Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:29 AM

Chapter 301

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Chapter 301

As Lin Zaozao gazed into Zhao Cai and Jin Bao's warm, gentle eyes, the two wolf cubs exchanged a glance before nodding at Lin Zaozao.Neew updates at novel/bin(.)com

Zhao Cai and Jin Bao stood up and nuzzled against Lin Zaozao's body again and again. After a while, they reluctantly retreated with the giant wolves.

Only when they had retreated to a distant wall corner did Zhao Cai and Jin Bao stop, looking pitifully at her.

"You've all been good! I'll be out in a bit."

After waving to the wolf pack, Lin Zaozao turned and walked towards the palace. When Lin Zaozao opened the palace's grand doors and turned a corner, the scene before her made her instinctively vomit.


Lin Zaozao leaned against the wall, feeling like she was about to vomit up her bile when she finally turned around, facing a blood-red scene.

Or rather, it was a hellish world made of severed limbs and shredded flesh. There was a thick layer of shredded flesh, with no space to even step.

It must have taken so many deaths to accumulate such a thick layer of flesh. But what puzzled Lin Zaozao was that although so many had died, she only smelled an intense bloody stench without a hint of the foul odor of corpses.

This was all very abnormal.

Lin Zaozao shifted her feet slightly, for beneath her feet lay a severed head with open eyes staring rigidly at her.

When Lin Zaozao's gaze met those eyes, all she felt besides nausea was boundless terror.

[System, can I leave this place? I...I'm scared.]


[System! I can't go in. Inside, it's too horrible. I'm going to die, I'm going to be scared to death!

Oh my god! This place is simply hell, I have to leave immediately.]

Lin Zaozao leaned against the wall, her legs trembling uncontrollably.

[Host, the Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country must die. If she doesn't, you'll be trapped in this city of death.

If you're afraid, I'll go in with you, okay?]

[How can you accompany me? You're just a string of code! You can't accompany me!

Oh my god, oh my god! That eyeball is watching me!

System, you damn system, I'm so scared!]

Lin Zaozao protested weakly as she clawed desperately at the wall.

[Host, turn around and look at me!]

Hearing the system's words, Lin Zaozao instinctively turned to face the source of the voice.

But when she saw the ghostly figure standing beside her, her expression instantly froze.

This is...

"Oh, oh my god! It's, it's the Balala Little Magic Fairy!"

"Host, what do you think? With me, a cosmic invincible beautiful girl by your side, you shouldn't be afraid anymore, right?"

"What use is a beautiful girl? You damn system, even if you turn into a cosmic invincible beautiful boy, you're still just a ghost, aren't you?

When there's trouble, you don't even have a body, TM*D what use are you to me?"

Lin Zaozao dug her nails deeply into the wall behind her, looking at the bloody scene before her, feeling as if her soul would be scared out of her.

Oh my god! Oh my god!

In Purgatory Valley, although horrifying, she had Gu Shan and Little Xibei to protect her.

But now, facing these shredded corpses alone, she only felt terror.

Oh my god! She wanted to cry.

"That's definitely it. My brother is the best brother in the world."

"Yes, he is the best brother."

Xi Luo smiled faintly.

"Sister, close your eyes, I'll guide you into the main hall. Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will dare harm you."


Meeting Xi Luo's gentle, arched eyes, Lin Zaozao instinctively closed her eyes.

"Sister, feel the direction of the palace, walk straight ahead. Don't worry, I'll stay with you all the way."

Listening to the gentle voice in her ear, although Lin Zaozao knew that this boy called Xi Luo was just the damn system's manifestation, when she met his golden eyes, she instinctively wanted to believe him from the bottom of her heart.

If only this Xi Luo was truly her younger brother, how wonderful that would be!

With her eyes closed, Lin Zaozao had not seen the young man standing beside her, and the gentle gaze he cast upon her.

He could finally stand openly by his elder sister's side.

After waiting for so long, his efforts were starting to bear fruit.

Reaching out his illusory hand, Xi Luo gently placed it on Lin Zaozao's hand. Just as he had been brought out of the wolf pack by his elder sister in their previous life.

His elder sister taught him how to eat, how to speak, and how to interact with others.

Until finally, he transformed from a despised wolf cub into a revered young priest.

After Xi Luo joyfully held Lin Zaozao's hand with his illusory one, when he turned his head to gaze upon the pile of shredded flesh before him once more, his golden eyes held nothing but unrestrained killing intent.

The Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country had truly outdone herself.

To block the heavenly retribution coming her way, she actually used an entire palace of people as sacrifices.

Did she not realize?

The more people she killed, the heavier the sins she committed would become.

And her end would only be more miserable.

Worse still, her fate could only be utter annihilation.

His illusory hand gripping Lin Zaozao's, Xi Luo's golden eyes flickered. The next moment, blossoms of white moonlight flowers bloomed from beneath Lin Zaozao's feet.

One moonlight flower after another formed a path.

An immaculate expanse that brought a sense of sanctity to this palace that had become a hellish realm.

With her eyes closed, Lin Zaozao tread upon the moonlight flowers, guided by Xi Luo to safely traverse the thick field of shredded flesh and advance into the palace.

After leading Lin Zaozao through the field of flesh, Xi Luo turned to gaze at the vanished white moonlight flowers before facing her and softly uttering, "Elder Sister..."

"Yes? Xi Luo, can I open my eyes now?"

"You may."

When Lin Zaozao opened her eyes, she found that they had passed through the large field of shredded flesh behind them.

She looked down at her spotless shoes in disbelief.

That pile of flesh had to be at least ten or so centimeters thick, yet she had traversed it with her shoes remaining perfectly clean.

This was simply too incredible to believe!

"Elder Sister, shall we proceed inside together?"

"Yes, let's go!"

Lin Zaozao reached out to take Xi Luo's hand, but grasped at empty air. As her hand passed through his, she remembered that this young man named Xi Luo was merely an illusory character generated by the system.

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