Published at 12th of June 2024 05:35:06 AM

Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

So a group of people came to the dining room in silence. Lin Zaozao looked at the steaming hot food on the dining table early and looked up at Dashan in surprise.

This was ancient times, there was no electromagnetic stove or any heat preservation equipment.

Dashan had just finished cooking, it had been so long, how did he make the dishes so hot?

Just as Lin Zaozao was secretly wondering in her heart, Dashan came out with a basket of buns.

He put the basket of buns in his hand, and in just a moment, the buns in his hand became steaming hot.

"I'll go! Dashan, what do you have in your hands?"

Lin Zaozao quickly walked to Dashan's side and pried open his palm to take a look.


"Little master, this is inner strength. What do you think? Isn't Dashan's inner strength great!"

"Great, great, really, too too great!"

Lin Zaozao gave Dashan two big thumbs up with both hands to express her unspeakable admiration.

This Dashan was simply a godsend.

Seeing the admiration in Lin Zaozao's eyes, his eyes couldn't help but laugh into a slit.

To get the little master's affirmation, it was not in vain that he had worked so hard to practice martial arts for so many years.

Only when he could stand at the pinnacle of martial arts could he always protect his little master safe and smooth.

Unfortunately, even though he practiced martial arts wholeheartedly, he still couldn't stand at the pinnacle of martial arts.

The men sitting at the dining table, when they saw Dashan's move, their eyes darkened.

It seemed that there was no shortage of people who could protect her around Zaozao now. Now there was only Dashan who was so amazing, not to mention the absent Uncle Zhang.

What exactly was Lin Zaozao's true identity?

Although they could be sure that Zaozao had nothing to do with the Canglan Country, was her true identity related to Fengshuo.

Or to say, is it related to the Han Country that has locked its national gates?

But the real person in power in Han Country was the high priest Han Ye, so what was Zaozao's identity when she returned to Han Country.

It seemed that they had to get back what belonged to them as soon as possible. Only when they held real power could they help Zaozao have a smooth life.

"Dashan, there is enough food, don't be busy, sit down and eat."

"Thank you, little master."

After pulling Dashan to sit down, Lin Zaozao first picked up a chopstick dish for Dashan, the cooking master.

"Whoever cooks, eats first!"

"Hehehe! Thank you little master."

Lin Zaozao looked at Dashan holding the bowl and grinning silly, so she brought her face closer and laughed.

"Hehehe! Dashan, what are you thanking me for the meal you made!"

The silly appearance of the master and servant instantly made the depressing atmosphere at the dining table brighter.

"Come on, hurry up and eat, I'm almost starving to death."

After picking up a chopstick dish for Gu Shan who was sitting next to her, Lin Zaozao hurriedly picked it up for herself.

I hadn't eaten all day, I was so hungry!

Seeing Lin Zaozao wolfing down her food, Gu Shan picked up the dishes in his bowl and ate small bites.

After Lin Zaozao was half full, she then had the mind to watch the peerless beauties at her table eat.

When her gaze swept over Xiao Liuli's body, her eyebrows couldn't help but frown.

I saw Xiao Liuli holding chopsticks, pushing rice grains one by one into his mouth. From his painful expression, eating was making him feel like eating poison.

"Gu Shan, I can wait for you for three months. But you have to promise that after three months, you must come back alive."

"Okay, I'll try my best to come back alive."

"Not try, but must. You must come back alive."

"Okay, I must come back alive. Zaozao, even if I die, I want to die by your side."

Seeing the slightly red corners of Gu Shan's eyes, Lin Zaozao sighed deeply, put him back in the wheelchair, and gently wiped away the tear that overflowed from the corner of his eye.

But when she looked into Gu Shan's joyful eyes, she couldn't even ask a word.

Because even if she asked, she couldn't help!

She was now the village woman Lin Zaozao, not some powerful figure. With her current capabilities, how could she help him!

Just as Lin Zaozao fell silent looking at Gu Shan, Murong Hai, Ji Fantian, Ye Yi and Ruo Qiu walked over to Lin Zaozao's side and knelt straight on the ground.

"What the! What's going on with you? My face isn't that big! Why kneel before me!"

As she spoke, Lin Zaozao got up to pull Ji Fantian and the other three up from the ground. But after pulling for a long time, they refused to get up.

"Speak up! No matter what you have, stand up first. Tell me first what you want and let's see if I can agree to it."

"Zaozao, like Gu Shan, can you wait for us for half a year..."

Looking at Lin Zaozao's eyes that were narrowing more and more, Murong Hai immediately changed his words.

"It doesn't have to be half a year, five months..."


"Then, four months, three months. Zaozao, we can't shrink back any further. Just wait for us for three months. If after three months, we can still come back alive, you, you accept us as your husbands, okay?"

Hearing Murong Hai's pleading voice, Lin Zaozao pursed her lips, and asked in some disbelief.

"Murong Hai, do you guys really like me? Weren't you guys disdaining me for being ugly before? How did you suddenly start saying you like me?

You guys saying this now, how can I feel your reliability isn't very high? But there's nothing on me that's worth you guys taking advantage of, so how could you like me?"

"Zaozao, we no longer have the conditions to disdain you. For people like us, if we are not disdained by you, that would already be our blessing."

Hearing Ji Fantian's self-deprecating voice, Lin Zaozao immediately felt uncomfortable.

What did he mean by not being disdained by her? Had she, Lin Zaozao, ever disdained them?

From the beginning, weren't these dogs the ones who disdained her? If not, why didn't they consummate their marriage with her!

"Murong Hai, Ji Fantian, Ye Yi and Ruo Qiu, you four, do you really like me???"


Hearing these four loud "likes", Lin Zaozao lowered her head and squeezed her still chubby belly, and turned to look at Xiao Taohua.

"Xiao Taohua, have I suddenly become as beautiful as a flower? Otherwise, how come I heard Murong Hai and the others say they like me."

"Zaozao, in this world, the most attractive thing is not one's appearance. There are countless types of beauty in this world, but no matter which one, people will get tired of looking eventually.

But there is one kind of beauty that people will never get tired of looking at."

Hearing Xiao Taohua's sentimental words, Lin Zaozao couldn't help but twist her lips.

"Xiao Taohua, don't tell me they saw my inner beauty!"

"Yes, yes that's right." Xiao Taohua replied somewhat haltingly.

"Tsk! It sounds nice but it's just bullshit. As an uncultured person, the first thing I look at is someone's appearance.

I don't have X-ray vision that can see through someone and look at their five zang-organs to see if their heart and liver are black or white.

Only when I'm interested in someone's face will I be interested in experiencing their inner self."

After scolding Xiao Taohua, Lin Zaozao turned around to look at Murong Hai and the other three who were still kneeling on the ground, and asked puzzledly.

"Murong Hai, since you guys are saying you like me, other than your initial disdain, why didn't you consummate our marriage? Do you guys have some hardship?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!