" Lele smiled heartily and enlightened.

Although Lele is as big as Tuan Tuan, he always enlightens Tuan Tuan like a big brother.

"Oh, what about Baba?" Tuantuan said while looking at Lele.

"That's different, and Baba will give us barbecue meat again!" Lele said with a smile.

"Baba baked another piece of bacon for Tuantuan~Would you like a piece of bacon?" Su Chen said with a clip holding a piece of bacon with a fascinating color and fragrance.

This trick used food to divert Tuantuan’s attention and plug Tuantuan’s mouth. It really worked, and Tuantuan immediately stopped making trouble.

"Come to Mom and Dad, you guys try it too, do your parents still fit your tastes?" Su Chen said, holding a piece of bacon to Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu nodded and said, "Occasionally trying a new way of eating is also a very good experience!"

"Yes, I think it's delicious!" Su Haoqian said.


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