Published at 12th of June 2024 05:27:15 AM

Chapter 306

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Chapter 306

As Gu Shan held Lin Zaozao in his arms and walked onto the Praying Platform with Han Ye and the others, the sky had already darkened.

Everyone looked at the torches surrounding the Praying Platform and the people gathered outside. Their eyes flickered with a hint of darkness.

Especially Ruo Qiu, Ji Fantian, and Xiao Taohua, when they saw the men holding golden masks standing beside Uncle Zhang and Dashan, their eyes widened in shock.

These people were clearly the twenty-six Dark Priests from the Sacrificial Hall of Han Country.

When those twenty-six Dark Priests met the astonished gazes of Ruo Qiu and the others, they merely smiled faintly, offering no explanation.

Ji Fantian, Ruo Qiu, and Xiao Taohua exchanged glances, their hearts filled not just with shock, but utter disbelief.

They never imagined that those highly skilled Dark Priests guarding the Sacrificial Hall were the very suitors Uncle Zhang had cultivated for Lin Zaozao.Yoour favorite stories on n/o/(v)elbin(.)com

Ruo Qiu, Ji Fantian, and Xiao Taohua remembered those noblemen who often flirted shamelessly with Lin Zaozao. They never expected their other identities to be those elusive Dark Priests.

No wonder Lord Han Ye had such a peculiar expression when Uncle Zhang introduced those young masters to Lin Zaozao upon her return to Han Country!

They were already acquainted.

Yet it was understandable for those well-groomed Dark Priests. To conceal their identities, they had to put on different facades in public and in private.

Those people dressed in snow-white robes, sitting properly at the outermost edge of the Praying Platform, were the Tianshan Baichi Clan, Ye Yi's paternal clan. They had been summoned from the Tianshan Mountains by Ye Xi Princess specifically for this sacrificial rite.

At this moment, everyone except Han Ye, who wore black, had changed into white garments.

However, their white robes appeared splattered with fresh blood, though visually striking, the sight could be oppressive and breathtaking at first glance.

After the crowd settled in concentric circles around the Praying Platform, Gu Shan placed Lin Zaozao on the central sacrificial altar.

Unlike Ye Yi, Xiao Liuli, Xiao Taohua, and the others, he sat closest to Lin Zaozao's sleeping face, his gaze fixed intently upon her.

No one dared to object to Gu Shan's actions.

After all, the success of this sacrificial rite hinged greatly on his crucial role.

In his previous life, Gu Shan had been a Nightmare.

Only a Nightmare's abilities could allow one to travel back in time.

"The sacrificial rite has begun, but why are two people still missing? Where are Ye Xi and the Wizard?" asked Han Ye, Han Xibei, Lin Wuwu, and Lin Wanwan with furrowed brows as they sat around Lin Zaozao on the sacrificial platform.

"Don't worry, we're here! This isn't just a simple rain-summoning ritual; it's a true sacrificial rite. To ensure its smooth progress, we must be fully prepared."

Dressed in white, Ye Xi led a man by the hand, walking through the crowd on the Praying Platform toward Lin Zaozao.

When everyone saw the man Ye Xi was leading, their mouths twitched involuntarily.


Another shameless character.

"What are you all staring at? Haven't you seen my exquisite beauty before? It's just a shaved beard! You're all gawking like you've never seen the world before.

Yokels! Bumpkins! Ogres! Midgets!"

"Enough with the insults, Wizard. It's time to begin."

Gu Shan, holding Lin Zaozao's hand, gave the Wizard a disdainful glance.

"Tsk! Demon Lord, Nightmare, you're just envious of my otherworldly beauty. After all, few men can match my stunning looks and sturdy physique."

"We're fine."

Han Ye and Han Xibei supported each other as they slowly rose from the ground. Suddenly losing their sacrificial abilities had made their bodies truly too weak.

"Princess Ye Xi, Wizard, did you follow my instructions and make any adjustments during the sacrificial process?"

"Yes, yes, we did. The place where Zaozao has gone is an illusion we created together. I was able to make some minor adjustments.

Lord Han Ye, after Zaozao returns to the illusion of her previous life, I certainly won't let her suffer too much.

After all, I'm letting her go back to find her memories, not to relive all the suffering she endured in her previous life."

Ye Xi rolled her eyes and said bluntly.

"That's good. Aside from Gu Shan being able to return to the past and interfere with Zaozao's previous life memories, did you arrange for anyone else?"

Han Xibei stepped forward anxiously and asked Ye Xi.

"Xi Luo goes without saying, he can enter the illusion we created on his own.

As for the others' memories in the illusion, I altered all those that I could change. For those I couldn't change, well, I had no choice. After all, I'm just one person, not a god.


"However, what?"

Han Ye asked urgently.

"However, I may have altered a bit too much, and I'm afraid the wretched creature inside Zaozao might notice the discrepancies.

If that wretched creature inside Zaozao discovers the clues, I'm afraid something terrible might happen."

Ye Xi sighed.

"It's all up to us now. We've done everything we can, and the rest is left to fate.

Nevertheless, I believe in Zaozao. She will surely find a way to deal with that accursed creature."

Han Ye couldn't help but sigh.

"Han Ye, don't just stand there. You and Han Xibei are both carrying Zaozao's children. Now that you've lost your sacrificial abilities, you should rest quickly!

Otherwise, I'm afraid your bodies won't last until Zaozao returns from the illusion. If anything happens to you two, how could Zaozao accept it?"

Ye Xi approached Han Ye and Han Xibei and said with a sigh.

"Ye Xi, how can we rest peacefully when Zaozao hasn't returned from the illusion?

After all, her past has always been what we've been trying to escape. If it weren't necessary, how could we possibly make her recall those memories?"

Han Ye stroked his slightly protruding belly, his eyes filled not only with fatigue but also with uncontrollable fear.

If his dear Zaozao regained her memories in the illusion they created, would she still be willing to return and be with him?

Now, he only hoped that Zaozao would return from the painful memories of her previous life for the sake of the child in his womb.

"Lord Han Ye, Han Xibei, for your safety, I think you should come with me to Tianshan."

Your bodies have already weakened to the extreme. If we delay any further, I'm afraid you won't even last until Zaozao returns."

"Then we'll have to trouble Princess Ye Xi."

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