Published at 12th of June 2024 05:34:37 AM

Chapter 111

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Chapter 111

Xiao Taohua looked around the yard, but couldn't think of what the chubby little one had forgotten to bring for a moment.

Lin Zaozao swept her eyes around the yard early in the morning. When her eyes swept across Ye Yi's room, she remembered that the little brat Xiao Liuli was still sleeping inside!

"It's Xiao Liuli! Xiao Liuli is still sleeping in Ye Yi's room! I forgot about him just now."

Lin Zaozao let go of Little Xibei and Xiao Taohua's hands and walked quickly towards Ye Yi's room.

When Lin Zaozao opened the door, she found that Xiao Liuli was still fast asleep.

This kid had been sleeping from morning till now, sleeping for so long, how could he still not wake up.

Lin Zaozao walked to the bedside and gently pushed Xiao Liuli.

"Xiao Liuli, we're going back to the big house next door. Wake up!"

Seeing that Xiao Liuli didn't react, Lin Zaozao pushed him again, but Xiao Liuli still didn't show any reaction at all.

Looking at the fast asleep Xiao Liuli, Lin Zaozao felt something was wrong at first thought.

She put her hand on Xiao Liuli's head. Sure enough, as she had thought, Xiao Liuli had a fever.

Didn't she make him take the invigorating pills from the system yesterday? How could his body still be so fragile!

Just sleeping for a while, he actually had a fever inexplicably.

So before Xiao Liuli took the invigorating pills given by the system, how poor could his body have been!

No wonder she could make him faint with just one sentence!

Coming back to her senses, Lin Zaozao held Xiao Liuli's hand and began to transfer his illness.

She hadn't transferred illness for her husband and brothers today! She had to properly transfer their illness before Gu Shan and the others left.

It would be best to make their bodies healthier before Gu Shan and the others left.

After withdrawing the illness transferred from Xiao Liuli, Lin Zaozao touched Xiao Liuli's head again.

The fever had subsided a little, but he was still sleeping groggily.

Xiao Liuli's face was painted brightly by him, and she couldn't see if his face was red or not now.

Sighing, Lin Zaozao directly picked up Xiao Liuli, bedding and all, from the bed.

When she returned to the new house later, she would let Ji Fantian examine him again!

Recalling Xiao Taohua saying that Xiao Liuli had already lost half of his lifespan, Lin Zaozao felt pity for the Xiao Liuli in her arms.

If not for anything else, just for his beautiful face.

It would be quite a pity to die from illness when looking so good. To tell the truth, Lin Zaozao felt it was still quite a pity.

Also, Ye Yi protected him so well. If Xiao Liuli died, how heartbroken would Ye Yi be!

Seeing Lin Zaozao carry out Xiao Liuli, Dashan immediately walked up and said.

"Young Miss, let me carry the Young Master back, okay?"

"No need, Dashan. Even if Xiao Liuli gained a hundred pounds, I could still carry him. Besides, the house is next door, just a few steps away."

Lin Zaozao carrying Xiao Liuli walked to the side of Little Xibei and Xiao Taohua, and said lightly.

"Let's go back!"

Seeing Xiao Liuli in Lin Zaozao's arms, Little Xibei hesitated for a moment, then said.

“Zaozao, for Xiao Liuli to live until now, it was his family that piled up countless precious medicinal materials. His current body is already considered very good.”

“Little Xibei, is it true that Xiao Liuli only has half of his lifespan left because of that 'insoluble' poison?”

If you have something to go out for in the future, just hand over the matters of the house to him.”


As soon as Ruo Qiu’s words fell, Lin Steward bowed deeply to Lin Zaozao. When he raised his head, Lin Zaozao very clearly saw that the corners of his eyes had turned red.

“Ruo, Ruo Qiu, my house is so small, yet I hired a housekeeper. Isn't that a bit too wasteful?”

“Zaozao, it won't be wasteful. With Lin Steward here, I can rest assured even when I leave.

And take this with you too. Remember, as long as you take this, you can withdraw money from all shops with this pattern on their signboard. You can take as much as you want, as long as there is money inside the shop.”

Lin Zaozao took the thin gold piece Ruo Qiu handed over, which only had a strange pattern carved on the smooth surface.

“Ruo Qiu, why do you sound like you're making a will? Why don't you take this gold piece back for now. Wait until you come back three months later, then personally hand this thing over to me again.”

“Zaozao, life and death are predestined. I cannot guarantee that I will definitely be able to come back. Carrying this your whole life will surely bring you prosperity and peace.”

Lin Zaozao took the gold piece Ruo Qiu handed over again, extremely upset in her heart.

“Zaozao, I also have a gift for you.”

Hearing Gu Shan's words, Lin Zaozao quickly suppressed the bitterness in her heart and turned to look at him seriously.

"Gu Shan, don't tell me you're going to leave me some last words like Ruo Qiu did!"

Hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Gu Shan didn't answer. He only turned his head to glance at the darkness.

The next second, two people completely wrapped in black knelt silently before Lin Zaozao.



Seeing the two people who had appeared so suddenly, Lin Zaozao was so frightened that she unconsciously took a step back.

After calming herself, Lin Zaozao looked at Gu Shan in confusion.

"Gu Shan, who are they..."

"Zaozao, they are the best assassins, as well as the best bodyguards. With them here, as long as you don't encounter top-notch assassins in the future, these two can definitely protect your safety."

"Young master, nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here," Dashan, who was standing to the side, anxiously said.

"Dashan, I know your martial arts surpass Person A and Person B. But you operate openly, while they surpass you in assassination. With them here, Zaozao can be even safer."

Gu Shan's words successfully stopped Dashan from arguing further.

Indeed, if one were to say Gu Shan was second in assassination, then no one in the world would dare claim to be first. Person A and Person B under him were also peerless assassins!

"Gu Shan, have them stand up first."

"Zaozao, their current master is you. They won't stand until you order them to."

Hearing Gu Shan's words, Lin Zaozao swallowed hard and said,

"You two, stand up! Don't kneel."

As soon as Lin Zaozao finished speaking, the two kneeling on the ground immediately stood up together.

As Lin Zaozao looked at the two people in front of her who had only revealed their eyeballs, her eyes were filled with curiosity.

But feeling the coldness they emitted, Lin Zaozao didn't dare ask why their faces were wrapped in black cloth.

"Zaozao, all I can leave you now is them. Anything else might bring you endless trouble. Zaozao, Person A and Person B will be absolutely loyal to you."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Gu Shan held Lin Zaozao's hand and earnestly said.

"Are Person A and Person B their names?"

"That's right. Person A and Person B were their former glory. But from now on, their glory will have to come from you. As for their names, you can also change them."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!