Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:35 AM

Chapter 176

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Chapter 176

"Dashan, let's go back now and see how my little darling Ruo Qiu is doing."

"Please, Miss."

Upon hearing Dashan's polite words, Lin Zaozao involuntarily stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at him.

"Dashan, if there are outsiders present, as the Empress of the Han Kingdom, you can be a little more courteous to me. If there are no outsiders around, I don't want to maintain the demeanor of the Han Empire's Empress in private. Dashan, you are my relative, and in private, you can be more casual with me, without constantly saying 'please' to me."

"I understand, Miss."

Seeing that Dashan was unmoved, Lin Zaozao sighed helplessly.

Oh well, let's take it slow!

Dashan was raised by Uncle Zhang, and from childhood, Uncle Zhang taught him to respect her, the young Miss.

Since they returned to the Han Kingdom, using honorifics had become almost instinctual for Dashan.

"Dashan, where is Ruo Qiu now?"

"Miss, Master Ruo Qiu is still in your sleeping quarters."

"Alright, let's go back quickly. I don't want Ruo Qiu to wake up and not see his wife, causing lovesickness!"

After speaking, Lin Zaozao lifted her heavy skirt and, without a trace of the Empress, hurriedly ran towards her sleeping quarters.

Being an Empress, always adorned with jewels, was like a peddler. And this court dress, not to mention its weight, was also incredibly complicated to put on.

If she weren't representing the face of the Han Empire right now, she would really like to take off the heavy court dress and just walk around in her undergarments.

Wearing this kind of court dress was truly about appearances and lacked substance.

Honestly, it was so uncomfortable to wear.

When Lin Zaozao, panting, arrived at the entrance of her quarters, she heard a low conversation inside.

"My delicate and soft little husbands, your wife, who is as beautiful as a heavenly fairy, and whom everyone loves, has returned after finishing her work in the fields!!!"

Upon hearing Lin Zaozao's excited voice, the conversation in the room immediately stopped.

When Lin Zaozao jumped into the room, dragging her skirt, she saw her several husbands sitting face to face, talking seriously.

And Ruo Qiu, at this moment, wearing a comfortable white silk robe, lazily leaned against the couch.

"Ruo Qiu, my precious darling, you woke up so quickly. I'm sorry! I was too rough with you just now.

My sweetheart Ruo Qiu, are you tired? Do you want this great immortal to give you a massage? Don't worry, this great immortal's massage skills are quite good."

After speaking, Lin Zaozao pounced directly on Ruo Qiu, touching his body up and down.

Oh my goodness! Ruo Qiu, with peach blossoms adorning his face, looks so good to touch!

If she didn't take the opportunity to touch him properly, she would really regret it!

After being stunned for a moment by Lin Zaozao's greedy and impatient behavior, Ruo Qiu reached out and tightly embraced Lin Zaozao in his arms.

He thought that when he was force-fed poison, he might never see Zaozao again.

But he didn't expect that when he opened his eyes again, he would see his beloved girl and even go through the formalities of marriage with her.

At this moment, seeing the lively appearance of his little girl, the stone that had been weighing on Ruo Qiu's heart finally disappeared.

Whether his parents loved him or not, it no longer mattered.

Family members destined for discord, whether he abandoned them or not, it made no difference.

After all, he finally had someone who was willing to love him sincerely.

Although the girl before him was a little flirtatious.

"Fan Tian, my dear, you can't be so cruel to your wife! We only have the name of husband and wife, but we haven't consummated our marriage yet! If you disable me, you'll be a young widower."

"Lin Zaozao, shut up."

As soon as Fan Tian's voice fell, Lin Zaozao immediately felt her body regain mobility.

She stood up from Xiao Taohua and walked over to Fan Tian. With a mischievous smile, she directly hugged him in her arms.

"Zaozao, I'm a grown man. It's not good for you to hold me like this!"

"Why not? I'm holding my own husband, not someone else's. What's wrong with that?"

Lin Zaozao sat down on a chair, firmly locking Fan Tian in her embrace. Her hands, however, mischievously roamed over Fan Tian's body.

"Zaozao, we have important matters to discuss with you. Can you put Fan Tian down, please?" Ruo Qiu said helplessly.


Reluctantly releasing Fan Tian, Lin Zaozao, in front of Ruo Qiu, Fan Tian, and the others, began to undress from her heavy and elaborate court attire.

Damn it, these clothes are really weighing her down.

If she wore these clothes every day, she would definitely develop muscles.

Seriously, why do these clothes have to be adorned with so many gemstones?

Every time she wore court attire, she couldn't help but want to pluck off those colorful gemstones.

Seeing Lin Zaozao casually undressing, her companions blushed immediately.

"Zaozao, it's still early. What are you planning to do?"

Xiao Taohua stuttered.

"I'm not planning to do anything! This court attire is just too heavy, it's suffocating me. Ruo Qiu, do me a favor and remove the court crown from my head. It's weighing me down. If I wear it any longer, I'll be crushed like a turtle."


As Lin Zaozao complained, Ruo Qiu and the others couldn't help but laugh softly and breathe a sigh of relief.

They had really misunderstood earlier.

When they saw Lin Zaozao's earlier rascally appearance, they thought she was undressing to...

Once Lin Zaozao took off her heavy court attire, she instantly felt much more comfortable.

These clothes are only good for looking nice and being expensive. They serve no other purpose.

Well, they can be used for showing off, actually.

Whenever she put on this morning gown, she felt her style quickly rising as she looked at herself in the mirror.

They say clothes make the man, and this statement couldn't be more true.

Lin Zaozao stretched lazily and turned to look at Xiao Taohua.

"By the way, Xiao Taohua, what were you about to say just now? It's still early! Are you suggesting we go to the bridal chamber together?"

"Zaozao, I really didn't expect you to become so playful! Hahaha... But I like it!"

Listening to Lin Zaozao's teasing laughter, Xiao Taohua's face turned red with anger. But considering the important matter he was about to discuss, he had to swallow the words he was about to say.

If they kept fooling around like this with Lin Zaozao, they wouldn't be able to talk about anything important.

"Zaozao, I have a gift for you," Ruo Qiu said, looking at Lin Zaozao with a calm voice.

"But didn't I just receive a gift from you? What other gift do you want to give me?"

"I didn't give you any gift just now!" Ruo Qiu said, puzzled.

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