Published at 21st of December 2021 09:21:41 AM

Chapter 833: Little Greedy Worm is online

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   The two little gluttons ordered a lot of delicious food.

   The two little guys looked at a table that was delicious, and smiled from the bottom of their hearts: "It's great, it's so happy to watch so many delicious Tuan Tuan, so happy~"

   Yan Bingxue looked at Tuantuan He Lele tenderly and asked, "Tuan Tuan He Lele just saw delicious food, are you happy?"

   was still immersed in the world of her food, did not hear Yan Bingxue's illocutionary meaning, but smart and smart Lele heard Yan Bingxue's illocutionary meaning.

Lele smiled happily and said, "Of course it’s not me. Compared to food, of course Tuan Tuan and Le Le prefer baba and Lele. There are Baba and Lele to accompany Tuan and Lele. Tuan and Lele are the happiest in the world. Kids!"

   Su Chen and Yan Bingxue smiled happily.

   "Lele, your EQ is very high, and it will be terrible when you grow up!" Su Chen teased.

   Lele smiled and raised his fork and asked, "Baba, is this a compliment to me?"

   Su Chen smiled and said, "Hahahaha, of course, of course!"

   "Papa, try this pineapple burger, it's delicious, sweet and sour, Tuantuan likes it the most~" Tuantuan said excitedly.

   "Hmm~" Su Chen and Yan Bingxue nodded and looked at the two little guys.

   The two little guys were very happy when they were eating. They took the French fries in one hand and dipped them with the dipping sauce, then put them into their mouths skillfully, and chewed them with enjoyment.

   "Well, the French fries are also delicious!" Tuantuan said with satisfaction.


   After having dinner happily, the family is ready to go home. Tuan Tuan He Le Le looked at the playground reluctantly.

   "Happy time is always short, so soon it's time to go home again!" Tuantuan exclaimed.

   Su Chen smiled and said: "Guy, you have started to hurt the spring and sad autumn since you were so young. It seems that you have a demeaning physique in your body~"

   Tuantuan looked at Su Chen with a grin.

   Joining the group and Lele’s most eye-catching playground facility is the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel slowly rotates in the air.

  "Goodbye to the playground!" Le Yue He Tuan said in unison.

   "Well, let's come to the playground when we have time next weekend, okay?" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

   "Really? By the next weekend, Tuantuan and Lele can still play in the playground?" Tuantuan looked at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue excitedly.

   "Well, as long as Tuan Tuan and Lele perform well next week, Mom and Dad will reward Tuan Tuan and Lele's playground on weekends!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

   "Yeah, Tuantuan and Lele must have performed well!" Lele said excitedly.

   The two little guys were reluctant to play this time and looked forward to the next one, and returned home in the car.


   On Saturday, the two little guys can finally sleep a long-lost sleep, and the two little guys wake up naturally when they fall asleep. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are busy making breakfast in the kitchen.

   Yan Bingxue smiled and asked, "Husband, how long do you think the two little guys can sleep until they wake up?"

   Su Chen smiled and said: "Hahaha, I guess, two little guys won't wake up until eight o'clock! It's rare to sleep until they wake up naturally, and the two little guys can naturally stay on for as long as possible!"

   "Hahaha, sometimes I think you are the roundworm in Tuan Tuan and Le Le's belly!" Yan Bingxue said while fiddling with breakfast.

   "So, knowing the son is not the father!" Su Chen smiled.

   Su Chen and Yan Bingxue prepared breakfast at 8:30, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue gently pushed open the door of the two little guys.

   The two little guys just woke up in a daze.

   "Baba, are you going to get up to study?" Tuantuan asked weakly.

   "Tuan Tuan, today is Saturday, holiday, no school!" Yan Bingxue gently touched Tuantuan's messy hair and said.

   Tuan Tuan and Le Le nodded lazily. Then he reacted and said: "Today Saturday, there is no need to go to school! Oh yeah, great!"

   "So, get up now, brush your teeth, and get ready to eat. Mom and Dad have already made breakfast. Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa, and grandma are waiting for Tuan Tuan and Lele!" Su Chen said with a smile.

   Tuantuan and Lele nodded, walked into the bathroom to wash, and changed clothes after washing, and Tuantuan and Lele got out of bed.

   "Grandpa, grandpa, grandma, good morning!" Tuantuan He Lele greeted everyone with a smile.

   Old man Su smiled and looked at the two little guys and said: "It's still early, now the sun is going to be basking!"

   Tuantuan He Lele smiled embarrassedly.

   The family sat together and ate a warm breakfast.

   After breakfast, Tuan Tuan, Lele and Balls played in the back garden. The flowers in the back garden are all blooming.

   pink, white, piece by piece, it is really beautiful.

   Tuan Tuan and Le Le called everyone to come out to see the flowers.

   "Baba, grandpa, grandma, grandpa and grandma, come out and see!" Tuan Tuan He Lele said excitedly.

   Everyone walked into the courtyard together.

   "Papa, grandpa and grandma, look at the flowers! They are so beautiful~" Tuan Tuan He Le Le said with a smile.

   "Hahaha, yes, spring is here, so the flowers are blooming!" Mrs. Su exclaimed.

   "Let grandma come to test you! Um...what kind of flower is this pink flower?" Lin Xiu asked with a smile.

"I know I know!"

   "I know too!"

   The two little guys rushed to say.

   Finally, Tuan Tuan and Lele said in unison: "It's a peach blossom!"

   Lin Xiu nodded and said, "Yes, the pink one is peach blossom, what about this white flower?"

   "Well, it's Ewha!" Tuantuan said with a smile.

   Tuantuan proudly said: "I also know that a poem was written by Ewha!"

  " Give it back to grandparents! Lin Xiu said in surprise.

   The two little guys shook their heads and shook their heads back.

   The two little guys shaking their heads and shaking their heads are so cute.

   Lin Xiu smiled and watched the two little guys carefully correct and said: "Tuan Tuan, Le Le, this is not a description of Ewha!"

   Lele asked with some doubts and doubts: "Isn't it a description of Ewha?"

   Su Chen smiled and said, "This is not about Ewha. Although Ewha is written in the poem, this Ewha doesn't refer to the Ewha we saw~"

   Lele blinked a pair of big puzzled eyes and asked, "It's not a pear flower, what kind of flower is that?"

   Su Chen patiently explained: "Um... Dad asks you, do you remember the time described in this poem?"

   Tuantuan and Lele recalled: "There is snow, it is winter!"

   "Yes, it's winter. In winter, the pear blossoms haven't bloomed yet. The pear blossoms bloom in spring! In fact, you have already answered what the pear blossoms refer to!" Su Chen smiled and prompted.

   The two little guys suddenly realized: "It's a snowflake!"


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