Published at 21st of December 2021 09:22:34 AM

Chapter 793: See if you an es ape from my five fingers mountain

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You can search for "The Strongest Daddy: One Hundred Million in the Opening! Novel Cool Notes ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Su Chen's words aroused the interest of Tuan Tuan and Yue Le.

"Hehe, it sounds so interesting~" Tuantuan said with joy.

"Lele wants to compete with the group!" Lele said excitedly.

"Hey, let's play, then!" Tuantuan said with a smile.

Lele nodded.

The two were gearing up for the game.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" the two little guys said excitedly.

Tuan Tuan punches first, Lele punches later.

"It doesn't count, you slow down!" Tuantuan said anxiously.

"Then we come again!" Lele said seriously.

Tuantuan nodded, "Rock, paper, scissors!" The two little guys said in unison.

The first game was tied.

Tuantuan clapped his hands and said excitedly: "Oh, draw!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Take a bite for one person~"

Lelehe Tuantuan nodded and took a big mouthful of rice, "Cheers!" the two little guys said excitedly.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue looked at Tuan Tuan He Le Le with a smile.

The two little guys took a big bite each, and the meal was not finished. The two little guys continued to compete, "Rock, paper, scissors!" The two little guys said with a smile.

Lele said in surprise: "Oh yeah, I won!"

Lele watched Tuan Tuan finish a big bite of meal with the gaze of a winner.

"Hey, come again, come again!" Tuantuan said anxiously.

Tuantuan is ready to go.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Tuantuan and Lele said in unison.

Finally this time Tuantuan won, and Tuantuan said excitedly: "Oh yeah, I won, I won!"

Tuantuan happily took a big bite.

"Come again, come again!" Lele said excitedly.

The two little guys tried to compete. The rice in Tuantuan and Lele rice bowls gets less and less.

Looking at the two little guys, Yan Bingxue said with a smile: "Husband, you still have a way!"

Su Chen smiled and looked at Yan Bingxue.

After dinner, the Su family's young and old sat and chatted together, and there were always endless topics together.

A pleasant day passed again.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the family played in the Imperial Capital for a day.

Every house is full of lights and colorful lights, and the streets are full of children's joyous laughter.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Su Chen and his group returned to the imperial capital.

In the past few days, friends and relatives in their hometown have called Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu to greet the New Year.

Although Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu didn't talk about it, Su Chen knew that the two elderly people still wanted to go home for the New Year this year.

Su Chen smiled and asked, "Mom and dad, let's go back to our hometown and have a look!"

This question is all about Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu's wishes. It's good to go back to their hometown, because the old and young family may be crowded.

Lin Xiu smiled and said: "It's good to go back to my hometown, but the house at home is not enough! There are only three bedrooms in the house, and the study may have to be cleaned up by then!"

Old man Su smiled: "These are all trivial things. It's good to be together as a family. What are you afraid of squeezing a little!"

"Yes, yes, it's fine if we are a family together, I also want to see where you have been living for so many years!" Mrs. Su said with a smile.

Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian smiled at each other and said, "Okay, then let's go back!"

That's what the family agreed, and they will return to their hometown on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

Tuantuan and Lele were especially excited when they heard the news that they were going back to their hometown tomorrow, "Great, I can go back to my hometown~" Tuantuan said with joy.

"Grandma, let me tell you~ Grandpa and grandma's hometown is so beautiful~ There are so many beautiful things there~" Lele said with a smile.

"Oh, grandma should take a good look!" Mrs. Su said with a smile.

"Hao Qian, Axiu, you all work as teachers over there, right?" Father Su asked curiously.

Su Haoqian nodded and said, "Well, yes, Axiu and I worked as teachers over there, and later worked in the Education Bureau!"

Mrs. Su smiled and nodded and said: "It's good to be a teacher. Now you may be full of peaches and plums. Listening to your tone of call these days, it is estimated that the students are all giving you New Year greetings~"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Grandpa and grandma, I have the most say in this respect. At that time, my parents and they were my junior high school teachers, and my classmates would envy me, saying that I am a teacher's child must have privileges!"

"I have a privilege. This privilege is to be stared at by all the class teachers, and if there is something wrong, I will be caught!" Su Chen smiled bitterly.

"Chen Chen, you also said that when you were a kid, you could adjust your skin, especially when you were in junior high school. The teachers said that the child in my family was afraid that it was the monkey's grandson who changed the trick every day!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"At that time, when I was adolescent, when I was upright and rebellious, I would do something out of the ordinary! This is also a normal phenomenon!" Su Chen explained.

When the two little guys heard the word Sun Monkey, they were terrible, "Sun Monkey, Sun Monkey, Baba turned out to be Sun Monkey~"

"Little guy, you're a fast learner. I'm saying that Dad is going to... I'm going to hit you ass!" Su Chen said with a smile and patted Lele's small face.

"Hehe, don't say it, don't say it!" Le Le Miao said.

Lele ran behind the old man Su and hid his head and said, "Baba, I think Monkey King is very powerful. You can reach the moon for nine days, and you can catch turtles from all over the world. A somersault is tens of thousands of miles!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Little guy, I think you are quite Monkey King, right?"

Lele nodded happily and said, "Of course, Monkey King is the great hero in my mind!"

Su Chen got up to catch Lele. Su Chen smiled and said, "Little guy, if you are Monkey King, then I am a Tathagata Buddha. See if you can escape my Five Finger Mountain!"

Lele gave a "chuckle" laugh, and then, Baba can't be grasped, can't be grasped~" Lele said mischievously.

"Little guy, see if I can hold it, the Tathagata Buddha is here, the Tathagata Buddha is here~" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Run, I'll cover you!" Tuantuan said while standing in front of Su Chen.

"Good!" Lele said with a smile. In a blink of an eye, Lele slipped into the yard.

Su Chen chased it out.

"Baba, I'm here, I'm here!" After speaking, Lele flashed back to another place.

The two little guys are very flexible, running around in the yard, very fast, all of a sudden, over there.

Everyone came out and watched.

In the end Lele still fell into Su Chen's Five Finger Mountain.

"Oh, it seems that Monkey King is destined to be unable to escape from the Five Finger Mountain of the Tathagata Buddha!" ​​Lele said, patting his head.

"Hahaha~" Everyone laughed together.

Tuan Tuan scratched his head, and felt something wrong and said: "No, if it's Monkey King and Baba is the Tathagata Buddha, then what is Ma Ma and Tuantuan?"

The strongest dad: Signed 100 million at the start! Latest chapter address: https://

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