Published at 21st of December 2021 09:20:10 AM

Chapter 910: Tug of war

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"Husband, let the babies stand in front, will they underestimate our strength?" Yan Bingxue asked.

"Just let them look down on us. I just asked. Several of our parents are involved in sports. They are very physical." Su Chen whispered in Yan Bingxue's ear. This is their combat technique, which cannot be heard by the opponent.

"Hahaha, trust you." Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Everyone has the discussion? We are starting to prepare for the game." The teacher looked at the time and said to everyone.

Then the parents took the children to stand in line.

The arrangement of the other party is based on family squad. Adults and children are sandwiched together. Just stand the team, everyone holding the rope, just waiting to announce the start of the game.

"Are both groups ready? Are there any adjustments?" the teacher asked thoughtfully.

"No more." Both groups replied in unison.

Hearing that the parents had no objections, the teacher glanced at the teaching assistant, who was immediately signaled.

"The game begins." The teaching assistant shouted.

"Hey." The group 1 shouted, and began to pull hard.

"Come on, everyone." The people in Group 2 also shouted loudly.

Both teams are pulling hard, because the children in group 1 are arranged in front, so hard pulling will not hurt the children. Even if they fall, there will be children next to them, and there will be no injuries.

But 2 is that adults and children are standing together, so adults will worry about whether their children will be stepped on, or worry that they will step on other people's children, so they dare not pull back with all their strength.

"Come on. They have scruples." Su Chen shouted.

Hearing Su Chen's words, the others tried harder to pull back, because this method was invented by Su Chen, so everyone trusted what Su Chen said.

"Come on, come on." The teaching assistant praised. Seeing these parents and children working hard together, I am inexplicably moved.

"Students, it's a tug-of-war activity for the classmates next door. Let's cheer for them." The teacher of the class next door saw a tug-of-war competition here and said to his classmates. After speaking, I took my classmates to cheer.

"Come on, come on!" More and more people came to watch the game, cheering for everyone.

Under the unremitting efforts of all the people in the first group, the victory was won. The opponent fell because of a child, and everyone was worried about the child's safety, so the second group abstained.

"Tuan Tuan, did we win?" Lily asked happily.

"Yes, we won." Tuantuan said happily.

"But Dahua lost." Lily said suddenly.

"Who is Dahua?" Tuantuan asked curiously, as if no one in the class was named Dahua.

"It's the last classmate, I just met him." Lily said, she had never played with this classmate before, a new classmate who came to class this semester.

"Lele, wait a minute, do you and Dahu want to play with him?" Lily asked. It seems that Dahua doesn't have many friends. If you can play with Lele and them, then you will have more friends.

"Okay." Lele replied.

"Lily, do you have other new friends?" Tuantuan said a little unhappy. Little babies are also very important to friends.

"Tuan Tuan, my best friend is you." Lily said anxiously, she didn't want her little sister to be angry.

"My best friend is also you." Tuantuan said with a smile, both of whom are each other's best friends.

Here happily followed Su Chen and said, "Dad, are we great? We all won."

"It's great." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Dad, your shadow is so long and long." Lele said, looking at Su Chen's shadow.

"Dad, can I step on your shadow?" Lele said, now stepping on Su Chen's shadow.

"Lele, it's not possible. Come here quickly." Su Chen said solemnly.

Seeing Su Chen sinking her face, Lele immediately said, "Dad, I won't step on it."

"Well, there is still our last day of sports competition today. That is the embrace of love." The teacher announced to everyone.

"Love's hug? What is that?" a parent asked inexplicably.

"That is, girls are 1 yuan and boys are 5 yuan. When I talk about 1 yuan and 5 yuan, I want to combine them into 1 girl and 1 boy. I have other money." The teacher explained the rules of the game to everyone.

"What about losing?" a parent asked.

"If you lose, you will be eliminated, but everyone feels that if you are eliminated, do you need a punishment?" The teacher asked everyone for their opinions.

"Punish singing or dancing if you lose?" Su Chen suggested. After all, this is a show for children, but the punishment is a bit more ordinary and interesting, and it can be used as a talent show.

"You can also invite us to dinner." The other parent said.

"You can also call your friends and ask them for help." Some parents said.

"Truthlessly, big adventure." Some parents said, this view was brought up by the young parents.

"Hahaha, I thought for a while, let's take the opinion of Lele's father." After listening to everyone's opinions, the teacher decided to say.

"Yes." The parents agreed after thinking about it.

"Well, are there any parents who want to ask questions? If not, we will start the activity." The teacher looked at everyone and said.

"Understood." The parents replied in unison.

Hearing that everyone knows, the teaching assistant announced: "The hug of love begins."

After hearing the teaching assistant say start, everyone held hands and started spinning. Waiting for the teaching assistant to call out the request.

"Everyone, hurry said the teaching assistant.

Then the parents started to speed up.

"2 yuan." The teaching assistant shouted.

As soon as they heard the command, everyone formed a team and hugged each other. Tuantuan hugged Yan Bingxue directly, and Lily also hugged Lily's mother.

There are three boys in Su Chen, and one more boy is needed. Su Chen quickly checked to see if there were any single boys around him. This is a parent-child activity, so everyone hugs their families.

But Su Chen looked around, and he really found a single boy, so Su Chen walked over and said to the boy: "Are you willing to be with us? We lack a boy."

"Okay," the boy replied.

Upon hearing the boy's consent, Su Chen immediately took the boy's hand and formed a team with Lele and Dahu.

"Okay, it's over. Let me see if anyone brings me talent." The teacher said with a smile.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!