Published at 21st of December 2021 09:22:41 AM

Chapter 788: Tuan Tuan He Le Le generous treats

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"Grandpa and grandma, let's come back~" Tuantuan and Lele said to Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian with joy.

"I'm back, ready to prepare, wash your hands and eat~" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Tuantuan has eaten a lot of things this morning, and I'm full!" Tuantuan said, rubbing his belly.

"I'm full of sugar?" Lin Xiu said with a smile and patted Tuantuan and Lele's small faces.

Tuantuan He Lele grinned.

"Tuan Tuan, Lele is full, so eat a little less, but it's the one who wants to eat~" Su Chen said with a smile.

Tuantuan and Lele heard Su Chen's words, and they agreed, "Well then!"

Tuan Tuan and Lele ate a small bowl of rice, then put down their chopsticks, sat on the sofa and counted their red envelopes.

"Oh, how many red envelopes have you received?" Tuantuan asked curiously.

Lele shook his head and said, "I don't know, there is no count!"

"Then let's count the red envelopes now~" Tuantuan said with a cute smile.

"Hmm~" Lele nodded.

Lele and Tuan Tuan dumped all the contents of the bag on the sofa. There are all kinds of candies and red packets of various sizes.

Tuan Tuan and Lele respectively cleared out the red envelopes and counted them.

"One, two, three, four"


"WOW, Tuantuan received 30 red envelopes today~" Tuantuan said happily.

Lin Xiu teased: "Then Tuantuan is a little rich woman now~"

"Little rich woman~" Tuantuan repeated happily.

"Tuan Tuan and Le Le She are reluctant to give mom and dad a red envelope?" Su Chen said with a smile.

Tuantuan and Lele held the red envelope in their hands and did not let go, just like a little money fan.

Su Chen patted Tuantuan and Lele’s little face and said, "I am making you fun~"

Tuantuan said openly: "Of course Tuantuan is willing to give red envelopes to my parents~ now I am a little rich woman~"

"Hahahaha~" Su Chen and Yan Bingxue laughed.

"Hehe, Baba Mama, Lele and sister are also people with savings from today~" Lele said happily.

"Hahaha~" Everyone laughed together.

It happened that the whole family was free this afternoon, so Su Chen proposed to take everyone out for a walk.

"Parents, grandparents, do you want to go for a walk today? I know there is a place that is very fun. Today happens to be the Chinese New Year. It must be very lively there. I will also take my grandparents to witness the New Year scene in Jiangnan." Su Chen Said with a smile.

"Okay, Chenchen's proposal is good. Today's New Year's Day, the weather is also very good, and it is suitable for a walk!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Together with Lele, Tuantuan and Lele can go out to play again this afternoon. They jumped up cheerfully, "Go out to play, go out to play~" Tuantuan He Lele said with joy.

So Su Chen drove everyone to a tourist attraction in Zhonghai. This street not only has the smell of Jiangnan mist and rain in Suzhou City, but also has a unique style of Zhonghai.

Walking into the street, every household is full of lights and colorful, and it is very lively. One faction looks very festive. The shop was also replaced with all-colored red decorations.

The children are chasing and having fun on the street, looking very happy.

"Sister, wait for me!"

"Wait for me!"

A little baby about three years old chased a six-year-old girl behind and shouted.

The little girl held a small rattle in her hand, yelling "Dong Dong Dong," and laughter spread from one end of the street to the other.

There are also some old and young who come to travel together.

Everyone was talking and laughing while enjoying the view of the street.

Tuan Tuan and Lele wanted to go in when they saw a very special grocery store. The name of the grocery store is also very special called "Jianyou grocery store". What is Jieyou grocery store? Tuan Tuan and Le Le looked curiously.

"Mama, Mama, there is a grocery store over there, so special!" Lele said with a smile.

"Baba, can we go and see it?" Tuantuan said with joy.

"Now Tuantuan is a little rich woman, you can treat you~" Tuantuan said with a smile.

"Hahaha~ that group and Lele entertain you, grandparents and grandparents can't miss it!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

The family came to the grocery store. There were a lot of gadgets in the grocery store, some for the children to have fun, some gadgets, and some small objects. Some are on the counter, some are in the window.

Tuantuan and Lele looked at the little things in the grocery store curiously.

"What is this?" Lele said, pointing to a thing made of wood.

The boss showed things Lele: "This is a wooden gun!"

"A gun made of wood?" Lele asked curiously.

The boss nodded.

"Uncle, can you show it to me?" Lele asked excitedly.

The boss nodded and snatched Mu to Lele. Lele took Muqiu with a smile and said, "Oh, this Muqiu looks so heavy~"

"It's a bit heavy, it's real when playing!" The boss said with a smile.

Lele happily played with the wooden grab, and said with a smile: "Uncle, I want this wooden grab! I'll see what's good, and I'll pay for it later!"

The boss smiled and said, "Hahaha, well, it seems you have received a lot of money for the new year~"

Lele touched her little head and asked, "Uncle, how do you know?"

"Because today many children are taking their own lucky money to buy things!" The boss said with a smile.

Lele smiled with joy.

The boss sat at the counter and beat his back with a hammer. Lele looked at the owner's leisurely appearance and thought: This hammer must be very comfortable, and I want to buy one for grandpa and grandma.

Lele carefully observed the surrounding area, looking for the small hammer to beat his Lele found it on the counter at the back, and exclaimed in surprise: "Grandpa, grandma, Lele buys you a hammer, why not? Okay? This is very comfortable to beat the back~"

Both Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su walked to see them.

This hammer was made very delicately, and Mrs. Su showed a delighted look.

"Too grandma, please try it~ If you like me and giggle, buy one for grandma and grandpa alone!" Tuantuan said cute and adorable.

Mrs. Su smiled and said, "Hahaha, okay, grandma too try!"

It is really comfortable to hit the back with the hammer.

Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su like this hammer very much.

Mrs. Su smiled and said, "The grandma and grandpa want this~"

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded with a smile.

Everyone continues to buy.

Everyone chose a gadget each.

Lele and Tuan Tuan took out one of their own red envelopes to pay, and everyone smiled and walked out of the grocery store.

Then Su Chen's family continued to walk towards the front of the street.

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