Published at 21st of December 2021 09:38:08 AM

Chapter 97: Reward 100 million!

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Chapter 97 rewards one hundred million!

"Ding, it was detected that the host and the babies checked in to the mall for the first time, and the host was rewarded with 100 million in cash. The funds have been credited to the host's account and the source is regular. Please check the host."

As the voice in his mind rang, Su Chen's cell phone also rang, which was an arrival reminder from the bank.

One billion!


Su Chen now has a house, a car, and is talented. The only thing he lacks is a little working capital. He is about to get married, and he must spend a lot of money. He wanted to wait for the mecha to make a lot of money, but he didn’t expect the system to send it first This timely rain.


Su Chen said cheerfully: "Let’s go, let’s buy gifts for grandpa and grandma, as well as Tuan Yue, what you want today, Dad will pay for you~"

One hundred million, it’s okay to shop around the mall!

Qian Cheng, who was hit hard behind him, finally recovered. Seeing Su Chen's triumphant face, he gritted his teeth with anger.

The cousin behind him came over and said: "Cousin, who is that handsome little brother just now? He looks so good~"

Qian Cheng glared at her, "What's so interesting? The wife and children are right beside you, don't think about it!"

The cousin did not expect to come to help and was reprimanded. She stomped her feet in anger, turned and ran away.

I wanted my cousin to come over and help as a staff to buy the ring, but now I also left. Qian Cheng stood alone, looking at Su Chen with more resentment.

No, I can’t just forget it!

Su Chen can never be so good in everything!

Have a good job, a beautiful wife, and two such lovely children. He doesn't believe it, he can still be rich!

follow up and have a look!

Didn't Su Chen say to buy things for his father-in-law and mother-in-law? This is the best mall in the center of Zhonghai. The things sold in it are super expensive. He also packs a ticket with his mother and says that he can win Yu Lili. It took a long time to get the funds.

He doesn't believe that Su Chen can afford the things here!

Later, he must see how Su Chen can't afford to make a fool of himself!

Qian Cheng followed in full swing.

Of course, Su Chen knew that there was a tail behind him. Yan Bingxue glanced back and said domineeringly: "Husband, do you want me to call the person in charge of the mall to kick him out?"

Su Chen shook his head, "No need, my wife, just a mad dog, let's ignore him, let alone because he is in a bad mood, let's go, let's pick a gift~"

Yan Bingxue nodded when he saw that he didn't care.

"Wife, what can we buy for father-in-law and mother-in-law? Do they have any preferences?"

"I don't have any special preferences, my mom loves to dress up, my dad...he has been a bit high in recent years, and he pays more attention to health preservation. If you want to say what he likes, I really can't tell for a while."

Su Chen thought for a while, and said, "That's OK, then let's settle the mother-in-law's gift first, and then buy it while thinking about what we should buy for the father-in-law."

"En." Yan Bingxue nodded.

Passing by the jewelry store, Su Chen stopped and said, "Wife, since the mother-in-law loves to dress up, let's buy her jewelry. There are not too many things."

"Okay." Yan Bingxue felt that it didn't matter to buy anything, she could afford everything in this mall anyway.

The family got in a little bit, Qian Cheng also followed in.

Tuantuan could not help but ask Su Chen when he saw him, "Baba, why is that fat uncle following us?"

Before Su Chen answered, Qian Cheng shouted with a guilty conscience: "Who is following you, I'm here to buy a diamond ring!"

He said at the beginning that he was going to buy a ring and propose.

Su Chen touched his daughter's little head, and said gently: "Tuan Tuan, let's ignore him, think about what gifts to buy for grandma."

Su Chen looked in the showcase and pointed to the gem necklace over there and said, "Wife, how about buying a gem necklace? Necklaces are more suitable for clothes on daily trips. Son-in-law is also suitable for mother-in-law, or a jade bracelet is fine. Shall we buy them all?"

Yan Bingxue saw that he had chosen so seriously, and kept asking for his own opinions, his heart was as sweet as honey.

"It's okay, husband, you have the final say."

"Okay, then buy them all, first go look at the necklace."

Su Chen walked to the display cabinet and sat down, took his son and daughter up, and looked at the necklaces inside.

When he saw an emerald gemstone necklace, Su Chen's gaze suddenly stopped.

Although he has never seen his mother-in-law, he knows from Bingxue that her mother-in-law must be an elegant and beautiful lady. At this age, emeralds are suitable and look noble and generous.

"Hello, please help me take out this necklace and have a look."

"Good sir." The shopping guide lady put on the gloves respectfully and took out the gift box inside. The necklace was placed in the middle. The chain was made of platinum and made a downward shape. The carving on the platinum is very detailed, in the middle. Embellished with an emerald the size of a dove egg.

"Sir, you have a good vision. This necklace is one of the works of our town shop. It is the work of the well-known designer K. The gem in the middle is 6 carats. This is already a treasure among emeralds."

Su Chen nodded, it's not bad, but the design part of this necklace looks a bit cumbersome. Are there other styles with gems of similar quality? "

As soon as Su Chen's voice fell, Qian Cheng sneered behind him.

"If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. You still have to come to someone's store to install X. You don't like such a good design. I think it is false if the design is not good enough. It is true that you can't afford it!"

"This gentleman, please do your own shopping, can you not disturb other customers?" The shopping guide said politely.

Qian Cheng coldly snorted, "Little girl, I am not bothering you to make money. I am reminding you. I know this person. He is a poor boy who can't afford these things. Don't let him. It’s a waste of time."

The shopping guide frowned slightly, looked at Su Chen's family, and then turned to Qian Cheng and said, "Sir, what do you need to buy? I will ask my colleague to help you. If you are not here to buy things, please Will you leave now?"

"Eh! You little girl, how come you bite Lu Dongbin and don't know good people? I'm helping you!"

Su Chen didn't want to waste too much time, he wanted to buy a good gift and go to dinner.

So he turned his head and said, "Don't worry about him, just answer my question."

The shopping guide immediately returned to her position and smiled again and said: "Yes, sir, we also have an emerald necklace that is a treasure of the town, but the price is a bit expensive, because it is a well-known display model, so The price is in eight digits, do you need to take a look?"

Ten million-level necklace, it should be really good, Su Chen said: "You can bring it."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!