Published at 12th of June 2024 05:34:09 AM

Chapter 128

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Chapter 128

Because they had arrived in the city in the afternoon, by the time it got dark, there were already many bonfires lit around where Lin Zaozao was located. The soldiers she had brought also set up many tents.

During this time of distributing the antidote, Lin Zaozao kept issuing various orders to the soldiers below while distributing the medicine.

As she had guessed, when she was giving the antidote to the refugees in Border City, there really were spies mixed in among the refugees who wanted to take the opportunity to disrupt Lin Zaozao's distribution of the medicine.

But as soon as they opened their mouths, Lin Zaozao ordered people to cover their mouths and drag them away.

Now was a special time, she really didn't have the patience to be a kind big sister and give those damn spies a lesson.

In special times, using violent means was the most direct and effective way to solve problems.

Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys!

This was a trick her mother often used when managing her employees. It was most appropriate for her to use it now.

The night wind in Border City was still very cold. Coupled with the surviving commoners in Border City, they only mechanically accepted the antidote and rice porridge that could save their lives.

It was unknown whether they had no energy to speak after surviving the calamity, or if they were too hungry to have any spirit.

All the commoners in Border City only mechanically put the medicine and porridge into their mouths after receiving it.

For a while, the only sounds around Lin Zaozao were footsteps shuffling and the sound of swallowing food.

The atmosphere was extremely oppressive in the mechanical actions of the commoners.Geett the latest novels on no/v/elbin(.)c/om

Under this oppressive situation, Lin Zaozao, with the help of Dashan and Ji Fantian, still busily distributed medicine to the refugees.

Although she was very tired after working all day, this was a matter of life and death, so Lin Zaozao didn't dare stop.

After all, when she first entered Border City that afternoon, many people had already died here.

When she first entered Border City, along the sides of the road were several corpses that had already started to stink.

Some of the people had died from the plague, while others had starved to death.

The smell of the corpses was really too foul.

To be honest, when Lin Zaozao first saw this hellish scene, she was afraid in her heart.

After all, from childhood to adulthood, she had only seen fake dead people on TV. In real life, she hadn't even seen a dead person before.

But just now, when she calmly dealt with those spies and ordered soldiers to bury those corpses, there was not a ripple in her heart.

It was as if everything should be like this.

Restraining the fluctuations in her eyes, Lin Zaozao mechanically handed the antidote to the frail woman in front of her.

Whether it was in Canglan Country or in Fengshuo Country, women were very scarce.

But in this border city, just in one afternoon, she had already seen the corpses of several women.

Judging by their age, they should have been enjoying a happy life in their prime, but they died at the most brilliant moment of their lives.

To be honest, Lin Zaozao couldn't help but feel regret for those dead girls.

And all this was the fault of that damn Princess Qianyue, or rather, she should blame the person behind Princess Qianyue.

They really did not value human life at all. Although Lin Zaozao disliked meddling, she really couldn't stand such disregard for human life.

"Zhuzhu, drink some porridge. We won't fall behind even if we take a break to save people."

Hearing this gentle voice, Lin Zaozao looked up and saw Han Ye, the high priest of Han Country who had helped her outside Border City that afternoon.

"You, how did you get in?"

"Zhuzhu, call me Brother Han Ye."

"Brother Han Ye, how did you get in? There is a lot of plague here. If you come in without protection and get infected, what should you do?"

Saying that, Lin Zaozao took a cup of antidote and brought it to Han Ye's mouth.

"Just in case you get infected, hurry up and drink this antidote."

"Okay, Zhuzhu."

"Princess Mingzhu, what should we do with the spies we caught?"

"Interrogate them, record their confessions, then send those spies to my dear little aunt. I believe she will handle those spies very well."

"Understood, Princess Mingzhu."

"Anything else?" Lin Zaozao asked again.

"No more." The advisor respectfully replied.

"Oh! I see. Now that Border City is under control, I can rest assured."

After saying that, Lin Zaozao immediately turned around and leaned on Ji Fantian. The next second, a slight snoring sound came out.

After days of rushing on the road, plus the mental and physical fatigue yesterday, Lin Zaozao could not hold on any longer.

Hearing the snoring sound in his ear, Ji Fantian's hand held Lin Zaozao's wrist. The poison in Lin Zaozao's body had been completely cleared out, and her snoring now was just a habitual problem. It should be gone after a while.

Ji Fantian looked at Lin Zaozao's face that had become much thinner, with nothing but worry in his eyes.

If he had been worried about Lin Zaozao's fatness before, then now he was worried that Lin Zaozao was really too thin.

Or rather, she was a little too thin now.

How did she become so skinny in such a short time? Her originally round chin was now sharp and pointed.

Her baby face that used to be the size of a palm had become pitifully small.

If she kept losing weight like this, how could her body stand it? But it was impossible for a person to lose weight so quickly even when exhausted!

From his observation, Lin Zaozao now weighed no more than eighty pounds at most. Given her current height, she really was too thin.

Just as Ji Fantian was silently thinking about Lin Zaozao, Han Ye draped his cloak over her and picked her up by the waist, heading for the tidy courtyard nearby.

"Dr. Ji, come with me! I have something to discuss with you."

"Alright, Prince Han."

After Han Ye had put Lin Zaozao on the bed and thoughtfully helped her take off her shoes and wiped her face and hands, he signaled Ji Fantian, who had been standing to the side, to go outside.

"Ji Fantian, Border City now belongs to the territory of Han Country. Border City borders Han Country, so your clan of divine doctors can take root and grow slowly in Border City under the protection of Han Country."

"Prince Han, do you still allow me to follow Zaozao?"

"Zaozao! Is that her name now? Sounds nice."

Han Ye smiled faintly before turning his head back to Ji Fantian.

"Ji Fantian, I allow you to follow Zaozao on one condition."

"Please tell me the condition, Prince Han."

"I want you to swear that you and your clan of divine doctors will devote yourselves wholeheartedly to Zaozao for life, with absolutely no ulterior motives.

If your clan dares to betray Zaozao, the day of betrayal will be the day your clan is annihilated.

Ji Fantian, you have to believe me, the curse I, Han Ye, make will definitely come true."

Facing Han Ye's icy gaze, Ji Fantian knelt on one knee, raised one hand, and said loudly,

"I, Ji Fantian, the 75th generation patriarch of the clan of divine doctors, swear that if I ever dare to betray Zaozao in the future, may I and my clan be forever denied reincarnation."

"Ji Fantian, just because you dared to swear by your clan of divine doctors, I can rest assured to hand over Zaozao to you.

Remember, Zaozao is just a child who has not grown up yet. I don't expect her to amount to much in the future either. I only ask for one thing - just let her have a smooth life, and that would be best."

"Prince Han, you are still young. Why would you hand over Zaozao to me? As long as you are there to protect her, I don't think anyone in the world would dare harm her."

In response to Ji Fantian's confusion, Han Ye stretched out his hand in front of Ji Fantian and said,

"Dr. Ji, more than ten years ago, Han Xinbei and I defied the heavens to alter Zaozao's fate of dying young. When it comes to matters of life and death, how could there be no price to pay for changing it!"

Seeing the hand in front of him that was so white it was almost transparent, Ji Fantian's eyes were full of disbelief.

He had always heard that the priests of Han Country could defy the heavens and change fate, but he never imagined that this was actually true.

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