Published at 18th of January 2022 10:06:11 AM

Chapter 956: Arrived at the nursing home, the air is so good

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The latest website: Su Chen said: "Look at it when the time comes. You still have to experience it on the ground when you buy a car. Only then will you know whether it is comfortable to sit or not to drive."

Yan Bingxue nodded, "Okay, I'll let them drive all the cars to our company's parking lot when that time comes, and we will go for a test drive."

Yan Bingxue's group builds cars, so they have connections with these car manufacturers.

Give them a call, and they will bring the car over, without having to look at it as a family.

Because it takes a lot of time to see it that way, and it's a waste of time.

So she used the simplest one, drove all the cars over and let her choose.

It's just so embarrassing to be rich.

Su Chen said: "Yes."

Su Chen was just thinking about asking every 4S shop to see the car. After hearing Yan Bingxue's words, he remembered that now he and his wife are very rich.

There is no need to buy a car in the same way that ordinary people buy a car. You can ask car companies to send the cars over and they can test drive them.

This saves time.

Lele said, "Dad and Mom, can I also see when I choose a car?"

The little guy is also very interested in cars.

Although he can't drive yet, he can fly the children's car.

He and Tuantuan have also done the work of delivering couriers in the community.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Of course."

"At that time, you will be called to your grandparents, and our family will look at the car and choose the car."

"Yeah." Lele nodded.

There is a little distance from Su Chen’s home to the nursing home, because the nursing home is built in the suburbs, where there are few people, good air, and cheap land.

In this way, nursing homes can be built very large.

The people living in the nursing home are all old people from the Long Academy of Sciences, so the life and living environment here are particularly good.

Because they have devoted their lives to the country, and when they are old, the country will also give them good old-age treatment.

After the car drove from the city to the outskirts, the surrounding air became clean and clear.

"Dad, this is the blue sky." The sky I saw in the city was always foggy. After I got out of the city, the sky I saw was clear blue, and the sky was as clear as washing.

Especially after it rained yesterday, today it is sunny and the sky is more beautiful, just like clothes that have just been washed.

Clean and beautiful.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Well, today's sky is very beautiful."

"Dad, we will come out to play more in the future. The air in the city is not as good as here, and the sky is not as beautiful here." Tuantuan said.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Yes, no problem. When we wait for the summer vacation, we will go back to our grandparents' hometown, where the sky will be more blue."

Because there is no industrial pollution in Su Chen's hometown, the sky there is very beautiful.

In the city of China Shipping, there is still a lot of exhaust gas, because many vehicles run on the road every day, emitting a lot of exhaust gas, and processing factories.

The air in the city is still not as good as in the small towns.

Tuantuan said: "Okay."

The car drove from the outskirts of the provincial road to the country road.

There are more green plants around.

The nursing home is built on a mountain where the air is very good and the negative oxygen ions are high, which is very suitable for the elderly to live in.

It would be a little troublesome to drive there, and it would take more than an hour to drive from Su Chen's house.

When I drive into the mountains, I can't see people, but I can hear the chirping of birds, which gives me a sense of tranquility.

Yan Bingxue asked the ensemble to put on his coat.

Because of entering the mountain, the temperature also dropped.

She was worried that the two little guys would be cold enough to catch a cold, so when they came out, she specially prepared coats for the two little guys.

The car drove over winding roads and drove halfway up the mountain.

The nursing home is built on the hillside.

The road here is a two-way street, the scenery is beautiful, and it is not dangerous, because there are protective fences along the way.

In terms of safety, everything is done well.

When the car drove to the entrance of the nursing home, at this time, there were already two cars parked here.

As if colleagues arrived first.

Su Chen parked the car and got off, and Tuan Tuan Lele got out of the car too.

At this moment they had already listened to Yan Bingxue's words and put on their coats.

After getting out of the car, Tuantuan took a deep breath, "Ah, the air here is really fresh, brother, you said if I put some air here in a bag, and then sell it, can it be sold? Will anyone buy it? "

The little guy’s thinking is different. He smells good air and thinks of selling air.

Very business savvy.

Lele said seriously, "No one should buy it? After all, if they want to breathe this kind of air, they can drive over."

Tuantuan said: "It seems to be the same. If air can make money, it will be too profitable. After all, air does not cost anything."

"It's completely net profit."

Su Chen tidyed up her daughter's hair and said with a smile: "Our family Tuantuan still knows the net profit, so smart."

"Air, it can be sold, and some people buy it."

"Just like water, mineral water and mountain spring water are all water, and many people are willing to buy water."

"The same is true for air, but you need to find the air that is difficult for ordinary people to find, and then the air that is recognized, so that everyone will pay."

"If they can breathe air easily, they won't be willing to pay."

"In other words, the things you want to sell must have an individual advantage, and they can only be sold if they are not available and needed by others."

Tuantuan listened to Su Chen's words, and said with a seemingly understanding, "It seems to understand."

"It seems that I don't understand anything."

"Haha." At this moment, Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian's car arrived. Su Haoqian heard his granddaughter's words as soon as he got off the car. He smiled and said, "Tuan Tuan, you are still young. When you grow up, your father said If you do, you can understand."

"Our family Tuantuan is really business savvy, and I can think of it as a seller. It's awesome."

Although they didn't get out of the car just now, UU was reading, but sitting in the car, the window was opened, so they heard what Tuantuan and Su Chen said.

Tuantuan smiled, "Grandpa, I will make a lot of money in the future, and I will spend it for you, grandma, mom and dad, and brother."

"Good, good." The adults laughed together.

Lin Xiu said to Su Chen: "Son, the environment and air here are really good, and it's close to the city. Will you come to live here when you retire in the future?"

Su Chen said: "It's really good here. If I retire in the future, it will take decades to talk about it then."

"Mom, do you like living here? If you like it, I will ask Yuan Lao then."

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "No need, I can live with you, so that I can take care of you and see the band music every day."

"You don't have to go to Yuan Yuan on purpose for mom's business."

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