Published at 21st of December 2021 09:22:59 AM

Chapter 774: Say goodbye to the old and wel ome the new

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New Year’s Eve is about to come, and everyone started decorating the yard and rooms inside and out.

The family began to divide the work and cooperate to clean the room. The so-called resigning from the old and welcoming the new naturally means that the old must be resigned before the new is welcome. It is getting closer and closer to the time of the New Year, and everyone's mood is always extraordinarily excited.

Everyone is looking forward to the New Year.

"Tuan Tuan, Lele, hurry up to clean up your room, tidy up your toys, and wait for mom and dad to check it~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Lele will take her sister to tidy up immediately, Lele must take her sister to tidy up the toys, and then tidy up the table too!" Lele promised with a smile.

"Hahahaha, well, if Lelehe Tuantuan performs well, dad will take you to set off the fireworks in the evening, okay?" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Can you set off fireworks? Can Lele set off fireworks with his parents?" Lele said excitedly.

"Whether you can set off fireworks, it depends on the performance of Lele and Tuan Tuan~ If you tidy up the room, then Dad will take you to set off the fireworks." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Lele must be organized!" Lele promised with a smile.

"Tuan Tuan's wish is that Tuantuan will tidy up the room!" Tuantuan promised.

"Hahaha, good! That group and Lele go and tidy up the room!" Su Chen smiled and patted the shoulders of the two little guys.

The two little guys nodded and went to tidy up the room.

"Husband, let's clean the room too! There are hourly workers in the public area. It is better for us to clean our own room!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Su Chen smiled and nodded, and the two of them began to tidy up the room.

First Yan Bingxue and Su Chen went to the cloakroom and sorted out their own things.

Shoes, bags, clothes, and jewelry are all yours. I repositioned it and looked more coordinated than before.

Yan Bingxue helped Su Chen tidy up his clothes, and found Su Chen's clothes that were a little long, still in the closet, and asked with a smile: "My husband, this dress seems to have been there for many years, why are you still keeping it? Ah! Is there any story about this dress?"

Su Chen took a closer look, and turned it out today, which made Su Chen feel a lot.

"This dress my mother gave me a sweater when I was a freshman. At that time, I thought it was great to finally go to college. I got rid of the shackles of the family when I was an adult. When I came home on National Day in my freshman year, my mother said it to me. Tucked a sweater and let me take it over!"

"I said, "Mom, no need! "When I was going back to school at night when I was packing things, I didn't put the suitcase. Later, my mother found out when I was packing my room, and she said she sent me everything!"

"I thought my mother had done nothing at the time, but it was only in the winter that I realized that this sweater Ma's knitted was really useful! I kept it and didn't lose it!"

Su Chen said in general.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be so, that's a very meaningful vest, let's put it on!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Okay!" Su Chen smiled and nodded and said.

Then the two changed a quilt together, the two of them worked together, one pulled this end, and the other pulled this end, and the quilt was covered all at once.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were lying on the paved bed, holding hands and looking at the ceiling, smiling happily.

"Husband, I feel like I changed a quilt, and after tidying up the room, my mood is different!" Yan Bingxue said freely while looking at the ceiling.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Yes, it feels so good!"

Two people lie down quietly for a while, so it's nice for two people to lie down comfortably.

Su Chen flicked Yan Bingxue's head and said, "My wife, let's go see Tuan Tuan and Lele!"

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Let's go!"

Yan Bingxue and Su Chen came to Tuan Tuan and Lele's room. Su Chen smiled and pushed open the door of Tuan Tuan and Lele, and saw Tuan Tuan and Lele finishing the quilt.

Tuan Tuan and Lele saw Yan Bingxue and Su Chen coming, and said with joy: "Baba and Mama are here, we will finish it right away~"

"Look, the toys and tables over there are all sorted out~" Lele said, pointing to the toys over there.

"Mom and dad go check it out~" Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue walked over and took a look. Sure enough, the group and Lele were neatly organized.

"These two little guys, today the toys are neatly organized!" Yan Bingxue said with satisfaction.

Yan Bingxue turned his head to see that the tables of the two little guys were also neatly arranged.

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Not bad~"

Tuan Tuan He Lele smiled happily, Tuan Tuan stepped aside and let Yan Bingxue and Su Chen look at their made beds.

"Baba, you see, our bed is also made up~" Tuan Tuan He Le Le walked to the side of Su Chen and Yan Bingxue and said.

Yan Bingxue and Su Chen watched as the beds of the two little guys were also neatly made.

Su Chen smiled and said, "It seems that the two little guys performed really well today~"

Tuantuan He Lele said excitedly: "Then Baba Mama, can you take us to set off the fireworks today?"

Tuantuan and Lele hugged Yan Bingxue and Su Chen and blinked.

"Hahaha, well, take you to set off the fireworks tonight!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Oye, you can set off fireworks, fireworks~" Lele said with an excited smile.

"Hahahaha~" Su Chen looked at the excited look of the two little guys, and smiled happily.

At this time, Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu also walked downstairs with a smile.

"Hahaha~what's wrong, the two little guys are so happy!" Su Haoqian asked with a smile.

"Tonight, Baba Mama said to take us to the fireworks~" Lele said excitedly. UU reading

"Hahaha, it turned out to be like this!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

"Parents, take a break, the next thing should be done on the hour!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Speaking, Yan Bingxue brought Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu a glass of water.

Lin Xiu smiled and took the water glass and said, "Okay!"

"Then now let's put the lanterns and LED lights to be decorated outside the door!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Good!" Su Chen said with a smile.

When Tuan Tuan and Lele heard that they were going to hang lanterns, they smiled and said, "Lele is going too, and Lele is going too!"

The two little guys are clamoring about hanging lanterns together.

Su Chen agreed: "Okay, then Lelehe Tuan Tuan and his mother are holding this escalator together. Can Dad hang a lantern, okay?"

Tuantuan and Lele agreed without saying a word.

"Baba, let's hurry up and hang up the red lanterns!" Tuantuan said, holding Su Chen's hand.

When the red lantern is opened, it looks very beautiful, one end and the other end is decorated with golden silk thread, and the lantern is painted with festive patterns.

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