Published at 21st of December 2021 09:21:38 AM

Chapter 836: Baba, the nests want to fly a kite

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   The family was so cozy, eating lunch leisurely.

   Everyone laughed happily.

   The two little guys knelt and sat on one side of the cushion, laughing happily and eating. A breeze blew in, very comfortable.

   Everyone is almost eating. At this time, a group of children ran over with the kite string.

   "Higher, higher!" The children exclaimed excitedly.

   "Make it a little bit higher, a little bit higher~"

   Everyone's eyes were attracted by these little guys.

   Tuantuan and Lele clamored to buy kites to play with, "Baba, I want to play this big kite too, Yazi Yo who looks so fun~"

   "Yes, yes, I want to buy baba too!"

   The two little guys sang and talked together.

   Su Chen looked at the two little guys seriously and said, "Um... but where should we buy it?"


   "I'll just ask those big ones!" Tuantuan said with a smile.

   Su Chen thought: This Tuantuan is really a clever ghost, as long as it is what he wants to do, he will definitely find a way to do it.

   "Hey, let's go and ask!" Tuantuan said with a smile.

   "Hmm!" Lele nodded and looked at Tuan Tuan.

   The two little guys held hands and ran to the middle of the children. Tuantuan blinked a pair of cute big eyes and asked: "Hey, your kite is so beautiful. Where did you buy this kite?"

   The little boy replied with a smile: "Well... I just bought it in the park!"

   Tuan Tuan and Le Le looked around, looking for a shop selling kites. Lelehe Tuan Tuan said without gain: "Huh ~ why didn't I see it?"

   The little boy smiled and replied, "The kite seller is an old grandmother. It's blocked by a tree over there, so I can't see it!"

   The little boy pointed to the northwest corner of the park and said.

   The two little guys nodded happily, thanking them: "Thank you~"

   The little boy smiled and replied: "You\'re!"

   Tuantuan was stunned, Lele reacted and waved goodbye to the little boy.

   Tuantuan and Lele ran back all the way. Tuan Tuan asked suspiciously: "Hey, what did the big guy just say, I didn't understand it!"

   Lele said with a smile: "He said no thanks!"

   shook his head, blinked big confused eyes and smiled and said, "Don't you need to say that?"

   Lele explained carefully: "This is the language of another country, and that's how it is said in that country! We will learn later!"

   Tuan Tuan nodded as if understanding, "Oh, what do you say about Ba Ba Ma Ma?"

   Lele said with a smile: "Baba is daddy, mom is mom!"

   Tuantuan is now knowledgeable, smiled and nodded, repeating the two words Lele taught him, "daddy, daddy...mommom..."

The first thing    Tuantuan ran to Yan Bingxue and Su Chen was to shout: "Daddy! Mom!"

   Lele looked at Tuan Tuan with a smile on his face. Lele was very happy. It turns out that my sister's learning ability is so strong that she will apply what she has just taught.

   Yan Bingxue and Su Chen suddenly heard Tuantuan calling themselves so surprised, Yan Bingxue smiled and replied: "Eh~ our Tuantuan is so great today!"

   Tuantuan replied with a smile: "Hehe, it was all taught me!"

   Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su looked at these two funny and cute little people and smiled with joy.

   Lele smiled and looked at Yan Bingxue and Su Chen.

   Thinking of his business, Lele said with a smile: "Baba, we have already asked where we sell kites~"

   Su Chen smiled and said, "Where is it?"

   "Hey~ it's over there!" Le Le and Tuan pointed at the northwest corner of the park together.

   "Okay, let's go buy it together!" Su Chen said with a smile.

   Tuan Tuan and Le Le are very happy, "Oh yeah, great, great!"

   Tuantuan and Lele took Su Chen and Yan Bingxue to buy a kite.

   Soon the two little guys bought two kites from an old grandma.

   I bought a kite after a fight. It should be good to buy one kite one by one.

   When I was able to buy a kite, Tuan Tuan took a fancy to a butterfly kite, and Lele took a fancy to a superman kite. Both of them are unwilling to give in to this novel toy.

   Yan Bingxue looked at the two little guys, really dumbfounded.

In the end Su Chen decided to buy one for each of them. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue said softly, "Let them buy one by themselves. When the time comes, they will know whether it is better to fly the kite alone or if two people work together. Kite-flying is fun! Now it’s unforgiving, and it won’t necessarily be the time!"

   "Wife, you believe me, I'm sure!" Su Chen continued.

   Yan Bingxue chooses to believe in Su Chen unconditionally.

   So Su Chen and Yan Bingxue bought two kites from the kite-selling grandmother.

   Tuan Tuan Tuan He Le Le went back holding the kite he likes. On the way back, due to the game of buying kites, the two obviously are not as close as they were when they went to buy kites together. The two deliberately separated a path. There can be one more person in the middle of the trail.

   Su Chen and Yan Bingxue walked behind and looked at the two little guys. Yan Bingxue showed a worried expression.

   Su Chen patted Yan Bingxue's arm and said, "Wife, it's okay, the little guy will make up later!"

   Yan Bingxue's heart settled a little bit.

   "Wife, we let them play by themselves, we will sit there and no one will help!" Su Chen said with a smile.

   Yan Bingxue smiled and nodded, and agreed.

   "Baba, come and play with me!" Tuan Tuan said excitedly.

"Mom is tired. Dad will accompany mom to take a break. You can play with your brother first!" Su Chen said with a" Tuantuan's expression was a little bit disappointed. But looking at her mother seemed to be true He looked a little tired and didn't continue to ask for it.

   At this time, Tuan Tuan turned his head to look at Lele, the two of them looked at each other, but neither of them wanted to take that step towards each other first.

   The two played their own games, but the kite was still very difficult for the two little guys to play alone.

   The two kept trying.

   Once, twice, three times...

   Seeing that the kite was about to fly, but the kite fell again.

   "Butterfly, butterfly, hurry up and fly!" Tuantuan silently pleaded.

   But the butterfly kite just can't fly.

   Lele also tried many times, but all ended in failure.

   Finally, with a gust of wind blowing from the east, he succeeded in flying the kite, and the kite rose into the high altitude with the wind.

After    Lele lifted the kite into the air, he was so happy that he held the string of the kite tightly for fear that the kite would fly away.

   Lele was happy, but turned around to look at Xiang Tuan Tuan.

   was flying the kite in annoyance, and his little helpless eyes made people feel distressed.


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