Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:15 AM

Chapter 187

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Chapter 187

"By the way, Uncle Zhang, where did you arrange the 100,000 soldiers we captured?"

"For now, they are temporarily detained in the military camp. As for how to deal with them, we'll leave that to you, Miss."

"Uncle Zhang, have you had them cleaned up? And is the battlefield still disgustingly smelly?"

Listening to Lin Zaozao's playful voice, Uncle Zhang couldn't help but smile.

Thank goodness for his high internal strength that allows him to hold his breath for a long time. Otherwise, the stench from the 100,000 enemy soldiers outside the city would have made him faint.

When he sent people to clean up the battlefield, there were actually some who fainted because it was too smelly.

Even the two female generals from Canglan Country, Qian Ye and Qian Yu, actually fainted straight away because the air was too foul, or perhaps they were too embarrassed because of diarrhea.

Although their martial arts skills were strong, their psychological endurance was weak.

At least compared to Demon Lord Gu Shan or Miss's other husbands, their psychological endurance was really not worth mentioning.

Of course, they are now living in Lan City.

Lan City has already become hell on earth...

If Miss doesn't go to Lan City soon, it will truly become a ghost town.

If it wasn't for the explicit instructions from Han Ye, Uncle Zhang wouldn't have known that the Empress of Canglan went to such extremes for Miss.

Suppressing the surging emotions in his eyes, Uncle Zhang turned his head and looked at Lin Zaozao's doll-like face, quickly breaking into a smile.

Hmm! His Miss is still the best.

She's beautiful, well-behaved, and sensible. Such a good girl, and he's the one who raised her.

Ha! The more he looks at her, the more satisfied he becomes!

Meeting Lin Zaozao's puzzled gaze, Uncle Zhang took out a paper-wrapped package from his waist pouch and handed it to her.

"Little Miss, this is a sweet cake I personally made. It's still warm, you can have some first.

As for the 100,000 enemy soldiers you mentioned, I have already ordered my men to send them in batches to the downstream of the Ring River for them to clean themselves.

However, before cleaning, I had them take a medicinal powder made by the Divine Physician Clan. It made them weak, and they wouldn't dare to cause trouble casually.

But, Miss, the downstream of the Ring River belongs to both Canglan and Fengshuo countries.

Miss, think about it yourself, how would you like to wash 100,000 pants filled with excrement there? The river water flows downstream, passing through both Canglan and Fengshuo countries.

Miss, just imagine the smell..."

Meeting Uncle Zhang's teasing gaze, Lin Zaozao raised an eyebrow and couldn't help but "hehe" laugh.

As for this smell!

She'll enjoy the good fortune herself, and if there's any stench, she should be the one to smell it together with those two old women from Canglan and Fengshuo!

"Uncle Zhang, what about the two female generals from Canglan? Did you separate them from the men?"

"They have been separated. I had Nan Yin accompany them for individual cleaning. After all, they are female generals who defend their homes and country. They deserve some dignity, and I naturally wouldn't neglect them."

"That's good. Regardless of whether we are in a hostile relationship, they are not only girls but also generals who defend their homes and country. They should be treated with dignity."

Lin Zaozao took Uncle Zhang's hand and walked a few steps forward. As she walked, she pondered how to arrange this army of 100,000 in a reasonable manner.

One hundred thousand people, they couldn't be killed.

But simply keeping them alive wasn't feasible either. With a hundred thousand mouths to feed, they could consume quite a lot of food in a day.

Lin Zaozao wasn't willing to provide meals for those hundred thousand prisoners. After all, when you added it all up, feeding those prisoners meant using the silver of Han Country.

Moreover, keeping them in Han Country for an extended period could lead to trouble.


Han Ye's voice instantly snapped Lin Zaozao out of her reverie.

Oh! Her parents and younger brother were not by her side. They were all at home, while she sat here as the Empress of Han Country.

Suppressing the indifference in her heart, Lin Zaozao straightened her chest, cleared her throat, and then sat upright on her imperial throne.

"Esteemed ministers, regarding the one hundred thousand captives we captured today, do any of you have any good suggestions for dealing with them more effectively?"

Just as Lin Zaozao finished speaking, the civil and military officials in the grand hall began a lively discussion.

Some suggested directly killing the one hundred thousand soldiers to establish the prestige of Han Country, while others proposed using the captives to demand a ransom from the neighboring countries of Canglan and Fengshuo.

There were even some generals who suggested sending the captives to the frontier bordering Frontier Country and having them attack the frontier. After all, it wouldn't harm Han Country regardless of who died.

In short, there were countless proposed methods for handling the situation.

Lin Zaozao couldn't say that their methods were wrong, after all, the civil and military officials represented different positions.

At least the idea of sending the one hundred thousand captives to attack the frontier, Lin Zaozao thought it was quite good.

But thinking about what the system had said, that she couldn't cause too much bloodshed, she forcefully suppressed that idea.

In battles between armies, people died in swaths.

When the discussion was almost done, Lin Zaozao explained in detail the idea she had thought of on her way here.

"What do you all think? If we do this, not only can we develop our Han Country better, but in the end, we can also demand a ransom from Canglan and Fengshuo."

One very important point is to have the 100,000 soldiers from the countries of Canglan and Fengshuo build dams, repair roads, and fortify walls for us, which would directly insult the royal families of Canglan and Fengshuo.

"What do you all think of my proposal?" Lin Zaozao's words made everyone in the grand hall burst into laughter.

His Majesty's idea is truly a win-win situation!

Such an advantage is not something we can always seize!

"Judging from your expressions, it seems that you agree with my idea," Lin Zaozao asked excitedly.

"Your Majesty, your plan is so good that we can't disagree. However, among those 100,000 soldiers, there are hundreds of female soldiers. Your Majesty, how should we handle those female soldiers?"

"Female soldiers, huh?"

Lin Zaozao narrowed his eyes, thinking of the two female generals who looked delicate but had enough strength to kill Lu Zhishen with a single punch on the city wall.

It would be great if we could recruit those two powerful female generals to Han Country!

Not only are they beautiful, but their martial arts skills are also formidable. It would be such a waste not to keep those excellent genes in Han Country.

Most importantly, just like Canglan and Fengshuo, Han Country also suffers from a shortage of women.

"Everyone, do you have any ideas on how to make those female generals or female soldiers willingly stay in our Han Country? They are so good-looking and talented.

The most important thing is that Han Country lacks women. If we can keep them in Han Country, it would be beneficial for us without any harm."

"Your Majesty, we have considered what you said. However, the female soldiers who can accompany the army are all daughters of generals.

If we want them to willingly stay in Han Country, it is basically an impossible task."

Listening to the words of the officials below, Lin Zaozao couldn't help but sigh.

After all, girls! It feels inappropriate to assign them to do laborious work. But if we send them back, Lin Zaozao would feel reluctant.

After all, in this world, women are more precious than gold!

Most importantly, Lin Zaozao quite likes those two female generals, despite their current antagonistic relationship.

Who wouldn't like a beautiful and skilled girl?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!