Published at 12th of June 2024 05:33:00 AM

Chapter 164

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Chapter 164

Facing Lin Zaozao's confusion, Han Ye glanced at Uncle Zhang and Dashan standing below the steps, as well as Xiao Taohua and Ji Fantian, who had remained silent all along.

"Zhuzhu, Fengshuo Country indeed considers you as half of their own. This is because your mother, the former Female Emperor of Han Country, is actually a princess of Fengshuo Country.

Back then, in order to avoid competing with the current Female Emperor of Fengshuo, who is your aunt, for the supreme position in Fengshuo Country, she voluntarily gave up her claim and came to Han Country, a nation that was on the verge of being forgotten.

Before your parents came to Han Country, it was impoverished, backward, and sparsely populated. At a glance, the entire Han Country was desolate.

At that time, apart from the old priest of Han Country, which is me, and the master from Han Xibei in the northwest, who tirelessly supported Han Country after the passing of the old ruler.

During that period, Han Country was so impoverished that even the bandits from the bordering foreign countries couldn't be bothered to come here and plunder.

This situation persisted until your parents arrived and gradually changed it.

Zhuzhu, your mother and father possessed astonishing governance skills. After they arrived in Han Country, in less than five years, they managed to bring Han Country, which was once a barren land, to a level comparable to the strength of Canglan and Fengshuo.

Or rather, at that time, Han Country surpassed the strength of Canglan and Fengshuo.

The rise of Han Country was welcomed by the people of Han, but how could Canglan and Fengshuo be willing to have a new nation that would share their resources?

Therefore, in the following period, Canglan and Fengshuo continually caused trouble for Han Country. The reasons for Canglan and Fengshuo to initiate wars were also varied and strange.

And their ultimate goal was to deal with your mother, who was pregnant at that time.VIssiT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).com for the best novel reading experience

We, the people of Han Country, were not afraid of the troubles created by Canglan and Fengshuo.

Your father was a true genius. When Canglan and Fengshuo once again invaded Han Country, we didn't know what method he used, but he managed to single-handedly stop the eighty thousand troops from Canglan and Fengshuo.

However, it is easy to dodge an open spear, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow. Seeing that direct confrontation wouldn't work, the Female Emperors of Canglan and Fengshuo resorted to cunning schemes.

Canglan and Fengshuo joined forces, and Canglan Country openly harassed the people along the border of Han Country. Your aunt claimed to possess something belonging to your grandmother, the former Female Emperor of Fengshuo.

Zhuzhu, your mother and her mother had always had a good relationship. So when she heard that the Female Emperor of Fengshuo had something belonging to your grandmother, she allowed the item to be brought in.

The item sent by the Female Emperor of Fengshuo was a bracelet. Your father had it thoroughly examined several times before it was handed over to your mother.

But little did they know, that bracelet posed no threat to ordinary people, but it was highly toxic to pregnant women.

Zhuzhu, the poison your mother was afflicted with at that time was the 'Incurable' poison among Ji Fantian and his associates."

As Han Ye reached this point, he took a deep breath and met Lin Zaozao's bright eyes.

"Zaozao, you already know that an incurable poison cannot be cured. At that time, your father, in order to save your mother's life, sought out the Old Priest, who was my master.

He wanted to use forbidden techniques to exchange your mother's life for his own. However, your mother was already pregnant at the time, and the forbidden technique of exchanging lives could only be used for one person. And your father..."

"He chose to exchange my mother's life, didn't he?" Lin Zaozao affirmed.

"That's right. Your father was willing to sacrifice his own life to save your mother's. As for you, there was no other choice but to be abandoned.

But Zhuzhu, your parents loved you. If there was a way, they would never have given up on you." Han Ye explained anxiously.

After listening to Han Ye's words, Lin Zaozao smiled indifferently. If such a thing happened to her, involving an unborn child and her loved one...

She thought that everyone would choose their loved one. After all, what good is having a child if there is no loved one?

Could he wait for his loved one to die and spend every day reminiscing about them with the child?

Even if Lin Zaozao were blind, she would still recognize the two people in the photo—her own parents.

Lin Zaozao picked up the photo and looked at her parents who were joyfully posing with scissors hands. She felt that if they were in front of her, she would definitely take a bite out of them.

Suppressing her frustration, Lin Zaozao took out the photo from inside the box, along with an instant camera and a folded piece of paper.

Checking the instant camera, she realized it was broken. It was a useless piece of junk to have here!

So, Lin Zaozao focused on the only piece of paper that contained information. When she opened it, she saw her mother's hastily written note in pinyin.

Lin Zaozao squinted and read it. It was her mother's "farewell letter" written in a sloppy handwriting!

As Lin Zaozao looked at this "farewell letter," she felt like swallowing it in one breath.

After reading the small pinyin characters on it, Lin Zaozao's face contorted with anger.

"Darling daughter, when you see the beautiful photo of your parents, you must have grown up and returned to that extraordinary place where you can marry several husbands."

Indeed, your father and I were on a trip, and when we took the photo, we accidentally traveled to that extraordinary place.

I, in my new identity of the fifth princess of Fengshuo Country, the current empress of Fengshuo Country, became my sixth sister, who has a mind as muddled as excrement. She's a nauseating person who makes one want to vomit all the time. In order to prevent her from seducing your handsome and imposing father, I had no choice but to bring him to the impoverished and backward Han Country.

By the way, Zaozao, your father, due to his cross-dressing, was sold to the Male Wind Pavilion after he fainted from the time travel and became one of its male courtesans.

Because of your father's new identity, when I found him, he was being forced to sing a small tune. Because of this, I laughed at him for three days and three nights!


Hold on tight! Although your mother managed to cure an incurable poison, the poison transferred to your body instead.

The incurable poison, we couldn't cure it. The old priest said that although it was called an incurable poison, it was more like a curse created to take lives.

We couldn't break that curse.

In a helpless situation, we had no choice but to entrust your body to General Zhang Qianlou with the help of the old priest when you were two years old.

And with the assistance of a mysterious power, we had to go back to our own time.

(Most importantly, your father was afraid that I would be unfaithful, so he found a male lover for himself.)

Because I underwent soul transmigration, and you were the little "oil bottle" we gave birth to in that era. So when we left, we could only take your soul with us and not your body.

There was no other way, so we had to follow the guidance of Han Ye and Han Xibei, the two freaks with memories of two lifetimes. They used forbidden techniques in our era to create a temporary body for you, in which we could nurture your soul and take care of you as you grew up.

Only after you come of age will we allow your soul to return to that place where you can marry many husbands.

My, my, my, when I saw this letter, how many men have you slept with by now? Sleep with as many as you want, it's only fair for your mother's eighteen years of hard teaching.

As for men! You must have a thick face and a flirtatious gaze. Otherwise, this mother worries that you'll have a foolish appearance and won't be able to find a partner.

Your mother is truly afraid that you'll be like me, too devoted to emotions, and only love your father your whole life.

Where you are now, a woman can marry many men. In order for you to adapt to that life after time travel, I've tried my best to mold your character into that of a seductive woman!

I'm just afraid that after you time travel, you'll be like a fool, insisting on a lifelong monogamous relationship. By then, you'll only harm yourself and others, and won't be able to enjoy a "sexually" fulfilling life.

Because after you time travel, you will definitely inherit the position of Empress of the Han Country, so in your daily life, your mother has always subtly taught you the ways of an emperor.

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