Published at 12th of June 2024 05:30:12 AM

Chapter 249

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Chapter 249

Little Xibei was seen walking over to a thick and sturdy willow tree, feeling the coarse bark with his hand.

The next second, something unexpected happened.

Little Xibei rolled up his sleeves, braced the sturdy willow tree with both hands, slightly spread his legs apart, and threw his weight into his lower back.

In an instant, the massive willow tree was uprooted by Little Xibei and tossed aside.

Witnessing Little Xibei's bold feat, Lin Zaozao's jaw nearly dropped in astonishment.

Who would have thought the slim Little Xibei possessed such immense strength!

The scene of him uprooting the tree evoked the image of Lin Daiyu pulling up the drooping willow branches.

Brushing off Zhao Cai's large head from her waist, Lin Zaozao stood up from the ground and walked towards Little Xibei.

Looking at the large hole in the ground, Lin Zaozao turned back with a puzzled gaze, met by Little Xibei's equally perplexed expression.

What was Little Xibei trying to do by uprooting that willow tree?

"Little Xibei, why did you pull up that tree?"

"No reason. I just remembered Han Ye told me the entrance to the secret passage was under the sturdiest willow tree in this grove. How could there not be one here?"

"The entrance to the secret passage?"

Lin Zaozao pointed at the large hole in the ground, which didn't even have a crevice, let alone resemble the entrance to a secret passage.

"Little Xibei, are you sure you didn't get it wrong?"

"I shouldn't be mistaken! Han Ye told me the entrance was beneath the thickest willow tree in this grove. He instructed me to remove any obstructions, and the opening would appear.

Earlier, while carrying you, I circled this grove, and this seemed to be the sturdiest willow tree. But why isn't the entrance here?"

Hearing Little Xibei's mumbling, Dashan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

He scoffed at Little Xibei, then walked towards another part of the grove.

When he reached a pile of boulders, Dashan brushed aside the vines covering them, revealing tree bark underneath.

Spotting the bark, Dashan shot a disdainful look at the dumbfounded Little Xibei, then struck the boulders with his palm, sending them flying.

As the dust settled, a thick tree trunk was revealed. At its base was a hole just big enough for one person to crawl through.

"Han Ye was indeed correct. Little Xibei, you're simply incapable of discerning things properly.

This massive willow tree, and you failed to notice it, running off to uproot another one instead.

Truly embarrassing. I can't believe you've been the Imperial Tutor all these years without anyone exposing your inability to navigate or identify objects!"

Facing Dashan's unrestrained ridicule, Little Xibei lowered his head, looking at the hole he had dug, then at the tree hollow beneath Dashan's feet.

For a moment, he was rendered speechless.

And dumbfounded.

His earlier actions were indeed quite foolish. How had he impulsively decided to uproot a tree?

Little Xibei furtively glanced sideways, catching Lin Zaozao suppressing her laughter.

He had indeed made a fool of himself just now.

"Little Xibei!"

"Yes, Zaozao?"

"You were really impressive just now. Such a thick willow tree, and you just uprooted it like that."

"Sister, don't worry about us. We six brothers survived the toxin pools of Purgatory Valley, so we have our ways of survival.

We're more attuned to danger than others. If there's any peril in the passage, our instincts will immediately alert us to retreat.

The Imperial Tutor made the right call having us take the lead. Sister, please be extra careful once we're inside, okay?"

"Liu Bao, I'll be careful. And you all need to be just as cautious too. If you sense any danger, we turn back immediately.

The world is vast, but our lives are most precious. Understood?"

"Yes, Sister."

Liu Bao obediently responded.

Watching Liu Bao burrow into the tunnel, Lin Zaozao and Little Xibei exchanged a glance, then prepared to follow into the tunnel.

But before she could go first, Zhao Cai and Jin Bao went into the secret passage after Liu Bao.

"Zhao Cai, Jin Bao, you two shouldn't go in there. What can you do? You're just going to your deaths!"

Lin Zaozao grabbed Jin Bao's large tail, pulling it hard to drag him back out.

Jin Bao turned his head, first looking at his messy tail that Lin Zaozao had pulled.

The next second, his hind legs were like a donkey's hooves, kicking Lin Zaozao's hand off his tail with one strike.

"Idiot!" Jin Bao whimpered.

Watching Jin Bao's disappearing back, Lin Zaozao looked at the red mark on her hand, so angry her face was contorted.

Ever since she could understand what Zhao Cai and Jin Bao said, those two had been showing her less and less respect.

Words like "idiot" and "fool" were all used against her now.

"Zaozao, is your hand okay? Does it hurt?"

"Little Xibei, my hand doesn't hurt, it's just that Jin Bao's attitude towards me is really too bad."

"Well, that's because you spoiled them like that. If there's good food, you give it to them first. If there's meat in the bowl, you pick it out for Zhao Cai and Jin Bao.

Zaozao, if you want to blame someone, blame yourself! You really spoiled them too much!"

Hearing Little Xibei's teasing voice, Lin Zaozao sighed helplessly.

Forget it, no matter what Little Xibei said, Zhao Cai and Jin Bao were her little masters, she spoiled them because she wanted to!

"Zaozao, if you're okay, let's go in now!"


Little Xibei smiled at Lin Zaozao, then took her hand and headed into the secret passage.

Before going in, Little Xibei looked at Dashan with a smiling expression.

"Dashan, you walk behind Zaozao."

"Got it!"

But when Dashan tried to follow Lin Zaozao into the secret passage, he only took a few steps before his body was stuck in the narrow tunnel.

"Young master, the tunnel is too small, I can't get in."

Hearing Dashan's call for help, Lin Zaozao turned to see him blocking out all the light, unsure what to do.

"Hahaha...Dashan, don't you see your physique? Look at what Uncle Zhang has fed you into.

You alone could feed at least three regular people. With that big lump of yours, how dare you think you could follow us earlier."

Hearing Little Xibei's mocking words, Dashan's forehead throbbed with anger. But since his body was wedged too tightly in the hole, his ferocious look couldn't do any harm to Little Xibei.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!