Published at 12th of June 2024 05:33:58 AM

Chapter 134

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Chapter 134

While the matter of Border City was merely a test of himself.

After Lord Han Ye had smoothly rescued him and his clan members, he would be able to determine his feelings and from then on wholeheartedly serve Lord Han Ye without reservation to well protect Lord Han Ye.

Lord Han Ye is truly too good to Lin Zaozao.

And his scheme really startled him.

At the moment of his death, he was actually able to plot the life of others. With such a scheme, it was no wonder that Canglan and Fengshuo two countries did not dare to have any improper thoughts about Han Country.Yoouur favorite novels at n/ovel/bin(.)com

Ji Fantian couldn't help but smile as he stroked Lin Zaozao's face and looked at her chubby little face now. He uncontrollably leaned down and kissed her pink lips.

"Zaozao, you've kissed me so many times, this time I kiss you back, you don't lose out. Zaozao, this is the first time I've been used by someone, but I'm extremely happy."

"Ji Fantian, what the hell are you so happy about! You can still be used by Lord Han Ye, while I'm just a bystander."

Ji Fantian turned his head and saw Xiao Taohua standing at the door with his arms folded, looking at him in disgust.

And Xiao Liuli was standing next to Xiao Taohua at this time, dressed as a woman, her eyes blankly looking at the hand he had placed on Lin Zaozao's cheek.

"Xiao Taohua, you are jealous." Ji Fantian removed his hand from Lin Zaozao's face and asked softly.

"Ji Fantian, the reason why you and Gu Shan and the others agreed to let me stay by Zaozao's side at that time was because when you went back, you thought it would definitely be a life and death situation.

So you wanted me to stay by Zaozao's side to protect her all the time, so that she could live in peace for the rest of her life in the troubled times, right!"

"Right!" Ji Fantian affirmed.

Hearing Ji Fantian's words, Xiao Taohua couldn't help laughing out loud. He glanced contemptuously at Ji Fantian, walked over to them, pulled him away from the bedside, and then sat down beside Lin Zaozao with a thud.

"Ji Fantian, people always say that the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

If Lord Han Ye is the oriole, you and Gu Shan and the other five people are the mantis, then I, this poisonous gentleman, am the cicada, right?" Xiao Taohua asked in a bad tone.

"Right, Xiao Taohua, you are the cicada. What? You don't want to be the cicada anymore?"

"Ji Fantian, damn you. I'm willing to follow Zaozao because I like her, not because you guys can keep me.

The only thing that can keep me, the Poison Gentleman, is my feelings for Zaozao, not your scheme."

"Poison Gentleman, we and Lord Han Ye were willing to be part of the plot, why would we not be willing." Our feelings for Zaozao are no less than yours."

"Che! It sounds so good now. At first, didn't you go to Border City for your clansmen?

If it wasn't for Zaozao saving you, you and your clan would have been burned to ashes by that Princess Qianyue."

Seeing that Ji Fantian remained silent, Xiao Taohua only placed his hand on Lin Zaozao's wrist.

She was just asleep and nothing serious.

Xiao Taohua looked at Lin Zaozao's suddenly fattened body, and he couldn't help sighing.

He didn't know what secrets the little fatty was carrying that made her body grow so freely!

Thinking of Ji Fantian kissing Lin Zaozao's lips just now, Xiao Taohua carefully wiped Lin Zaozao's lips.

"Xiao Taohua, don't be disgusted with me. Zaozao will be the empress of Han Country in the future. Except for the lord, she will definitely have many concubines and attendants.

And with the little fatty's degree of lewdness, do you think there will be few people around her in the future?"

Ji Fantian's words made Xiao Taohua's hand stiffen slightly. But in a moment, his expression became relaxed again.

"So what if there are more? The little fatty said that I, this peach blossom, am the most beautiful peach blossom. So no matter who will be around her in the future, I just don't believe they can be better than me."

"Then I will wait and see."

Seeing Ji Fantian leave, Xiao Taohua asked.

Seeing Lin Zaozao still pouting her lips asking for a kiss, a hint of a sneer instantly appeared at the corner of Ji Fantian's mouth.

He took out a small medicinal pellet from the small medicine pot on the table for nourishing qi and blood. He slowly put it into Lin Zaozao's pouted mouth.

The effect of this little pellet was extremely good, but it had one drawback, that it must contain a lot of huanglian, so the little pellet tasted very bitter.

So when Ji Fantian put the pellet into Lin Zaozao's mouth, Lin Zaozao, who had been too lazy to open her eyes, immediately opened her eyes with a stiff expression looking towards Ji Fantian.

“Good morning, you're awake. How are you feeling now? Does your body feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

Ji Fantian sat at the side of Lin Zaozao's bed and deliberately asked mischievously.


Lin Zaozao said one word and her doll-like face wrinkled into a ball. If she was not so weak that she could not sit up, she would have wanted to transfer the bitter taste in her mouth over to Ji Fantian's mouth.

Oh my god! So bitter! Bitter enough to kill her.

“So bitter!!!”

Hearing Lin Zaozao yell “bitter,” Ji Fantian hurriedly hugged Lin Zaozao into his arms and slowly fed her the sugar water he had prepared.

After drinking a cup of sugar water, not only did Lin Zaozao feel much more comfortable in her throat, but the bitterness in her mouth had also alleviated.

Oh my god!

Her poor life was saved.

“Ji Fantian, what medicine did you just feed me? How come it was so bitter? Look at my face now, it's almost turned into a bitter melon.”

Feeling the comfort in her throat from the sugar water, Lin Zaozao immediately complained to Ji Fantian.

“Zaozao, those were medicinal pills for invigorating qi and nourishing blood, extremely effective. For the seven days you were sleeping, other than drinking water, you were solely relying on these little pills to sustain your vital essence.”

“Invigorating qi and nourishing blood? My darling Fantian, aren't those pills meant to harm and kill? Why were they so bitter? If you encounter an opponent in the future, just directly stuff them a few of those awfully bitter pills. I guarantee that after swallowing one pill, they will surely concede defeat."

Lin Zaozao took the small medicinal bottle from Ji Fantian’s hand, her eyes full of indignant light.

Good heavens, just one small pill, where does it get such great power to be so bitter?

Lin Zaozao eyed the medicinal bottle, which still contained quite a few pills.

Since they are for invigorating qi and nourishing blood, Ji Fantian can eat them too, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Zaozao looked at the gently smiling Ji Fantian and directly stuffed a pill into his mouth.

Good stuff should be generously shared, not selfishly enjoyed alone.

After putting the pill into Ji Fantian’s mouth, Lin Zaozao looked up attentively to observe his expression, hoping to see him frowning bitterly.

Unfortunately, after taking the pill, Ji Fantian had a face full of gentle smiles, as if he had just eaten a sugar bean instead of a bitter pill.

“Zaozao, does your body feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

“No, apart from being starving, I have no other issues and am bursting with energy.”

Lin Zaozao said and then asked Ji Fantian,

“My darling Fantian, not only did you kiss me just now, but you also touched me, right?”

“Zaozao, I was helping you wipe your body, not touching you.”

“Is that so? Whether it’s wiping my body or touching me, anyway, I can’t suffer losses.”

“Then what do you want? Zaozao, you’ve been sleeping for seven days, can you even move now?”

Ji Fantian's words made Lin Zaozao's expression freeze.

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