Published at 12th of June 2024 05:31:15 AM

Chapter 217

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Chapter 217

Steadying her turbulent emotions, Lin Zaozao walked up to the children and gently touched their faces.

"I don't know if your parents are still alive, but every child should be cherished by their parents.

Since you don't have parents now, starting from today, you will be my precious ones, Lin Zaozao's darlings!

From left to right, you will be called Da Bao, Er Bao, Sanbao, Si Bao, Wu Bao, and Liu Bao. All of you are my precious babies.Thee source of this content no/v/(el)bi((n))

How about it? Do you like the names I've given you? If you like them, nod your heads; if you don't, shake your heads."

In response to Lin Zaozao, the six children remained with vacant expressions.

"Never mind, take your time! One day, you will answer my questions."

With a sigh, Lin Zaozao took the children by the hand and walked outside.

Suddenly, there were six additional children in the group, and they couldn't easily interact with others. For everyone's safety, these six children had to ride in a separate carriage.

However, when Dashan had arranged the carriages, Da Bao, Er Bao, Sanbao, Si Bao, Wu Bao, and Liu Bao huddled together, unwilling to get near the carriages.

Seeing their fearful expressions, Lin Zaozao had no choice but to lift each of them onto the carriages.

"Sit properly. This deity is going to the Lan City of Canglan Country to save my little husband.

If any of you dare to move around and delay my journey, I will personally give each of you a meal of stir-fried bamboo shoots with meat, even if it means spanking your bottoms. Understood?"

As soon as Lin Zaozao finished speaking, the six children, who had been fidgeting inside the carriages, immediately quieted down and stayed motionless in the corner.

"Good, be obedient! If you behave, when we pass by the town later, I will have someone buy you some candy to eat. Sweet candy will make your mood better."

After speaking, Lin Zaozao let down the carriage curtains and turned to walk towards Zhao Cai.

Because she was worried about the safety of Ye Yi, Murong Hai, and Gu Shan, Lin Zaozao urged the horses and hurried towards Lan City in Canglan Country during the rest of the journey.

After spending a few days together, Lin Zaozao gradually became familiar with the six children.

After continuously alleviating their pains and illnesses during these few days, at least now these six children could respond to Lin Zaozao.

Once, after putting candies bought for them into their mouths, these six children, after tasting the sweetness, would pester Lin Zaozao during their rest time, asking her for more candy.

Seeing the children becoming visibly livelier, Lin Zaozao tried her best to satisfy their requests.

After all, it was just a few pieces of candy! As long as it didn't harm their teeth, Lin Zaozao was willing to give these children something sweet.

After all, they had endured so much hardship. Now, it was their turn to enjoy something sweet.

The only downside to the six lively darlings was that they were extremely grateful.

Once, to repay Lin Zaozao for giving them candy, they even went into the woods and caught a few brightly colored venomous snakes to serve as breakfast for Lin Zaozao.

When Lin Zaozao woke up, she saw several brightly colored dead snakes on her blanket.

She never wanted to experience that nauseating feeling of her three souls and seven spirits drifting away again.

Just like now, Lin Zaozao was resting under a tree with Uncle Zhang and Dashan. She had just finished telling Uncle Zhang about their arrival at the border of Canglan Country tomorrow and what they needed to be cautious about.

Then she saw six little brats dressed in red approaching her. Each of them was holding a dark, wriggling object in their hands. Remembering the dead snakes they had given her before, Lin Zaozao immediately hid behind Dashan, using him as a shield.

Well, after all the pain she had endured lately, transferring their illnesses for them, her six precious little ones wouldn't harm anyone when interacting with others.

But all those things are in the past, and I couldn't participate in the first half of his life. However, I want him to accompany me for the second half of his life.

I have two other husbands in Canglan Country. One is a great general who defends the nation, and the other is the third prince.

Judging from their statuses, they are indeed quite noble. However, the lives they're living now are even worse off than ordinary commoners.

My darlings, I still have four husbands in Han Country. Although they are men, they willingly embraced fatherhood and agreed to bear my children, willing to become fathers for my sake.

Perhaps it won't take ten months, and my children will be born. What this great immortal hopes for now is to do everything in her power to create a peaceful and prosperous era for them after they are born.

Let there be no one in this world using children to create some kind of little poisonous beings, and let there be no Purgatory Valley that drives people to the point of eating human flesh.

My darlings, I will definitely strive hard, very hard, to become a qualified Empress."

After Lin Zaozao finished her rambling, she realized that the six children leaning against her had already fallen asleep.

She turned her head and saw Zhao Cai and Jin Bao quietly watching over the children leaning against her.

For some reason, Zhao Cai and Jin Bao were extremely fond of these six children. Whenever they had the chance, they liked to be with them.

And these six children, apart from sticking to her, loved Zhao Cai and Jin Bao the most.

"Zhao Cai, Jin Bao, call a few people and let's take the darlings back together."

After hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Zhao Cai and Jin Bao turned around and headed towards the military camp. Lin Zaozao glanced at the children leaning against her and couldn't help but feel a complex mix of emotions.

Ever since the cold night, Ruoqiu, Jifan Tian, and Xiaotao became pregnant, she felt a certain closeness to the children.

The reason she was willing to keep these six children by her side was not only because of their golden-blue eyes, which resembled her two younger brothers, Lin Wuwu and Lin Wanwan.

More importantly, it was the inexplicable maternal love that had emerged in her heart!

Lin Zaozao, at the young age of less than twenty, was about to become the mother of several children.

As a mother, she also needed to mature.

Outside the Lan City of Canglan Country, separated by a protective bridge, soldiers from the Han Country and Canglan Country stood facing each other.

On the back of Zhao Cai, Lin Zaozao immediately spotted a familiar figure on the opposite side, riding on a horse.

It hadn't been long, but how did he become so thin!

Pale complexion, a body as fragile as a piece of paper. The oversized robe billowed in the strong wind.

The glimpse of a wrist revealed from the sleeve was pale and thin.

At first glance, it seemed like the person inside the robe would fly away with the robe!

"Ye Yi! Ye Yi!"

Lin Zaozao looked at Ye Yi, who got off his horse and slowly walked towards her. She pursed her lips, unable to hold back her tears any longer.

Although she had received information from a spy that Ye Yi had been locked in his father's Feixu Palace by the Female Emperor of Canglan Country, she never imagined that Ye Yi's life would be so harsh. The current Ye Yi was so thin that he could be described as skin and bones.

That once handsome and spirited man now looked completely unrecognizable due to his thinness.

Lin Zaozao jumped off Zhao Cai's back and quickly ran towards Ye Yi.

When Lin Zaozao's hands grasped Ye Yi's arms, all she felt was bones.

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